Sunday, December 1, 2024

Sunday Selections

Elephant's Child, River and others participate in Sunday Selections. Here is my Sunday effort. 

Talk about from birth to the grave. This might come close. I thought it was so sweet. Imagine meeting the love of your life at the age

My arranged cupboards are but a distant memory. I can no longer find anything. This one is not so bad.

Why is my Vegemite now pushed to the back of the cupboard? Where is my honey? My peanut butter? At least the labelled canisters have been respected, but the cupboard is now chaotic, with all sorts of exotic spices. 

No real change here.

This horrible corner cupboard was kind of well arranged. We knew where things were. Even after an attempt with Phyllis to make it organised, it is a disaster. Right at the back is an electric beater and an electric knife. 

To be fair, this other corner cupboard was never good, but it is whole lot worse now.

Oh yes, I have stashed these of Ray's history to look at down the track. As JayCee said, I am very busy being a retired person. 

I pointed out these Airstream buses out to Kosov in the way to town last week. Nephew and his wife stayed in one once. Maybe I should? 

A modern building off William Street I think, with rather a nice stained leadlight window.

Can you please tell me the location of this gorgeous road, and then how to use AI?


  1. Lots of our cupboards are chaotic. Being able to shut the doors is a BIG plus.
    Meeting the love of your life so early is a fascinating thought.
    I love, love, love the perspective and the trees in that final shot.

    1. Lol EC. Like my sisters cupboards. The last photo is a very nice creation.

  2. Chaos drives me crazy but corner cupboards are even worse. When we redid our kitchen four years ago, we put in drawers instead of cupboards and wow, what an improvement.
    The road, also wow and sadly created in a computer.

    1. Pixie, one niece has lots of large drawers in her kitchen and they are good. Don't forget it is men who design kitchens.

  3. To create AI imagery you could start with Microsoft Bing Image Creator. Just type in the image you wish to create but no sex stuff Andrew! If you write "Banana riding on an elephant through the streets of Melbourne in the style of Van Gogh" then that is what you will get. In fact you will get endless versions of this image.

    1. No sex stuff, YP? I can't be bothered learning then. I can ask you to create images for me if I need them.

  4. Vegemite and Jam is kept in the fridge in our house

    1. Jam I understand, but vegemite?

    2. J, my partner used to keep jam in the fridge but I don't want cold jam on my toast, nor cold Vegemite. Jam can at times get some mould on it but if it isn't too bad, I scoop it off and use the jam.

  5. Corner cupboards are a challenge. Ours has a revolving two tier wire tray affair in it where I keep all my tinned stuff. I just give it a spin when I want my beans.
    PS I can absolutely understand why the vegemite is pushed to the back of the cupboard. Vile stuff!

    1. JayCee, we did look at those revolving wire trays but it seemed we would lose so much cupboard space. I kind of wish we had done it now. Anyway, I will ensure what I use it readily accessible and the fit young men can find what they need. Your Vegemite joke is hilarious.

  6. The airstream buses look so incredible. I never visited that one

    1. Roentare, in the very short Market Street in the city. They are best seen from a tram because you are higher.

  7. No other person on the planet can put stuff away in cupboards and drawers in the same way as you do. Thus you have two choices: you can put things away yourself and have total control (my preference) or you can share the work with others and tolerate their silly preferences.

    1. Hels, I will do both. What I need will be where I want and what they do is up to them.

  8. I had lazy Susan shelves installed in the deep, useless corner cabinet. Much better. Vegemite wouldn't make it onto my shelves, really.

    1. Boud, what it is it? Pile on a Australian day if they like Vegemite. Yes, lazy Susan shelves would be good, even if you do lose cupboard space.

  9. The Swedish shop has excellent solutions to awkward kitchen nooks and crannies.

    1. Oh Merlot, please don't make me do the walk. There used to be shortcut maps, I wonder if they are still available.

    2. They are and it's half the fun ducking through doors to nowhere!

  10. I have one corner cupboard I never open as it's so deep I'd have to crouch, bring a torch, enter it and look around, stupid effing design. Grade 7 would make them 13-14 yo when they met, but a sweet story.

    1. WWW, I did think about it later and realised my sums were wrong but they do look younger than you suggest, 10 plus. Yes, you describe me when I am hunting for something in the corner cupboards.

