Saturday, January 4, 2025

The algorithm

No, Face Book algorithm, I do not want to join the Gay Illinoi Farmers group and the guy in the teaser photo does not appeal to me. But where in Illinois does he live? Contact? Do you know him Kirk?

Face Book is not just for Boomers. 

Ray left a stack of his English family's photos in my smart leather 1978 valise and over the past few weeks, I've scanned hundreds of them, that is all of them. There is anything between three and six photos in each scan, depending on the photo size, with 122 scans. The photos were sent to Ray with letters from his Mam in the 1970s,1980s and 1990s. 

I've set up a private Face Book group and invited something like 25 of Ray's family to join and view the photos, some 55 years old. 

I have a history of showing or sending people history and it has generally been a fail. No matter, I will continue to do what I do to preserve history. 


  1. Well done on preserving history. After my mother died we discovered a lot of photos squirreled away - and had less than no idea who most of them were (or are). Which is a shame.

    1. EC, a lot of my family's history will die with me, mostly learnt from my mother. None of family is particularly interested, and my sister has some very old photos and I know who some of the people are but no one else will.

  2. I would love to have access to my family photos from the 1950s and 60s but Mum took them all with her when she left in 1974. A FB page with them all available to view would be wonderful.

    1. JayCee, left? To have them accessible as I am doing would be great.

  3. It is not my intention to rekindle connections with my kin, for they are wont to appear solely with the purpose of seeking further financial aid.

    1. Roentare, your family don't exactly live in a poor country.

  4. They always have muscles..the reality?
    Family history and history in general is important, but many people only accept history published on social media which is generally written to accomodate their own view, often biased by their politics in order to influence others to believe it is true

    1. Anon, yes the reality.
      I suppose we are all guilty of finding what suits our views. Aside from blogging, I don't spend much time on other social media, and I certainly don't read anything political.

  5. Preserving history is so important, more often than not for the next generation but one. My kids are fascinated by their grandparents' history. We heard all about it growing up!

    1. Merlot, I am pleased yours are interested in family history. I just don't understand why none of my family are.

  6. I think that it is very important to preserve that history, Andrew. My sister and I made up a DVD of family pictures and family history after my parents died, and we presented them to our kids and to all the nieces and nephews. We put them in a Christmas tin, along with a Christmas ornament from their tree and a rooted piece of Christmas cactus that originally belonged to my great grandmother, was passed to my grandmother, went to my mother, and now it sets on my table. I am not sure what the grands all thought of it, but it was important to my sister and to me.

    1. Hopefully Anon, someone will be interested in the future. I like what you and your sister did.

    2. I know that my nephew takes a picture of his Christmas cactus every year.

    3. Debby, maybe the cactus photos will become family folklore.

  7. I have albums of photos from the 50s and 60s with me and my siblings and some of the siblings after they left with mum, most are black and white, a few in colour. I will leave them all to my youngest and maybe one day he will show them to the twins and say these are your ancestors.

    1. River, the best thing Ray's mother did was write names and dates on the back of the photos before she sent them. It can be an overwhelming task if you have a lot of photos, but so worthwhile.

  8. Yes, I seem to be the family historian!

    1. Same here Jackie, and so much knowledge will die with me.

  9. You've done a good thing. I hope they enjoy it!

    1. Kylie, I've had some very positive comments, including 'Oh my god, look at my hair'.

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks ME. It took time, but time is a luxury I have.

  11. I hope Ray is looking down on you, preserving history in family photos. You are leaving a great legacy.

    1. Hels, I believe I am leaving something. I have about 25 years worth of my own printed photos and while I grouped and numbered them in albums, I never finished the project with an index.

  12. Well done on this I keep promising I will do it but the interest doesn't seem to be there.

    1. I think Ray's family is interested WWW. Mine, not at all in our huge collection of family photos.

  13. I live in Ohio, not Illinois, but thanks for the shout out. According to my stats, a bunch of people are now checking my blog out.

    I had a great uncle who died and he left behind a trove of pictures of people of whom we had no idea of who they were. Since my uncle was pretty much the last in his line, we had no one to ask. I think the photos ended up getting thrown out.

    1. Kirk, close enough, and I did know. That is sad about your uncle's photos. If only someone had taken some time to help him identify the people.

  14. You're doing a good thing, Andrew Family history is important and too often we don't appreciate it until it's almost too late I hope all our archived photographs will be appreciated by our family
    My full stop key is not working, for some odd reason No doubt, it will come back in its own good time!

    1. JB, I do have to tell myself that not everyone is as interested as some of us, and there is no blame if they aren't. Your windows will be closed against the cold, so your full stop can't have blown out the window. Maybe give the place a dusting and you will find it.

  15. Farmers didn't look like that when I was growing up. I have a secondary blog with scanned family photos. I scanned all of my father's slides and sent them on DVD and jumpdrive to my siblings.

    1. TP, they did not at all, and as for a farmer being gay? Nah. Didn't happen. It is up them and their offspring to decide what to do with family photos.

  16. Good for you for sharing the photos. You never know who might want and value them. I would not have guessed that guy is a farmer! LOL

    1. Steve, they seem to be appreciating them. I think he would be capable of milking.


Friday Funnies

Which one, I can't recall but I know I nicked one from Bob who nicked it from someone else.