Saturday, August 10, 2024

Saturday Swing

I've put this to the test, that is I've watched it four times over a few days and I still think it is great. The energy and choreography  is amazing. It amuses me how the bus driver in the beginning of the clip keeps popping up in other roles. Later: The bus driver and the other roles he performed were cameo roles by Herb Alpert with perhaps the best known band in the world. How cool is that!


  1. I dance around my kitchen like that all the time....really...I do...

  2. I recognized Alpert when he first appeared; my mother and father loved his music,

    1. Bob, I had assumed he was dead but no, he is 89 years old and alive. My parents liked his music too, and even I did in the sixties.

  3. You think you can dance tv series does it like that. I love it

  4. Replies
    1. Bunyip, the editing is very slick but still, the moves were there.

  5. Oh, that is awesome. Thank you for sharing. Have you ever seen Mark Ronson with Bruno Mars performing Uptown Funk? My first time hearing the song over the car radio I almost drove off the road. lol And the video is eye candy personified. :D

    1. I liked that Darla. I now know about Bruno Mars, and Mark Ronson. The group's outfits are amazing and Mars was pretty hot then. Not so much now, apparently. Yes, I spent about fifteen minutes checking out details.

  6. I agree. Nice to know that Herb Alpert is still around. I wasn't sure.

    1. Indeed Kirk. I was surprised. He is now 89. I think the clip is a few years old.

  7. I'm a newby Andrew, found your blog via one of the others in the wonderful online family you and they have fashioned from all over the world. I love, love Herb Alpert and the TB. I've read some of your older blogs, I'm so sorry for your loss.

  8. Replies
    1. That is high praise from you River. Thanks.

  9. Loved it and I now start the day energised

    1. I reckon I could dance like that for a few minutes, but oh, the repercussions.

  10. Replies
    1. Indeed JB. A lot of work goes into a piece like that.

  11. Replies
    1. I do too Margaret. He was quite nice looking.

  12. The tune takes me back to 1980, I had a fling with a red head with an MG convertible, we would cruise down the beach with the top down and that playing at full volume. I was young, and red had money,

  13. OK, that was fantastic. It seems like it was filmed all in one continuous take, but given that Herb Alpert changes positions and clothes maybe that is digital trickery? I wonder who the woman is that he serves at the end. Maybe his wife?

    1. Steve, I suppose it could have been filmed like that but I never expect anything like that to be filmed in one continuous take.

  14. Love love love it Andrew. I'm watching it again. It's a treasure of a version and I've seen many. Thanks!

  15. That is so cool! Those dancers are good. When growing up in a very conservative Christian home we were only allowed to listen to certain music, and not a lot of it. Herb Alpert and Tijuana Brass was one of the bands we could listen to, along with the Baja Marimba Band and for reason, Claudine Longet, since my twisted father was in love with her. When she killed her boyfriend, he said he either deserved it or it was made up and she was innocent.

    1. Strayer, conspiracy theories have been around for a long time. I don't know Marimba Band or Longet.

  16. It does appear that this was one continuous take, which would be amazing in terms of the numbers of extras or, alternatively, how quickly they'd have to change and re-group, not to mention the endurance of the main dancer. Nice video; thanks for sharing.


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