  11. Age seven? That is amazing! Cupboards need constant attention don't they?

    1. Deb, not really. I think ten years old or more. Cupboards do need constant attention. There is always one that needs 'doing'.

  12. Bravo to you for not ossifying into the perfect order. You have opened yourself to some life and disorder and I think it's great. Very enjoyable post. I've always admired airstreams. But after 20 years living aboard our boat here in Waikiki, I've had enough of small spaces! A two-bedroom apartment feels incredibly luxurious after living in a water closet with a chance of drowning. Thank you, Andrew Aloha

    1. Cloudia, I never knew you lived on a boat. I used to think it would be nice but after watching YouTube videos of people living in canal boats in England, the space does seem tight.

  13. I can quite clearly see your vegemite at the front of that cupboard and unless I'm mistaken the peanut butter (red lid) is right behind? Good luck finding your honey though. Your "disaster" cupboard is the same style and position as the one I use as my pantry. Reasonable well organised at the front, with empty spaces in the back corner where I can't reach.
    The two lovebirds in the first picture are so lucky to have found each other so early.

    1. Sorry River. I didn't mention I took the photos before Phyllis moved in. When I get around to it, they will be back there in that position. Yes, empty spaces at the back would be helpful but there is too much in them to have empty spaces.
      Yes, meeting the love of your life at such an age must be very rare.

  14. I argued against a corner cabinet, but since our kitchen space has a corner, Tim could see no other way to work it without wasting the space. So. I have a corner cupboard, which I promise to hate with every fiber of my being.

    Meeting your husband at age 7? What a lovely story.

    That last photo? That's surely AI, right? All I know is that I'm so suspicious that if anything looks too perfect, I assume that it is a fake.

    1. Debby, maybe like others, have a lazy Susan installed by.....well, yes. They might have been a bit older than that. My mistake. It seems like a faked photo to me.

  15. I see the vegemite to the right of that cupboard, Andrew. Corner cupboards are a pain and we try not to put everyday usage thing in the corners, if we do want something out comes the torch and grabber and off we go and grab what we want.
    Love those two love birds - now that's a long time.

    1. Margaret, it was when I took the photo but now moves around. Yes, our corner cupboards were arranged similar to yours. Not now though. Yes, the love birds are so sweet.

  16. You can't give Phyllis and co their own cupboards because they haven't got enough stuff. What it amounts to is they just put stuff back anywhere. Reclaim your cupboards and put your foot down they are to stay as you ordered them ;)

    1. Thelma, I will put my foot down with a firm hand. I don't need much from the cupboards, but what I need should be nearby and easy to find. Btw, are you ever called Thel or Thelly as my mother was?

    2. No. Podge when I was a baby. Was your mother called Thelma?, not to keen on my name but I think I was named after a famous film star of the time.

    3. Yes, her name was Thelma. While she didn't join, there was a Thelma club here, along with a Shirley club.

  17. The only way to keep cupboards tidy is to have them half empty . . . or even, empty! Neat and tidy and absolutely no use!

    1. Advice noted JB and that would suit me well.

  18. That first one is lovely and made me tear up.
    Corner cupboards are the black holes of kitchens.

    1. Bob, that's a good description of corner cupboards.

  19. For my sweet husband, if you can't see it, it does not exist, he has to rearrange things so he can find anything.

  20. I love the first one! Though, to be picky, 8th grade is more like 13 years old, not seven.

    Your cupboards don't look so bad to me, but then, I'm not used to your "system" like you are! You should definitely talk to Phyllis and Kosov about better organization.

    1. Steve, yes, older than I suggested. Those photos were the before shots. Sorry, I did not make that clear.

  21. I hate having to hunt for things in my own cupboards. Seems like you will have to have a discussion with the guys, Andrew.

  22. My corner bottom cupboard is for the never to be used or seen again items. Ai can be some fun with generating photos. I can generate an Ai screen saver picture now, of anything I can imagine, thank you Windows. So I do. Why not.

    1. I should make an effort with AI, Strayer. I should...

  23. I'm always fascinated by architecture. And a romantic tale never fails to make me happy. :D In 2012 we had our kitchen renovated and now there our cupboards I can barely reach plus I keep moving things around so we lose track. lol The best thing done was to have revolving (lazy susan) shelves installed in the corner cabinets. I should research how that weird name came from. Heh... Blessings, my dear.

    1. Darla, yes the lazy Susans work very well. I struggle with reaching our top cupboards.


Why wasn't I told!

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