Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Aussie Quiz

Yorkshire Pudding writes a weekly quiz, that often makes me feel poorly educated. However, it is a bit of fun. Obviously Australians will do well at an Aussie quiz, but how about the rest of you? Here we go.

1. An easy one. What is the capital city of Australia?

2. What is the name of our island state? 

3. Australia has six states and many territories. Which is the largest territory? 

4. Kangaroos and wombats both rear their young in pouches. Why would the wombat pouch face the opposite direction to a kangaroo?

5. This one is for Australians as I am sure few people overseas would know. What is the Goyder Line?

6. What city in the world has the largest tram (street car or trolley) system?

7. Does the Australian Prime Minister have more power over Australia than the King of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries, Australia being a Commonwealth country.

8. What is the largest city in Australia?

9. What colour are Australian swans?

10. Papua New Guinea is the largest Pacific island. No Cloudia, it ain't yours. In what year did PNG gain independence from Australia? 

10 extra. I couldn't answer the last question, aside from a guess at 1972 and I am fairly sure my educated guess is correct. 

So a bonus question, what is a Winnie which might be tucked up under the sleeve of your tee shirt and what does it have to do with a former Sydney Harbour Bridge painter?

Answers in 24 hours...hopefully.  



  1. My brain is rather sun-fried, so I'd best pass rather than make a fool of myself. lol But let me be honest; I'm not likely to be good at this anyway. Heh...

    1. Darla, I didn't expect a great response by overseas people, but I have been a little surprised by some who knew a few things.

  2. Most I knew (and so I should)- though I had to think about the bonus question and dates I am not good on.

  3. Well, I came up with one or two,, sorry.

    1. thecontemplativecat here. I can name maybe two. That part of the world is amazing in travel documentaries. I hope you are well. Has winter come yet? Keep well.

    2. No need to be sorry Anon. I'd expect people from Great Britain to know more than anywhere else. I assume you aren't from GB.

    3. As above CC. Winter is well and truly here, thanks for asking. 3 degrees in the morning, 13 during the day. Nice sunshine though, with just a little heat in it.

  4. Well, this furriner might have guessed five. Hm.

    1. Touché Boud. I had to look up furriner. Five is good for someone in NJ but I think your heritage played a part.

  5. 1. Canberra 2. Tasmania 3. Northern Territory 4. Preventing soil filling the pouch while digging 5. Goyder's Line is a line that runs roughly east–west across South Australia and joins places with an average annual rainfall of 25cm 6. Melbourne 7. Yes 8. Melbourne or Sydney 9. Black 10. 1975

    1. Roentare, it is open to argument but I can't agree with yes for question 7. Ha, I got my question wrong, 10. I know why it is wrong. You didn't answer the Winnie question. Ask one of your patients who has emphysema and they might tell you about Winnies.

  6. Replies
    1. Kirk, it is a hard quiz for Americans. I'd expect with some world knowledge, you might get four questions correct.

  7. I got two. Which is embarrassing.

    1. Debby, not embarrassing. You live in a huge country with a huge population. Just knowing about your own country might be enough.

    2. I may know my own country, but I sure as hell do not understand it.

  8. I got one. I obviously know next to nothing about Australia. Hang my head in shame:)

    1. Pixie, I hope you know vaguely where I live.

    2. I know where Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney are, that's it. I have an old friend who lives in Adelaide. I haven't seen her in thirty years sadly.

  9. Well colour me uneducated! I don't have a clue about #4 and #5 and #10!
    #1: Canberra #2: Tasmania #3: Northern Territory #4: ? #5:? #6: Melbourne #7: No #8: Sydney #9: Black #10:?
    Bonus question A winnie is a cigarette of the Winfield brand (Paul Hogan: "anyhow, have a Winfield")

    1. River, your disgraceful lack of knowledge of your own country is ameliorated by knowing about Winnies and Paul Hogan.

  10. I knew all the answers except for the Goyder Line. Re New Guinea, I could only pin the year down to the "mid 1970s".

    1. Hels, it was exactly mid 70's. Homework for Hels. Write a post about the Goyder Line. It is so interesting. I wrote a post about it on my old blog.

  11. Didn't know 6 or 10...well I thought I did an ok job, Andrew.

    1. Margaret, you should have known 6, with me so often mentioning our tram system. 10 is quite forgivable, given I got it wrong myself.

  12. Three I definitely don't know. Five I know and two I have guessed. Or maybe I think I know more than I actually do.

    1. Fun60, perhaps proving my point that British people will know more about Australia.

  13. Back in the day, I was a Winnie reds girl! Bunyip

    1. Bunyip, until you started coughing your heart out with such strong cigarettes.

  14. No idea! Being a parochial Brit, that's hardly surprising.

    1. My friend doesn't want to play. I've faced rejection in my life.

  15. I dont think I've heard of the Goyder line before. I also never knew PNG gained independence from us, I didn't know they were connected to us. In my defence I was a pre-schooler at the time!
    It's a very, very long time since I've seen a pack of Winnie blue in a shirt sleeve

    1. Kylie, I vaguely think it was still British owned, but was handed to Australia to manage, and manage it we did and it was a far better country when Australia was in control. Colonial overlord rant ends.

