Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Just another Tuesday Pt 2

I had an excellent night's sleep and I feel much more energetic this morning. After brunch, Ex Sis in Law went off to the hospital for her test and I visited a new masseur, very near home. He was good!

Not much happened in the afternoon until I received a call from the hospital saying Ex Sis in Law was ready to be escorted home, so I caught two trams to St Vincents to collect her. Once home we sat and had a drink and watched some tv news then went across the road where the restaurant has cheap steaks on Tuesday night. Quite nice and neither of us could finish our meals. 

She left immediately after dinner to return home and meanwhile WWIII had broken out at home, with two grown up boys careening around the apartment and attempting to hide while shooting at each other with foam bullets. Yours truly was caught in the crossfire once. Phyllis had bought the guns for Kosov for his birthday and we had a little celebration Sunday night.

Ray would have been furious that I didn't iron the tableclotth.

The cake was very small as Kosov is not a cake eater. Nor does he drink coffee, tea and rarely alcohol. 

He was very appreciative of the effort that went into his birthday. I chipped in half for the guns and cake.

I suppose this will sit at the door until the balloons go flat. 

The damage to the blind was caused by me a few years ago when I fainted after standing up too quickly from the arm chair. However, the side alignment was a result of the earlier WWIII. It just needed straightening. 


  1. The creases in the table cloth tell me it was folded neatly so viva la fold marks!
    A Nerf gun fight and cake sounds a lot of fun

    1. It was a laugh Kylie, and how they make me laugh.

  2. thecontemplativecat here. Nerf battles are the best, esp. when played against skilled opponents.

    1. CC, there was another battle tonight and skills are developing. The novelty will soon wear off.

  3. Who won WWIII? Do we need to know? Your home sounds so lively and fun with the additions.

    1. Strayer, I don't know who won. Phyllis shrieked a lot, so maybe Kosov. It is very lively with both of them here now. Kosov is staying rent free, so a job list will be posted next week.

  4. Sounds like a great time was had by everyone. I am sure you were glad when the children were in bed!

    1. Merlot, that is where they are not children. I don't know what time they went to bed because I was sound asleep but they didn't rise until 11 this morning.

  5. I'm glad you have those young men to keep you company. I love shooting those guns, my grandson and I have gun battles all the time. That cake looks very good.

    1. Ah yes Pixie, I should have known you knew all about shoot 'em up devices and other similar things.

  6. Replies
    1. Kirk, the company of youth has been good for me.

  7. Looks like fun, and few fold wrinkles are just fine!

    1. Bob, I bet you wouldn't say the same about the fold wrinkles on my neck.

  8. I love that you can pulled right into the hijinks. I think it is good for you!

    1. Debby, without exaggeration, they have changed my life, for the better.

  9. Big smiles, and I love that you joined in the fun. Fold marks are NOT the same as wrinkles. Or so my ironing averse self thinks.

    1. Ah EC. I am not sure if I am comforted by that or not, when I view other fold marks and wrinkles.

  10. Ha Ha WW111. I love that you allowed the guns and foam bullets fun. The cake looks pretty. I'd leave the balloons there too, they add some brightness. I don't even bother with a tablecloth these days.

    1. River, I just thought I'd make an obvious effort for his birthday, and I had bought him a nice card.

  11. I wouldn't have worried too much about the unironed table cloth, but I would be seriously annoyed about the guns.

    1. Hels, I was worried about the guns. Will they mark my newly painted walls? No. The foam bullets only fire about seven metres. No damage to anything.

  12. Good of you to join in the fun. Those boys must think they have the best landlord ever.

    1. Fun60, they should very much thing that, but I also think I struck it very lucky to have them.

  13. You are regressing in age! Those boys are keeping you young.

    1. JayCee, I haven't bought tickets to the Dua Lipa performances here next year, but I never realised how diverse the musical tastes are of young people. They actually like my music, of the seventies and eighties. Thankfully they are not enamoured by hardcore rap.

  14. That was a lovely celebration and great fun. Nerf guns have been around for a long time.

    1. They have JB, but become more sophisticated than I remember.

  15. Oh my. Andrew...what fun your house has become with the two boys there...guess you never dreamed of how it is of late.😎 It''s go with the flow.

    1. It certainly has Margaret. You are right, I never thought how about how this would happen.

  16. What a fun party Andrew. Hope you are feeling better

    1. Thanks Sami. I am fine. I am always fine. Yep, always fine, I think.

  17. Replies
    1. The way the play around at times TP, it feels like it.

  18. That sounds like a really fun time, just what we all need a bit more of - some relaxing silliness 😍
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Alison, it is all good fun, playing out right when I am watching the tv news. I am not going to spoil their fun by telling them to be quiet.

  19. Well, happy birthday to Kosov! They're fortunate to have such an accommodating "landlord." :)

    1. They are fortunate Steve, and I frequently remind them of this.

  20. Such fun, Andrew. Something that we could all use.

    1. Pat, I had not realised what a serious old person I had become. Mind, I was fairly so when I was young.


Friday, kind of Funnies

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