Sunday, October 27, 2024

A Saturday Outing

It was a delayed gathering for Hippie Niece's step daughters, 9 and 8, and held at Minta Hilltop Fantasy Playground in the new extended area of the old country town, Berwick, where Ex Sis in Law grew up. 

Hippie Niece's Cafe Latte Coloured Twin Daughters attend the same school as her step daughters and there were many of their school friends there, along with the parents. 

The school student population is about 70% non white, mostly south Asian families, Indian and Sri Lankan and this was the first time a family gathering has involved a significant number of people from other countries. One of parents with a head scarf painted henna hand tattoos on the hands of children. Hippie Niece offered to buy some halal sausages for the barbeque but was told by her mother that they can't be cooked on the same barbeque device as other meats. 

I'm pleased to say it all went very well. I left before gift giving and birthday had been two and a half hours already and it was after 4pm. Rather than playing on all the equipment, the children just played together and enthusiastically participated in and egg and spoon race, followed by a sack race, pillow slips used rather than sacks.

Here a few photos of the area. If you look at the linked website above, you can see photos of the park itself. My photos are of the views. 

Lovely views this way.

Not so much this way, with crowded in new housing estates. 

As I was leaving and saying goodbye with a solid man hug from Hippie Niece's partner, he introduced me to his mate, a slim hippie dad of two, with long blond dreads and a beard. I do confess I may have noticed him earlier. "Fuck man, your black nail looks great. I am gonna get all mine painted".

Back at my car in my absence a mattress had arrived. Gay men calling other gay men 'a mattress' was a 20th century affectionate insult. I hope there was nothing directed at me with this mattress being left near my car.

Meanwhile back home, Phyllis and Kosov just keep giving. Delicious and I left one skewer stick and one meatball. I worry about a lack of greens in their diet, and in mine now too.


  1. Make up a large salad just before you all eat dinner, then seal completely for dinner the next night.
    Keep it simple - tomato, lettuce, cucumber and spring onions.

    1. That's a good idea Hels. I need to eat this in addition or if I'm feeling full, instead of.

  2. A great day out for the kids and, yes, perhaps you need more green stuff!

    1. JayCee, I will address that. I enjoy green vegetables and salads.

  3. It looks and sounds like a good outing - and a good time to leave.
    My partner eats almost no vegetables which worries me.
    I hadn't heard of that usage for the word mattress. Thanks for educating me.

    1. EC, perhaps more than you needed to know about mattresses.

  4. Looks like a fun day at a beautiful park though I am wondering who brought a mattress??

    1. Bob, it wasn't in bad condition, so I wonder.

  5. Some extra spice in life doesn't hurt

  6. Berwick used to be such a pretty country town - along with Packenham and Cranbourne. Now they are just extensions of south-east Melbourne sprawl. We looked at land in Berwick Waters once upon a time. Glad we decided against it.
    You are being well fed and the food looks delicious. You could always buy a bag of salad mix to nibble on!

    1. Merlot, when my mother moved to Pakenham some fifty odd years ago, it was a sleepy town surrounded by apple orchards. They have all gone. The town quickly became very multicultural, and generally without issues, unlike some areas. Family in Langy are seeing some less white in the area, but not that many.

  7. The park looks fabulous, I can imagine my twins wanting to climb on everything! I'm glad the afternoon went well. The packed in housing is probably how much of the future will look with so many more people coming in these days. As sparkling says, buy a bag of salad greens if you feel you need them. or buy things like green beans or broccoli and ask the boys to mix them into whatever meal they are making. If you worry about fibre, then dried fruits can be nibbled on, with dried apricots having the highest fibre content (according to the health book I have been reading for the last thirty years or so)

    1. River, the park was great and it was good that the very valuable land at the highest point was set aside for a park. I have frozen greens and I have bought some salad packs, used them once and the rest goes off. I bought frozen broccoli but that has disappeared. I guess I've eaten some of it without knowing its origins. Psyllium husks on my morning cereal are adequate for fibre intake. I didn't know about dried fruits or apricots. I do need to make more of an effort.

  8. My only comment of substance is that I've started adding home grown greens to my morning fruit/yogurt smoothies. :D

    1. Darla, my neighbour friend has home made morning smoothies. I need to look at them.

  9. Mattress as an affectionate insult? Good for only one thing maybe?

    1. I'd never heard of it. I see Barry Humphries was keen on "mattress muncher" as an equivalent to "pillow biter." Possibly that was said in character (one quote looks like Les Patterson) though I'm not sure that makes it much better. Maybe it's a Melbourne thing.

    2. MC, no doubt Sir Les. I am not sure if the word and meaning had widespread use here.

  10. That was a lovely children's party. The park looks fun, with lots of things to do.

    1. It really was so good JB. But after being social with everyone, I'd had enough.

  11. Looks a very nice park. You could make a salad with greens, Andrew.

    1. Margaret, I have made Greek salads a couple of times. The left over leaves go to waste but I do enjoy them. My fetta came in a jar and there is still some, as there are olives in a jar.

  12. A couple of hours with family, if generally long enough.

  13. Maybe you could talk the boys into some stir fry with veggies to go with the meat. Looks good though, Andrew.

  14. Ha! I've never heard the term "mattress" as a put-down. Funny!

    1. Steve, I am not sure why I remembered that as I haven't heard it used for decades.

  15. Nice views from the park, except for all the housing on the one side. Someone spotted your black nail!

    1. I think many spotted my black nail but no one said anything. I noticed just an hour ago the guy in the cafe opposite here has all his nails painted, a rather nice blue.


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