Sunday, March 23, 2025

Sunday Selections

Updates: Kosov is fine, but now seems to have a cold, and is complaining of a sore arm, the one where he was injected. He was given a prescription for antibiotics, the very old but I am sure effective, Amoxicillin. 

Me, the antibiotics worked and my arm is fine and my finger is is improving. A layer of skin flaked off, so the new skin is pink but will soon look normal.

On with the show of Sunday Selections, joining in with River and others. 

Photos from last year first. I took this photo of the back of the tv before it was disconnected for the painting and carpeting. It was no help at all. Phyllis moved in the day after the work was done and I made a temporary tv connection, but it was two weeks before I asked Phyllis for help to get the wires all plugged into the Fetch Box, the DVD player and the sound system (it is no kind of sound system by modern standards). There were many redundant wires, which we marked with tape and sorted it out. I was so pleased to have something back to normal, but there was still much to do.  

These are before photos. The carpet doesn't look so bad but it had gathered in a couple of places, was badly oil stained at the desk where the desk chair had leaked fluid, and not great where it met the kitchen floor tiles. It was blue, although it doesn't look like that in the photo, which looked so old fashioned. 

Yes, the furniture is old fashioned, but we had vaguely looked and we could never see anything that would work as well. 

I think this was at Moreland Station, an honour public library. 

At the top is now where the train runs and the train platform. 

Sometimes I buy flowers, sometimes Phyllis and Kosov buy flowers. 

Brunch before last, I took neighbour HH to Acorn Nursery to buy a plant for my balcony. I liked this water feature sculpture. 

The Lego train set is growing. 

I didn't do anything for Valentine's Day, but this was nice from Phyllis and Kosov. 

Young people's stuffs. 

The Royce Hotel almost opposite me was once a Rolls Royce dealership. I remember seeing petrol bowsers on the edge of the footpath in front of the building. The building was subsequently used by the Australian Army and then became a hotel with a bar and I expect a restaurant. The rear was extended and elevated to a higher level for more rooms. 

Substantial renovations during Covid times saw it looking very upmarket, which I personally found threatening. We occasionally had a drink or coffee there but it is now too intimidating. I would guess this car might be used to pick up extra special guests from the airport or wherever. Wouldn't it be so nice...


  1. Glad the antibiotics are working.
    I like the glimpses into your apartment. Those views!
    The furniture is fine. No need to change it just because of current trends....says Mrs Conservative... 😁

    1. JayCee. I expect your furniture is high quality and expected to last. Mine isn't, but truly there is so much storage space in the furniture, and we could never find anything similar.

    2. "So much storage space" for what? You've just emptied away half your kitchen.....😂

    3. River, it is now fuller than it's ever been. I could open a spice shop.

  2. moving furniture around make the room new. I need to go to a nursery soon. Have a healthy plant that needs help.

    1. this is thecontemplativecat here. At the nursery, I am looking to buy a lilac bush that is suited for our hot hot summer weather.

    2. Anon, how it is now set up is the only way it works, although the carpet layers turned the dining table around, and I liked it and wonder why we never did that ourselves.

    3. CC, I have a lilac in times past, and they are lovely when they bloom. It can get very hot here, but as long as they are watered, they seem fine.

  3. The furniture might be a bit old fashioned. But as long as it is super comfortable and you can enjoy the great view, life is going well.

    1. Yes Hels, the view never bores me, even after 22 years.

  4. Glad you two are on the mend. I enjoyed your newsy post very much. I need to remember to buy myself flowers more often, the grocery store ones are perfectly nice but I forget to grab some. My living room furniture is out of style I'm sure but well made and I still like it.

    1. Deb, I never know if readers find it boring to read about personal stuff or not, so thanks.

  5. I have missed your posts and am sorry to read that you and Kosov have been in the wars. Continue recovery.
    Love that water feature.

