Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Time away

I had a lovely time away at the Surf Coast town of Torquay (no, nothing like Basil's and Sybil's' Torquay).

At the last minute, well a day or so earlier, I added Tradie Brother to the accommodation I was paying for Ex Sis in Law and her husband. There were complications when I was checking in as adults weren't permitted to sleep on a top bunk. Much toing and froing and after a contact from staff to management, we were upgraded to a larger cabin with two sets of bunk beds, so TB and I would both have bottom bunks. It was their mistake and the park made it right.

Tradie Brother had brought Dog along. Management were straight on to it, and I don't know how, but Tradie Brother had to sign some kind of disclaimer. Dog slept on the back seat of his car with a leash long enough to get on to the cabin decking to check she could hear TB snoring. No wait, she is deaf. Whatever, she was fine. He left that morning to return home.

Ex Sis in Law had offered me a lift from home but I preferred to travel on my own in my own car. By three in the afternoon, after cabin check in, we were at great niece's 4th birthday party, just a few doors away from where the family lives. Gypsy Burger was a terrific venue for thirty odd people. Fire Fighting Nephew had made a 'Frozen' themed cake for his daughter. Sister joined us after travelling from The Bellarine. My goodness, is Sister a good talker. She connected so quickly with so many people with rapid and eloquent conversation. Football and sports was a bit of a theme.

We ate enough late afternoon to not need dinner. Put two brothers together, mix in Ex SiL's husband, we stayed up too late and drank too much.  

Oldest Niece was staying nearby in a different park, so the next morning we went to see their kiddies swimming and playing in the park water features. We drove on to Anglesea where we had a nice enough brunch, with Ex SiL's husband's daughter and her husband and their daughter who had stayed in a nearby motel. Sister had some sport training in Anglesea, so she joined us for coffee. 

We returned to the cabin, where Ex SiL and her husband napped. I went out in my car for a a drive. I got happily lost on dirt roads and ending up at Bell's Beach, the home of a world wide surfing competition beach. I am surprised Ray and I had never visited the beach. I am sure we hadn't as I have no memory of the beach. Did I see a hot surfer boy? Yes. Close up. Did I see a hot surfer boy changing from his wetsuit to his clothes, yes. Did I see the an old man surfer's fat bare arse, yes. Eww!

Pub meal that evening with Fire Fighting Nephew, his wife and the four year old birthday girl and the two year old twin boys. 

My wealth accumulation from gambling machines was an utter fail and I made a $30 donation to the Torquay Hotel, with Ex SiL and her husband also making donations.

We brunched early the next day somewhere nearby and then it was off home. It really was a nice weekend. 

Gypsy Burger was such a great place for a child's or anyone's birthday party.

 With bushland opposite, perfect for the Treasure Hunt. Every child won a prize.

This could be Torquay's main beach. It was very sandy down below. Torquay has a number of different beaches. 

I spotted this classic General Motors FB or FE Holden station sedan. Yes my father had one. I remember a warm summer evening in the early sixties being at a movie drive in theatre and being in the back as my parents watched Elvis in Blue Hawaii on the big screen. 

Then at the petrol station next to the park we were staying in, this XR or XP? Ford Falcon was being filled. I hung around to note it starting off. It was an automatic and as I remember, they were only two speed geared automatics.

Bell's Beach is world famous for it's surfing competition

A final view of the beach after brunch before we left. 


  1. I am thrilled that you had such a good weekend away. And a mostly scenic one too - though I could have done without the sight of the fat old arse (as I am sure you could).

    1. EC, yes, I can metaphorically look at an old man's arse in a mirror. Thanks.

  2. That looks like a beautiful spot to spend a weekend. Glad you enjoyed your family get together.

    1. JayCee, we used to wonder if Mother was the glue that held the family together, but as you can see, she wasn't.

  3. Happy you had such a good time. I find it curious that grownups can't use top bunks.

    1. Thanks Kirk. The reason given was that the bunks aren't strong enough to support adult weight. My brother weighs about 68/150, The real reason I suspect is adults when on holidays tend to drink, as we did, and the concern is for their ability after drinks to safely use the ladder.

