Friday, December 20, 2024

An argument sorted too late

Ray: Where is the jar that was in the glove box that contained money for parking meters?

Me: I don't know.

Ray: Why do you have to answer so defensively?

Me: I've learnt to. You sounded like you were accusing me of doing something wrong.

Ray: I did not. Anyway, what have you done with the jar.

(At some point during lockdown, all parking meters became either pay by card or using a phone app.)

Me: I have a vague memory we did do something with the parking money when we bought this car. 

Ray: What?

Me: If I could remember, I would tell you. You clearly can't remember either. 

Ray: You always have to have the last smartarse answer.

Ain't love grand? There was always an underlying issue when he spoke like that. It was curious where the money jar and its contents went, and all too late, a few months ago the matter was resolved, but too late for Ray to know. What's this pocket thing here, I wondered. Voila! And I've only been reminded again that the pocket is there when I came across the photo. Did I leave the coins there? I will check the next time I am in the car, probably not until Christmas Eve, if I remember. 

It is very dark down there, and you can't see what is on the buttons without the car running or the lights on, and so the buttons illuminated. I know what all the buttons do, excepting the top far right button. 


  1. Oh those arguments. We have and have had them too. And some are never resolved...

    1. EC, perhaps they are not meant to be resolved.

  2. Doesn't every couple have those silly, irritating exchanges? Ruffled feathers and hurt feelings and none of it intended.

    1. JB, in my case I think at times there was an intention to hurt feelings.

  3. We have had 42 years of such conversations. Married life, hey?

    1. JayCee, and you do miss it when it's not there.

  4. The top far right button causes the car to self-destruct in ninety seconds. If you accidentally press it, you need to get the hell out of there.

    1. Like for those times that you pull up to a metered space and do not have any coins for the meter.

      Will Jay

    2. That sounds rather James Bond, YP.

    3. Will, that is how it was, but not anymore.

  5. Replies
    1. Oh yes, Roentare. Little is straightforward.

  6. Parking meters ,,, We don’t use money anymore for parking. City meters have been automated and Central Market carpark we have a card that we swipe.
    However the trivial where is question in our house we call boy moments. My sons questions were always “Mum where is….” I

    1. Where are you? I often wonder if teenage boys are better or worse than teenage girls.

  7. Have you not pressed that button? I am disappointed in you, Andrew.

    1. Merlot, I have and I knew what is for, but I've forgotten. I think it is to turn off exterior approximating beeping.

  8. Merry Christmas Andrew.
    I have been enjoying your blog - quite informative. Well done.
    Having a sabbatacial until the New Year.
    Lets hope it will be better BUT with the 20th January approaching at the rate of Florida hurricanes I'm dreading it - fancy
    the eminent Dr. Fauci who kept the world informed of the Covid progress in easy medical terms - he is on the "get list"!!!!!
    Utter madness - I would think if you visited Arlington War Cemetry
    between Dusk and Dawn - the ghosts of JFK< Jacqui, Robert
    and Ethel would be wandering around in tears at the madness of
    that mad - Robert Kennedy Junior - his cousin the present US Ambassador here must be pulling her hair out in despair.
    Best wishes

    1. Thanks Colin. That Dr Fauci, the decent and honest man with much medical experience and guided the country through the pandemic is on the hit list, is outrageous. He was a reliable information person.

  9. I have had this chat with Carlos for twenty-four years!

    1. Bob, you are making me feeling better about my relationship.

  10. If I ask my spouse a question, he always answers "no" then gives the proper positive answer :( No I don't ask any open ended questions :(

  11. One time long ago. Hubby ask me an question, which I didn't know the answer to. So he got all pissy. And then my come back was. What the fuck do you want me to lie to you.

  12. I'm familiar with that type of argument. Had one tonight with Grandgirl where she knew she was on the right screen for the movie. I've learned to back away and the fun part is I am always right as they are my devices. LOL

    1. WWW, you are old and don't understand technology, as young people think.

  13. I think the pocket thing is where they used to put the ashtray on older cars.

    1. Kirk, no, not on a right hand drive. The ashtray was always in the middle.

  14. The pocket thing is for putting things in and getting into an argument later about where they are. Its a cunning design feature.

  15. You should push that far right top button and find out! Keep Kosov nearby in case it is something that locks you in the car and you can't get out.

    1. River, could it be an electric forcefield? It may throw Kosov to the ground.

  16. Oh my, don't we all have those.
    Use my phone app for parking if needed.

    1. Rather rarely in your town, I think Margaret.

    2. Don't go to town often, only if I have to.

  17. We’re cheapskates and don’t go anywhere near parking meters. In and out of big shopping centres in the allowed time as well.
    I left a note on the blog about where you could find that book online - free. Don’t know if you saw it or not

    1. It is a while since I've paid for parking, usually at the beach front. Thanks for the link.

  18. On my first Accord, that was a place to keep change for meters and toll roads. I left about $5 in change in there when I traded the car. The trade was unexpected and done in about 15 minutes one morning while the oil was being changed. They made me such a deal!

    1. TP, and the honest person tracked you down to return your coins. No?

  19. Silly arguments? The language of love? Ah yes. This morning, Tim: So what is the weather supposed to be Christmas morning? Me: Raining, as far as I know. Tim: Well, we'd better get the freezer into the front hall (we bought a freezer as a Christmas gift for my daughter and her SO. Her father went in halves on it. He is coming between the New Year and Christmas holiday to see them. Tim and I talked and agreed the nice thing would be to let him give it to them, so that he could see their excitement. We are storing it at the rehab. For whatever reason, my husband decided we should bring it to our house and stick it in our front hall. Completely kerflummoxed, I asked why. He said, well, they can at least see it on Christmas day. I said, "But, it is being delivered to them when her father gets here." I am serious when I say that this has been discussed at least twice, once when the decision was made to go in halves on it and again when the delivery for the freezer came early and we had to make a decision of where to store it. He got very angry because "I never told him that."

    1. Debby, men can be so frustrating. Put it down to Tim has so much on his mind while you live a carefree lifte.

  20. Ah, yes, also familiar with those types of "discussions". Like WWW I am usually right.

    1. Jackie, I am so rarely wrong that if I am, I readily admit it.

  21. There are so many buttons in my car that I don't touch! ;-)

  22. I have no idea all the little symbols and their meanings anymore. They're everywhere, but not necessarily consistent brand to brand, city to city. I just press them each, one at a time, for kicks, to see what happens or doesn't happen, and quickly forget what did.

    1. Strayer, don't update your car. The more they cost, the worse the buttons and alarms.


Friday, kind of Funnies

What can I find on information super highway to amuse you. Sorry about the brief watermarks. I need to find a better downloader. I was looki...