    1. Thanks EC. I am chuffed that you have returned.

  6. Glad that you are well. Buying flowers is something I haven't thought of doing for a long time.

    1. Roentare, it is nicer if they are bought for you.

  7. It would be so nice, but only a couple of times. All the time would become humdrum. The old carpet does look grey, I find it annoying when colours don't transfer properly from real life to photos. I've forgotten what the new one looks like. I'm not a fan of carpet, with my asthma, it's just a huge dust catcher in my opinion. I like your sofas.
    Where do you put the flowers if all three of you arrive home with a bunch? Do you have more vases? I love the little library, very creative.

    1. River, I like a break from flowers, if that is what you are referring to. Guess what? The new carpet is actually grey. I understand about carpet v floorboards or a hard covering. We both went back and forth about have the living area changed to floorboards, but for me, we made the right decision.
      We consult on flowers. I think I have about ten vases.

  8. Wow your apartment is looking great. Love the views. Sorry to hear about your wounds. Hope they continue to heal.

    1. Thanks Diane. New carpet and repainting was not to impress anyone as no one would much notice. It was about us, and marked walls, and especially the the once white eggshell painted skirting boards and architraves etc, that had turned an ivory colour.

  9. I love that water feature; it would be very soothing to sit beside. You've had a busy couple of days. Your living room area is lovely and spacious, and has so much light - very attractive. Whoever wrote that card has nice handwriting!

    1. Jenny, it made a soft water sound. Very nice. One of my scribes wrote the card, Kosov I think. I told Phyllis to tone down the flourishes when he writes a card on my behalf. They both write beautifully, and they are a credit to whatever school they went to in Chennai.

  10. You would need a pile of hay in your living room before I would notice it was old-fashioned.

  11. All looks good. Your furniture is ok, nothing wrong with it.
    Like the water feature and your flowers and it's lovely to have flowers inside in my opinion. At least you have a nice vase. I once took a neighbour who had returned from hospital a bunch of flowers, she said, 'I don't have a vase to put them in' and handed them back to me.

    1. Margaret, oh dear about the returned flowers. That sounds...ungrateful? I have plenty of vases but they don't all work well for flowers.

  12. My first thought was how on earth do you manage in such a small kitchen area…..then I noticed how tidy you are😊
    As for furniture - like clothing… quality and it will never date…..also comfort beats style any day. Looks like you read the book

    1. Cathy, it looks smaller in the photo, and I find it quite good to work in. It is better still now because with the new French door fridge, you can have the dishwasher open at the same time. Yes, everything here has been refined over 22 years for comfort and practicality.

  13. Looks very comfortable, and that is what a home should be.

  14. It's lovely to see the innards of someone else's home. It all looks very comfortable and inviting.
    Your Valentine card is so sweet - what nice young men they are.
    Glad to hear you're all on the mend now.

    1. JB, it was nice of them. I couldn't think of the same for them while keeping it proper and not soppy.

  15. You know, your home looks just as I envisioned it, sleek and stylish, very modern. Imagine how jarring it was to hear you refer to it as 'old fashioned'! All I can say is that your idea of old fashioned and my idea of old fashioned are two different fashions all together!

  16. Your place looks great Andrew, very neat looking.

    1. Only neat Strayer because I insist on it. The pair would have stuff everywhere.

  17. I need to catch up reading! ~nods~ Best wishes on you all having good health in future. ~hugs~ As I mentioned, I have a huge background liking cars. A favorite has always been the 1930's era Phantom series. I couldn't do ownership justice, but we have lots of local car shows if I ever remember to attend. lol Take care, my dear.

    1. Darla, you almost have caught up reading, here at least. The 30s was a great decade for stylish cars.

  18. I'm glad that Kosov feels okay other than his cold.
    Your place looks so large and spacious, Andrew.

    1. Pat, rather too big for one person, but by accommodating overseas students, the space is being utilised.


Oh what a doll

Phyllis' parents sent this with Phyllis as a gift to me when he returned from his visit to Chennai late last year. I've spoken to Ca...