Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Not a Mother visit

I spoke to Mother on the telephone this Monday evening, suggesting we will visit her tomorrow, but that was only after she explained her most recent bowel issues in explicit detail. She said, ok, if you just visit. I said c'mon, it does you good to go out for lunch.

An hour later her carer ABI Brother rang and said Mother has bowel issues, as if I didn't know, and is not up to visits. That is fine with me, postponing another hated motorway drive. 


It was pretty warm when we visited the Seaford RSL for Sunday lunch, meeting up with Ex Sis in Law, her husband and cafe latte coloured twins, who were actually quite delightful as there mother wasn't there. Gosh they are pretty. I cannot say the venue is classy but for good meals and drinks at cheap prices, it was fine. The staff were excellent. The price for desserts seemed high though, so we thought we would find somewhere for an ice cream. The Seaford area and the Frankston area were swamped by visitors and not a parking space to be found, never mind the queues at the ice cream and gelati places we did see. It ended up being McDonalds ice creams in Frankston where we did just find parking. Frankston McDonalds on Nepean Highway is the scummiest and dirtiest similar place I've ever been into. I won't return.

It too was so busy and as I stood waiting, I tried not to look at the bare topped young men standing in front of me who ended up sitting at the table next us. Gee, I once had skin smoother and as blemish free as they had. Once had. Being so close to the beach bare topped men kept coming and going from of McDonalds. I didn't know where to look, which is a lie. After a  lifetime of time of experience, I know how to look without being caught. 

I see a young male bare torso as a straight man might see young female bare torso. It is way weird that I can see something so sexually exciting but straight men can't see bare young female torsos including breasts. Well, in most countries. Mind from what I saw at McDonalds, some young women's bikini tops left so little to the imagination, it is a rather moot point to make.


A bloke at the RSL club explained to us that the lorikeet pole had fallen down and they had just put it back up and the lorikeets have returned.  Pretty cool to see. The twins were entranced. If we weren't in harsh and hot sunlight, I might have been too.

With a little knowledge, I found the way home and my good driving manner, travelling at speed limits without harsh acceleration and braking had my fuel consumption down to a record of 6 litres per 100 kilometres, around 40 mpg. There is a strange turn to do get over the Frankston train line and we passed by the Frankston Arts Centre, where for many nights in the 1990s, bored out of our brains we watched the young nieces and nephew perform for their schools on stage.

If I wasn't driving, I would have taken a snap of 40 km/h Outdoor Dining area signs placed on the main Frankston street. A speed limit needs to be explained?  Right or wrong, it was set at that for some reason. Do we need to know why by the sign?  It is a very busy place.


  1. Hot now? It is going to be 38c on the weekend :)

    1. Hels, yes apparently our language has changed and one day of a very high temperature is now considered a heat wave.

  2. Bleah on the heat. It is warmer than I like it here too. It does sound as if you had a pretty good day (despite the grotty Maccas). I think many of us have learnt the art of looking and appreciating subtly. I have.

    1. EC, yes it was a nice day. It is rare that we connect with the twins but we did this day.

  3. Speed limit of 40 is kind of stupid. Many do not follow if there are no mobile cameras. The snail drivers would do 10 anyway for the speed.

    1. Plenty of snail drivers in the area when we were there Roentare. I think 50 is probably the right limit.

  4. When I worked at a McDonald's years ago there was a "no shirt no service" policy. Maybe they've changed that policy or it's different when a McDonald's is right on the beach.

    I find it almost impossible to be attracted to a straight male in a real world setting (as opposed to seeing one on TV, in a movie, or a magazine.) Just too many are homophobic to make it worthwhile.

    1. Different country Kirk. Australia accepts such things as bare tops and bare feet in places like McDonalds, and I reckon most places. I do recall seeing signs years ago saying 'No shirt, no booze'. Seeing men bare topped in any kind of shop would be rare. Seeing men bare feet in the same, perhaps more common.

  5. We need decent ice cream parlours in Frankston. Mornington has some lovely ones but it's a bit far just for an ice cream. Chelsea has a couple from memory but parking on a day like Sunday would be appalling.
    Straight women and gay men obviously have more self control when confronted with the male form in all its gloriousness. (says she with her tongue firmly in her cheek lest I offend your readers!)

    1. Caro, yeah. It was just the wrong day to hunt for ice cream. My readers are very tolerant people and not easily offended or shocked. A blog gathers like minded people.

  6. The signs are probably named so visitors to the area can more easily find outdoor dining places for lunch or snacks. I would have loved to see the lorikeets despite the heat.

    1. River, there is a bit of history about the 40 km/h limit as cameras were installed and so many fined. It became controversial and Dining Area was added to the speed limit signs. Load of nonsense. I was fun to see the lorikeets.

  7. Maccas ice creams are called ‘pensioners treats’ ……not many places you can get a soft serve plus flake for so little. The only place we buy them is in Bowen where the premises are kept spotless.
    As Hels said - it’s going to be a warm 30 plus week. A little reprieve on Sunday then back up again. It’s the summer we thought we weren’t going to get when the rains tumbled down for months on end.

    1. As usual Cathy, I have the detail wrong. We had sundaes. Mine was strawberry. It was ok. I told R it was a new and interesting experience, and he replied, you tosser, you've had many strawberry sundaes before. I think he is right, but it was a while ago.

      We just have to accept that our seasons have changed and summer arrives later now.

  8. I think there's too much distracting road signage but what do I know? If I had to rely on passing trade - or 'just off the main road' trade, I would think differently, no doubt. We have beautiful birds here, but nothing as bright and eye-catching as your bird life.

    1. Jabblog, I don't really remember bird life Britain aside from pigeons and ravens at the The Tower. Even electronic advertising is allowed here roadside and overhead. That's bad.

  9. I also "know how to look without being caught," but I expect that's true of almost any adult! The lorikeets are really flocking to that pole.

    1. Steve, no matter how careful and clever we think are being able to observe without being caught, it is the people watching you watching someone else that's a problem. Less so now as everyone is engrossed in the phone screen.


A visit to northside

Melbourne is divided by the river Yarra. People who live on the north side of the river, the hipster types, the young artistic types, and th...