    2. In a nationwide poll, the vast majority of the people of Papua New Guinea said they had been much happier under kindly British rule.

  16. I refuse to do any quiz, including Yorkshire Puds. They just show up my failings (on not concentrating on trivia).

    1. Thelma, more than once Ray said to me, "How come you can remember all this shit and you can't remember basic stuff!" You probably remember the basic stuff very well.

  17. 1. An easy one. What is the capital city of Australia? CANBERRA

    2. What is the name of our island state? TASMANIA

    3. Australia has six states and many territories. Which is the largest territory? WESTERN AUSTRALIA

    4. Kangaroos and wombats both rear their young in pouches. Why would the wombat pouch face the opposite direction to a kangaroo? CARRIES ON BACK??

    5. This one is for Australians as I am sure few people overseas would know. What is the Goyder Line? SORRY. NO IDEA

    6. What city in the world has the largest tram (street car or trolley) system? MELBOURNE

    7. Does the Australian Prime Minister have more power over Australia than the King of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries, Australia being a Commonwealth country. WHAT DOES POWER MEAN? I WILL SAY LESS POWER (IN THEORY).

    8. What is the largest city in Australia? SYDNEY

    9. What colour are Australian swans? BLACK

    10. Papua New Guinea is the largest Pacific island. No Cloudia, it ain't yours. In what year did PNG gain independence from Australia? 1975

    10 extra.
    So a bonus question, what is a Winnie which might be tucked up under the sleeve of your tee shirt and what does it have to do with a former Sydney Harbour Bridge painter? NO BLOODY IDEA COBBER!

    1. 3. YP, Western Australia is a state. Northern Territory is our largest territory.
      4. No, if a wombat dug to a forward facing pouch, the pouch would fill with soil.
      7. Ultimate power, your king.
      8. Now Melbourne.
      10 extra. Anyhow, have a Winfield. Thanks for your effort, cobber.

    2. I consider Q3 to be a trick question mate. WA is about a million square kilometres bigger than NT! However, I admit that I should have read the question more carefully.

  18. Replies
    1. Tasker is not enamoured by blog quizzes?

  19. Maybe one or two correct answers, swans and pack of cigarettes.

    1. They are a bit out of the box to know TP. Well done you.

  20. 1 - Canberra
    2 - Tasmania
    3 - ?
    4 - ?
    5 - East West
    6 - Melbourne - easy from reading your blog!!
    7 - No - easy as a Canadian
    8- Guess Sydney
    9 - Black
    10 - ?
    10A - not a clue!

    1. Pretty good Jackie, Question 7 really is an interesting one.

  21. I had to google a couple of them, like the Winnie. I found out its a type of shirt, short or tucked in, in front, long in back. But those aren't tucked under a sleeve. I found out Paul Hogan worked as a rigger on the harbor bridge, in the search. Anyhow, the wombat digs and the pouch has to be backwards or the young would have their little faces and mouths full of dirt. I knew a lot of your questions but not the Winnie one nor the Goyders Line one, which I googled and found out promptly.

    1. Well done Strayer. Trust the internet? Not really. A Winnie is the Winfield cigarette brand. Often certain types would tuck them under the sleeves of their tee shirts. You may have been reading about a flanny, flannie, a warm shirt made of flannelette. To wear one became a sign of being of the working class. Maybe your lumberjacks wear them?

    2. Yeah I messed up. Well, flannel is very popular in Oregon I must admit. A lot of flannel worn here. And blue jeans. Also Birkenstock sandals. With or without socks. But no, Winnie as a shirt was described as a style, short in the front long in back, in whatever link I was reading, long lost, in the waves of mindless distracted yet interesting searches.

  22. Whoops. Looks like I need to do some serious studying up on Australia.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Sandra, by reading Australian blogs, you probably know more than many.

  23. I think I got 5 of them right but was totally unaware of the others. A fun quiz, Andrew.

    1. That's good Pat. Am I seeing a positive statistical blip from my extensive sample size of two?


  24. At school I learned nothing about Australia, later I learned through books, and Newspapers, because in the 60/70th lots of young "Hippies" went to Australia to live in the bush and the parents here were so worried were their children were. There was only one phone at the Australian embassy, not like today where nobody can disappear in the bush and live with goats and flowers. A friend of mine had her son escaping to Australia and I never knew if she found him or not. It was very difficult at that time. The Australian animals I knew too, for the rest nothing. Today it's much better !! Blogging expands the brain ! In a few years you can call me "Wikipedina" !



I am tired of seeing Kevin McCloud documenting rich ***** ever so special home buildings.   When McCloud was in Australia, his management la...