Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sunday Selections

I'm joining with River and others for Sunday Selections. These photos were mostly taken in St Kilda early last year. 

The Esplanade Sunday craft market is a shadow of its former self, but still an interesting stroll. The upper road, with traffic, trams and buses used to be know as the Upper Esplanade and the busy road below, the Lower Esplanade. Now the upper is just the Esplanade and the lower, Jacka Boulevard. Last Monday Mural photo was taken on Jacka Boulevard. The clock tower is rather nice and tells the correct time after not doing so for years, apparently due to a rat infestation. 

Looking over the distant wretched redevelopment of what was the St Kilda Sea Baths.

The wall was where last Monday's mural was painted and is a great attraction for graffiti artists.

The suburb of Williamstown can be seen across the bay, with a public housing tower dominating. 

I thought the new St Kilda pier had been finished and open. Clearly not, but it is now. I gave serious thought to visiting it a couple of days ago, but my will to live relaxed greatly.

This area sees few visitors.

Photo embiggened, this granite thing is rather interesting but I've no idea what it is about. I couldn't see a plaque.

On my old blog I published a photo of a lone piper performing in front of the yacht club, I think for a funeral. 

Looking towards Catani Gardens. 

This one is clear, a war memorial to those who fought and lost their lives in WWII.

I don't know why this photo was sitting with the others, as it was taken in England. No matter. Not a bad idea. 

P&O, Princess Cruises, now a new name I've forgotten. All the same. The company seems to be in a battle with our state government over port fees, with all visits cancelled. 


  1. I quite liked St Kilda when we visited, about 20 years ago now. Thank you for sharing the photos.

  2. Yacht club facade is a classic.

  3. thecontemplativecat here. Great photos. It saddens me to hear "what used to be here".

  4. The Sali Cleve drinking fountain has the granite column and sailing ship on top. It was only gifted to StKilda 30 something years ago.

  5. Here's a link for information about the Sali Cleve drinking fountain:

  6. I greatly enjoy your photos, both home and abroad. Be well, my dear.

  7. Beautiful photos with so much greenery. I have a vague memory of sea baths but don't remember where and it might have been the St Kilda ones, I don't think Adelaide ever had any and my memory predates my school days.
    I remember a Princess Liner (whatever Princess it was, Margaret?) was the one that brought the first wave of covid to Australia and then a few years later another from the Princess Line brought either another wave or something different, so I decided right then I would never take a cruise and certainly not on a Princess. Since then I've decided definitely no cruises, I can't cope with that many people day in-day out for however long. A ferry ride is enough for me or a paddle steamer along the Murray.

  8. So much green! So much blue! You live in a beautiful place.

  9. I suppose the Port wants too higher fee for those ships etc.
    Good selection and nice to see all those lovely photos.

  10. Looks like a lot of beautiful weather where you are at the moment.

  11. I hope you return and show us the new pier. Blue skies always add to the attraction of a place.

  12. Thanks for the glimpse into your town. Lots of places around the world are pushing back against cruise ships, or raising docking fees.

  13. I wonder what the rats were doing in the clock tower - emulating the mouse that ran up the clock, perhaps?

  14. Looks like a scenic area. Re. the knife bin -- I've seen those in several places around London.

  15. That 4th photo down, it looks so peaceful and inviting.

  16. Beautiful scenes and blue sky sun. Nice to escape the 47 mess for some peace! Aloha Andrew


Monday Mural

You have to seriously embiggen this to see the names of the areas in my state of Victoria that were known to indigenous people. Large town n...