  4. thecontemplativecat here Any place called Gypsy Burger has to be excellent. The car brings back memories of childhood . I wish there would be a car rally here. Great cars and trucks!

    1. CC, yes it is a good name for a cafe. The burgers aren't big, though there were larger ones on offer, not expensive and very nice. I always enjoy seeing car rallies and classic cars.

  5. Looks and sounds like a nice getaway. Loving the classic cars!

    1. The cars looked well maintained but quite original and appeared to be for daily use.

  6. Sounds like you had a great break with family around you. I didn't know that gypsies ate burgers - I thought they ate hedgehogs.

    1. YP, along with farmer's hen eggs and cattle. Hedgehogs are quite tasty, I've heard.

  7. Deb in Missouri USAAugust 21, 2024 at 8:47 AM

    You had quite the adventure!

    1. I did Deb. I am getting used to saying I rather than we.

  8. Sounds like you had a good time with family. Lovely photos.

  9. I'm happy for your enjoyment with family. ~hugs~ Stay well, my dear.

    1. Thanks Darla. I can't imagine what life would be like without a large younger family.

  10. Anywhere near the ocean is good for the soul. Add in family, late nights and a generous dollop of grog and all sounds perfect.

    1. Merlot, correct, except the late night. They really knock me around and I try to avoid them.

  11. Bell's Beach sounds lovely. You packed a lot into one weekend.

    1. River, it's a very nice spot but has become so busy as more people move there and housing prices skyrocket.

  12. Torquay's beach is beautiful for the children's birthday, as long as the weather is decent. It doesn't need to be blazing hot.

    1. Hels, we've always been lucky with Torquay weather, and it is just pure luck.

  13. This sounds like a lovely break away for you Andrew, thank you for sharing your family time. The Australian Torquay looks much nicer than ours 😉😂 ( I lived in Paignton briefly a mixed experience!)
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thanks Alison. I didn't know where your Torquay actually is, and now I do and Paignton is just south.

  14. So pleased you had a great time, you deserved it after a rough time.
    Time to have fun, enjoy the company and watch the children.
    The photos are nice Andrew.

    1. Thank you Margaret, and your sympathy. I make no bones about it, it has been a rough few weeks.

  15. What a lovely weekend you had, all generations mixing and having fun. Beautiful place, too.

    1. JB, thank you and I've just realised there were four generations there, and before Mother died, at times there were five generations.

  16. Replies
    1. It was TP. Always good to spend time with family at a nice location.

  17. That's lovely that you had a great time away with your family. Those classic cars are beautiful and look well cared for. Kids have a great choice of venues for their birthdays nowadays.

    1. I don't know about you Sami, but back then one model of car looked so different to others. Now it is hard to identify cars easily. Thanks.

  18. Very enjoyable visit to Torquay. Thank you. I enjoyed sharing your memories from the '60s. I too remember summer nights and big screens. Aloha friend

    1. Cloudia, thank you. Times were so much more simple back then, not that I want to go back.

  19. Your little holidays were very nice it seams, I am always surprised when you name a city and I always think of the UK ! Exactly the same names some immigrants were certainly homesick ! I have been to Torquay, and Anglesy I know too. I am glad that you enjoyed this little break, first step to do things alone !

    1. Gattina, aside from Chinese during the gold rush years, Australia was dominated by people from Great Britain, and so that is where most of our place names came from, with the exception of some Aboriginal names.

  20. That was a busy few days that you had and sounds like fun. I remember drive-in theatres with my parents too, and the dog came too.

    1. Pat, yes busy enough but not hectic. No dogs went to the drive in with us. Dogs were outside creatures and only went in a car if they had to.

  21. Now I'm off to tour Torquay and BElls beach on google maps.

  22. Oh, I'm glad you had such a nice weekend. Andrew! I too enjoy old cars and the Oceanside... Aloha



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