Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday Funny

Whatever political allegiance, how could anyone possibly vote for such an appalling person, now a felon to add to his disgraceful history.

1. I know about that disgrace.
2. I can imagine.
3. Don't know.
4. I can imagine.
5. I know a little.
6. Of course.
7. Yep.
8. Certainly not.
9. I don't know.
10. Yes, I know about that one. 

There is vulgarity in the clip. If you don't like vulgarity, you know what not to do. Of course by saying that, it only encourages people to watch.


  1. I really, really don't understand how anyone could vote for him - and if enough people do, the world will suffer.

  2. I was gobsmacked the first time around. For it all to happen again makes me despair for the future.

  3. That is the perfect joke! I'm stealing it.

  4. That tells that there is a large chunk of the population that are just either stupid or evil.

  5. Deb in Missouri USAAugust 30, 2024 at 8:02 AM

    Now we know! That surgeon has a lot to answer for.... and beg our forgiveness. I told someone today the felon has some sort of hypnotic power over his MAGAts, it's the only logical answer. Lawd knows the MAGAts have no critical thinking skills. And this week the felon desecrated our national cemetery. I'm still gobsmacked, JayCee.

  6. Bothare clever jokes but the guy is no laughing matter

  7. I stopped finding him funny quite some time ago. He's a menace, and I really need him not to win the election.

  8. I was encouraged to watch. The vulgarity matched the subject perfectly.

  9. How can a large swathe of America still be be enchanted by The Orange Turnip? This draft dodger, insurrectionist and predatory felon has still not withdrawn his made up remarks about how the election of 2020 was "stolen" from him! It is outrageous.

  10. A few of my blog followers will vote for Trump. Can't understand how they or anyone can vote for a criminal.

  11. It seems like one huge joke and then you realise it isn't a joke and there is a real risk he might enter the white house once again.

  12. There have been many evil or mentally disturbed national leaders across the world. Are you suggesting that US voters are no brighter than voters in Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, North Korea etc?

  13. A vulgar (but funny) joke about a vulgar individual. It's unbelievable that so many are blind to the truth in a democracy. There's no choice in dictatorships.

  14. It is a complete mystery to me how anyone could vote for such a stupid dangerous man. The joke was funny and made me laugh out aloud but then I have a childish sense of humour.

  15. Bill Cosby was an actor and comedian, convicted of drugging women and raping them; Casey Anthony's daughter went missing and was found weeks later wrapped in ducktape and tossed in a swamp near her home (I had built homes two blocks away from thereback in the early 90s.)

  16. Gosh, Casey Anthony. I haven't thought about her in ages.

    I think many of the people who support Trump are basically trolling. They love upsetting the "libs" and the power structure that they have come to abhor, and see Trump as a protest candidate. It's their way of giving the finger to the political and cultural establishment.


Sunday Selections

Along with River and others, my usual random Sunday Selections. Brother 1 has grown fine crops of tomatoes and has given away many many, ju...