Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Holiday Memories

Gattina near Waterloo in Belgium recently posted about Mannekin Pis, the pissing boy statue in Brussels. It was most interesting but what else is Brussels known for, or Belgium if you like? Fine chocolate? Cigars? Cones of something to eat on a street (yes, I forget what). Hercule Poirot?

Less well known is the amazing Atomium. Photo from Wikipedia.

And Belgium is famous for crime solver Tin Tin with his dog, Snowy. This is what we saw when we exited Brussels Midi Station in 2014 as we sat in the cigarette butt carpeted seating area outside Brussels Midi. We were changing trains after travelling on the high speed Thalys train from Amsterdam to travel on Eurostar to London. Seeing peaking Tin Tin  and Snowy high above a building was surreal.

Eurostar, the operator of the high speed train between London and Paris via the Chunnel,  has taken over Thalys, along with expanding services to other European destinations. My god, a cursory check has indicated multiple owners and operators of the Chunnel and trains. It's very messy. 


  1. I haven't visited Brusseks for almost 40 years. My how time flies. What I do vividly remember is that we had inadvertently booked ourselves into a small hotel in the red light district, which we only realised when we strolled back after dinner, looking in the "shop" windows.
    No internet or Tripadvisor back then!

    1. Oops...that should be Brussels not Brusseks...fat fingers...

    2. Similar to Amsterdam I guess JayCee. That reminds me of Saigon where our small travel group were taken to a bar that served mostly Westerners and we were warned not to walk back the direct route to the hotel because of working girls. Well, red rag to a bull. Of course we did.

  2. I hear what you are saying about multiple operators - all trying to get their fingers in the pie. In my opinion transport systems should be there to serve the public and not to fill the pockets of greedy investors.

    1. As usual Comrade YP, we are one with that.

  3. I went to a conference there once. It was a long time ago. I loved the streets and the pissing boy!

    1. From what I have seen Roentare the streets are very nice.

  4. I knew a lot of Dutch history, art and culture and the same for Spain. But I don't remember much about Belgium at all. And I loved travelling the Netherlands. Very strange.

    1. Hels, I think Brussels was quite important in the art world and has some nice old architecture.

  5. I like that Atomium very much, I wouldn't mind a smaller version in my garden. I think the Chunnel and trains should be one operator, not a mish-mash.

    1. River, you could make your own mini Atomium. The base may be challenging but I am thinking Christmas tree balls on chopsticks???

    2. Make?? Have you missed the news that I am completely clueless when it comes to crafty things?

  6. I have a Westie so Snowy peeping out of that building made me smile.
    Did someone mention chocolate? If I went to Belgium it would primarily be for the chocolate. There I said it .
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Alison, we too had a Westie from a pup until she died at an early age of about ten or eleven. While she was the loveliest of dogs, physically she was someone defective. Belgian chocolate is seriously good.

  7. The Atomium is something very different and it looks good as well.

  8. I think Belgium gets a poor press, or none at all, but that's all right, because it saves its treasures for the more discerning traveller.

    1. I think you are correct JB. Blog mate Gattina lives in Waterloo, just out of Brussels and over the years via photos I've seen quite a lot of Belgium and I like what I see.

  9. I also remember the red light district and was only a child at the time. The cones are surely filled with chips

    1. Lol Thelma. You wouldn't have actually understood though, or maybe you did. I guess you are correct about chips, frites?

  10. Are there multiple train operators in the Chunnel? I thought it was only the Eurostar. I guess that's what I always take. I've photographed TinTin, the Atomium and the Mannekin Pis on my visits to Brussels! In fact we ate lunch in the restaurant atop the Atomium. It wasn't bad.

    1. Steve it was so complicated I gave up looking but I've just checked and it is owned and operated by a company called Getlink. Fancy having private ownership of such a vital asset.

  11. I know what else Belgium is known for. It's what the Germans marched through as a way of getting around the Maginot Line in WWII.

  12. I would like to travel on a high speed train. I keep hoping they will incorporate one between Charlotte and New York. Take special care. Sandra

    1. Sandra, they are very good to get somewhere quickly but not great for looking at scenery.

  13. Friends just got back from a bicycle tour of Belgium going from one craft brewery to the next for a week. They loved Belgium and the beer.

    1. Beer and bicyles Pat? In Amsterdam many get drunk and cycle and end up in canals. Stella Artois Is Belgian and used to be quite popular here. Not so much now. I think Belgium would be good to experience.

  14. Since Brussels has a new mayor, we are now in all the travel guides, he does a lot of publicity for tourism and we have never had as many tourists in Brussels as in recent years. Most people don't want to go to France anymore because there are constant demonstrations there. The Eurostar is fantastic 2 hours and you are in London!

    1. That's interesting to learn Gattina. A loss for France is Belgium's gain. The time Eurostar takes is amazing, but the last time we used it, the train was very shabby and UK border control at Brussels Midi treated us like criminals. The Thalys train from Amsterdam was very nice and still very fast.

  15. I adore my home and the area but regret not traveling more. My teen-aged choir trip from the United States to Europe was lost in a fog of hormones, sad to admit. lol Take care!

    1. Lordy Darla. I nearly spurted my drink over the keyboard at hormones. I am very glad Ray pushed me to travel overseas. It was very educational.

    2. I'm glad you didn't choke. lol You made a lovely couple from all I've read.


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