Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Domestic drudgery

You may remember Phyllis did not like the idea of me buying a new induction hotplate. He is experienced with that hotplate and much prefers cooking with gas. Fine, I won't, but you Phyllis will have to clean the gas hotplate. 

Yes, the lads wipe it down clean at times. But what you need to do is after cooking anything that might have spilt on the burners or especially splattered by fat, is to clean it off, and not leave it there when you next cook and it becomes baked on.

Yes, Andrewww (the lads have taken to stringing our my name, verbally and in writing). But they get so excited with cooking and eating, they forget everything else.  

I found it easier to clean the aluminium rings surrounding the hotplate burner myself, rather than lecture Phyllis or Kosov on the easiest way to do so. Ok, I've only done it twice in the few months Phyllis has been here. 

I soak them in hot soapy water for half an hour or so, then scrub them with soapy steel wool pads. Nothing works better than the steel wool pads. They are also good for cleaning pots when they have some food burnt onto them. 

They could be either brand, and I don't have a preference. 

But the pads are disappearing from our supermarkets. I've tried two of our major supermarkets to no avail. There are lots of sponge pads with an abrasive top, but they just don't do the job as well. I have one soap pad left, and then what will I do?

The supermarket websites still advertise them, but I can't find them. The first person who mentions 'first world problem' will get a slap.

There is some excitement happening in the highrise on Thursday. I will report on Friday.  


  1. Looking forward to reading about your excitement.
    We mostly shop in Woollies and at the moment with the (I suspect perfectly justified) warehouse strike they are short of many things. And a big yes to steel wool pads. Old but gold.

    1. Woolworths are looking very empty now, EC. As you say, perfectly justified. Supermarkets are just getting further and further on the nose.

  2. You lead an exciting life, Andrew. Busy social life and outings.

    1. Not sure about that JB. I struggle to keep up at times.

  3. I also use soapy steel wool pads. (Our brand name here is Brillo). I've used them for decades but now I have a ceramic hob and non stick air fryer which won't take too kindly to a vigorous scrub with an abrasive chunk of metal fibres.
    Can't wait for Thursday. I like a bit of excitement.

    1. JayCee, Ray used to call them Brillo pads, even though I don't remember them being sold here.

  4. Try a builder's supply store for steel wool. It will probably be in with the painting supplies. You will have to manage the soap on your own.

    Will Jay

    1. Of course Will Jay. I had forgotten that. I had some once....I wonder if there is some in a crate....Thanks.

  5. This is a first world problem Andrew! Now try slapping me cobber. I am 10,511 miles away as the emu flies. You will never reach me.

    1. Are you sure you are far away YP? Remember I was only a few kilometres from you last year.

  6. Replies
    1. Roentare, perhaps that because we are good at domestic duties. How about you?

  7. Induction hot plates are better for the environment . Gas is fossil fuel and Victoria has an aversion to gas production . Most induction hot plates are far superior to gas unless you are perhaps in commercial cooking . Why not just use Jif rather than scratchy pads?

    1. Anon, I think I would prefer induction cooking. To me its a no brainer but using a wok is the only issue for me. I do use Jiff often, but it won't do the job of steel wool.

  8. I have never known two young men who love cooking so much. I need a couple in my house, or not always here, perhaps I shall see about borrowing. We're all getting excited about Thursday for you.

    1. Deb, I fear I've overegged what is happening tomorrow. Yes, they are both so passionate about cooking and can spend hours making one dish.

  9. We call them S.O.S. pads and I have been trying to buy some for a while. You are right about the plastic spongy ones not working as well. Use your remaining steel ones judiciously, Andrew.

    1. Pat, I've one pad left!! If I can't find any soon, I will try online buying.

  10. Ah yes, we have Brillo pads.....increasingly hard to get. I'm thinking with all the non stick cookware etc they are going out of favour, for cleaning like you describe they can't be beaten but I have an aversion to the feel of them 😀
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Alison, you are probably right about them being out of favour. They can do bad things to your fingers and thumbs so it is best to wear gloves.

  11. It's never a dull moment with you three!

    1. For sure Bob, even if there is only two of us at the moment.

  12. I shall see if there are any in the supermarkets in the sticks. You have us all on tenterhooks about Thursday, you cheeky lad.

    1. Oh dear Merlot. I really have oversold what is happening Thursday, but both I and Kosov are excited about it.

  13. I bought Jex when it was the only one available and I hate them. They feel rough on the fingers. I prefer the cheap generic ones that used to be available in Coles and Woolies, but I'll by the soapy steelo pads in the yellow box, can't remember the name if they're available. Try amazondotcomdotau
    I prefer gas for cooking and if I ever get a chance to have a house with a gas stove I'll move faster than you can say where to?

    1. River, they were once so plentiful. Two brand names and as you say, home brand as well. I will look online if I can't find any. The induction cooking gives an instant response, like gas. I don't like old style electric hobs.

  14. I love those pads too. SOS is the best brand of them to get, but Walmart has them $1 for ten, and that's hard to beat. They clean anything, including the shower stall.

    1. Strayer, I can never get over how cheap some things are for you.

  15. I still use soap pads. Right now I have Brillo because the store was out of SOS, which I prefer because it's slightly bigger.

    1. Kirk, its interesting that you can get the, what I thought, English soap pads.

  16. Have you tried on line? that's usually my last resort and get a lifetime supply. How your life has changed in such a short time Andrew!!!

    1. WWW, it will be my last resort. I hope I don't need to. My life has changed drastically, mostly in good ways aside from the obvious bad part. I don't want time to think and become sad.

  17. If you cannot get the soap pads, I would suggest going to a home improvement store. They sell steel wool for wood finishing. Granted, they are not soapy, but with a squirt of dishsoap, they might do the job for you. Ooooh. A surprise at the highrise! I can hardly wait to see.

    1. Debby, you are quite right and I will as a very last resort. Thursday is not such a big thing....although we are excited about it.

  18. You brought back memories of the old saucepans we used to have, long gone now. I used to use those soap steel wool pads and would shine those saucepans until you could see your face in them. Nothing else will do the trick so I do hope you will find some..what about the green building, would they have them..just a thought.
    Thought turn to searching and yes, they do sell them so their website says.
    Looking forward to the excitement coming in the next post.

    1. Margaret, yes I remember shining pots. I still have the same four saucepans we bought in the mid 1980s. My goodness have they had some use and gone through the dishwasher every time they were used. The handles have deteriorated but are still ok. Yes, the big green shed for steel wool, but that will be a very last resort. I'm sure I can find them online.

  19. Amazon?
    Gas was not an option for us here, the induction cooktop took a little getting used to, but we love it, and it cleans so easy.

    1. TP, I may have to resort to Amazon but I will try more places yet.

  20. You can get steel wool at a hardware store too and add your own detergent.

    1. Thanks Pixie. I had forgotten this. I used to have some.

  21. Can't wait to see all the excitement you're going to report on Friday. That's curious about these steel pads.. have a good day Andrew Aloha

    1. Oh Cloudia, it is not that exciting....well it is for me.

  22. I use Brillo pads and also love them for jobs like this, and I grew up using SOS, which are basically the same thing. Let's hope your shortage is temporary!


I should have stayed home x 2

Yesterday, which was Sunday as I type on Monday, Kosov had a job interview in the suburb of Tullamarine. It would take about one and a half ...