Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tales of Phyllis

I am writing this at 6.30 Friday evening. I don't feel like cooking (heating up) anything tonight. I asked Phyllis if I bought a pizza for dinner, would he eat some, and so I would buy a large. 

He said no! Then he added, do you remember we were talking about HSP? 


And you've never had one? 

No, I haven't. 

Kosov is bringing HSP for our dinner. 

If you don't know, HSP is Halal Snack Pack, and to me they sound delicious. Whatever animal is killed to make is, in Australia at least, killed humanely and butchered in the manner Moslems butcher meat. 

I will add my opinion of HSP to this post once I've eaten one. Delicious and I could only eat half of it. There were chips/fries in it as well. 

When mopping the floors of the bathrooms, toilet and kitchen, as I was mopping the toilet, which Phyllis uses, I noticed the floor was wet at the back of the toilet. A leak, I thought. I donned latex gloves and checked for leaks at the inlet pipe and the outlet seal. All dry. 

Then I spotted this plastic container in the bathroom and I guessed he had been washing himself in the toilet and spilt some water.

I checked earlier today and all was dry, so I think my theory is correct. Or course cleaning in his toilet, bathroom and bedroom is his responsibility, but if I get the mop and bucket out, why not give his areas a mop over.

Kosov wants Phyllis to return with him to where he lives in Epping. I only know Epping because the train line used to he the Epping/Hurstbridge train line. Then Epping became South Morang and then it became Mernda with train line extensions. As Phyllis explained the complications, I said Kosov can stay one night here, as you know, and no $20 charge as he is bringing the HSP.

The week has disappeared and I can't say I did much. I have started on the spare room bookcase, which is a nightmare. In the bookcase I found this and I have no memory of it. I initially thought op shop (charity shop). I needed to guarantee to whoever receives it that it is complete without a missing piece, so I decided to make the puzzle up and it took half an hour. It was fun and quite easy. I think I might give it to some of the kiddies before Christmas. Nah, I can't as that would be favouring one lot over another. I'll work something out.


  1. HSP is new to me. I suspect himself would love them.
    Jigsaws? Not for me. I really, really need to clean out the bookcases though. All of them.

  2. I am trying to work out how someone can wash themselves in a toilet. Isn't it easier to just stand under a shower?
    The HSP is obviously man-food. Too much fat for me!


Tales of Phyllis

I am writing this at 6.30 Friday evening. I don't feel like cooking (heating up) anything tonight. I asked Phyllis if I bought a pizza f...