Sunday, January 22, 2023

Sunday Selections, Stolen

I'm joining with Elephant's Child and River for Sunday Selections with photos I have mostly filched from the internet.

I recall Wise Woman Web put this photo on her blog but it wasn't her photo. I think it is an iceberg passing by St Johns in Newfoundland, Canada, where WWW lives.

Procrastinating Donkey published this one and it amused me enough to save it to share. So nice see a post pop up from Jenny after an absence. 

Susie left Arabia and returned to the US but I really liked this Arabic watch photo.

Ok, it was cheap to stay on the top floor above Weng's Palace in New York. On West 40th street, it was a great location with Times Square and the Port Authority being close by. So hot, so humid. The air con rarely rested. We were on the top floor, no lift. Our leg muscles grew and our weight dropped off.

This is mine, a screen shot of what I saw shortly after we bought a new desktop last year. The fan had failed. I opened up the tower and found that wires had not been properly secured and had fallen and stopped the fan. I used some bread wire ties to fix the problem and sent a complaint email to the supplier. The company apologised.

Err, well. If it works for them. Fuel economy figure would be??? 

So sad to say goodbye to these folk after many years.

Drone shot of the Gay Pride Centre in St Kilda.

Was this the original Flinders Street Station or a plan? Or something else.

Is it Art Deco? A wonderful building in Hobart, Tasmania.

An empty dirty washing basket is such a brief moment of pleasure.

A rather cool sculpture.;

Once a Port Melbourne gay hotel, also called Meaghers Hotel. We went there once or twice. Now called The Palace Hotel. As Partners it for a time hosted the Lotus Night, to connect Melbourne's gay Asian community with others. We had some fun there at times but I can't remember detail.

Homoerotic photos published by taken in the US in perhaps the '50s. Great photos even if very obviously posed.


  1. That's quite the homemade RV. I suppose the ladder must be removable so one could see to drive? Nice your computer told you what to check, so you could fix it, sad though it came that way.

    1. Strayer, the ladder wouldn't block your view and more than a modern car's A pillar. Yes, I thought it was cool that the computer itself knew what was wrong.

  2. I thoroughly enjoy your eclectic selections. Forget the homoerotic labels. Those men are hot whatever your leanings. Love that watch.
    And yes, that car/home would probably require filling OFTEN.

    1. EC, yes very attractive all American males, perhaps from Poland. The watch is beautiful.

  3. Quite a fun selection to view on a Sunday morning. They are quite exquisite I might add

  4. That's a nice selection. I like the iceberg. I'd love to see one up close for real, but I know I couldn't stand the cold. Had to laugh at the converted car/caravan/house vehicle. I love the metal truck sculpture too.

    1. River, iceberg viewing there I think is done in your nice warm house.

  5. I first saw a towering caravan in Jeremy's Homemade Motorhome, invented by Jeremy Clarkson and built right upwards. I think Clarkson has been vulgar on tv (and perhaps off), but this was brilliant. All the details are at

    1. That's hilarious Hels. Yes, Clarkson is vulgar and I don't like him, but still, he is funny.

  6. I wonder what the guy in the last picture is getting out of his bag? Probably some Lego bricks. Perhaps he's going to build a little cottage for his nana and the other chap is going to help.

    1. YP, do not lie temptation at my feet with such a remark. I'll just say, he is going to share his lunch with his friend. The friend is checking about large the piece of meat is.

  7. That iceberg photo sent me on a Google quest to read about "Iceberg Alley" off the coast of Newfoundland. Wild! I like the architecture of the Gay Pride Center.

    1. Thanks Steve. I had forgotten it was called Iceberg Alley.

  8. Oh I do remember that. I couldn't find the accreditation. Great pics Andrew, love that art deco-ish building.

    1. M, you did credit it and I added his name to the file name, but then I changed the name for Sunday Selections and lost it. Some photos are just too good to not share.


Friday, kind of Funnies

What can I find on information super highway to amuse you. Sorry about the brief watermarks. I need to find a better downloader. I was looki...