Sunday, May 5, 2024

Sunday Selections

I'm joining with Elephant's Child and River for Sunday Selections. Just my usual random selections of unused photos.

I see my spam mate Rajani Rehana has returned. Two comments were published and one caught as spam. Meanwhile your legitimate comments also go to spam. I normally check twice a day.  

Someone likes snooping in other people's cupboards. I planned a series of photos of kitchen cupboard contents, but here is one. I will take photos before, well if I am empty them of ingredients I will never use. 

The bottom shelf far left is curry powder. Ray always bought a large packet, along with satay powder  from an Asian grocer in Richmond. Behind the Vegemite is honey and peanut butter, topped by a powdered stock. The ornate tin is for tea bags, which I ordered on a whim from England in 2012, celebrating the Queen's Silver Jubilee. The take away plastic container has my psyllium husks. Sprinkled on my cereal, they help with cholesterol and matters of  'digestion'. 

This doesn't happen very often but my RRS feed failed. I use this to read blogs but I have to go your blog to comment. There are other things in my RSS feed.

The rather nice Westgate Park, but not a quiet Westgate Park with the heavy car and truck traffic crossing the bridge to get across the Yarra River. 

Très cool. 

Care for a little gin? Yes please. I don't know this brand. 

I bet none remember my post about the service lights being left on at the building next door, perhaps two to three years ago. The fluoro tubes are still burning brightly. 

Well, thanks for the warning. I am not sure where I could stand to not get burnt. 

It was part of a lighting display event on the river.

Houston, we have a problem. 

I think we were out or away and I then took this photo once home. A cool change had arrived but the aircon wasn't on and it was hot inside.

I am not sure if she was unwell or had done a Barnaby

The units in ABI Brother's new retirement look dated but they are well maintained and very nice inside, assuming you like lots of white. 

I am not sure where I found this photo.

Mid March the plane trees are saying, 'We've tired and have had enough of summer. We need to rest. We will just wait for less warmth and light and then drop our leaves". They certainly are now. 

I was driving so I asked Ray to take the photo. 

I think it is a Hillman Imp. They were dreadful little cars. Sorry if you had one and loved it. 

The moon makes an appearance. 

Rather strange mist rising from the ground. 

The synagogue lighting is just perfect now.


  1. Ha, that's a great selection of photos. I enjoyed browsing through those and chuckled more than once.
    As it happens, my first car was a Hillman Imp. What a heap of doo-doo it was too.

    1. I have driven one in the seventies JayCee and I agree with your opinion.

  2. I do like your eclectic selections. I don't know that gin either. I wonder what it is like.
    Your kitchen cupboards are much better ordered and less cluttered than ours.

    1. You are right about the synagogue lighting too.

    2. EC, the gin is probably very expensive, as so many now are.
      Cupboards were mostly Ray's department and if I thought something could be better placed and moved it, it would return 'on its own' to where it was.

  3. Rajani Rehana is s problem for me too. She sent over 20 spams to my blog at one stage with words like "check my blog". That sort of practice just degrades the SEO of the website.

    1. Roentare, spam is one thing but marking comments from regulars seems very odd to me, as this comment of yours was marked. You should be able to add people to a 'legitimate' list or similar.

  4. We had a Sunbeam Imp - same thing as a Hillman really - it transported two adults, two toddlers and a Labrador. I loved it. It's all we could afford!

    1. JB, that does sound crowded but such things never bothered kids or dogs much.

  5. That six-wheeled car is pretty odd ...

    1. It is strange Bob. I wonder if it's for racing. I can't see tradespeople dumping equipment in the back of it.

  6. The new retirement unit looks impressive. I wondered if it is too large for one or two elderlies, but you noted it is well maintained.
    I am ready to move into such a place now.

    1. Hels, it is two bedroom and a comfortable size. No rash decisions now girlfriend.

  7. My son Keaghan who lives with me developed an impressive gin collection including some Archie Rose. The only commentary I can make is it's a pretty label!
    Your kitchen cupboard is so cleeaan and tidyyyy! I must try to become more minimalist

    1. Kylie, we would have made very bad Victorian era folk as we both disliked clutter and everything has its place. I buy bottles of wine by an appealing label, so I'm sure that would work for me.

  8. I have memories of being jammed into tight spaces behind proper seating as a child. LOL

    1. Darla, it meant you poke your sibling very easily if they were with you, and worse.

  9. Thank you for joining us. "Houston we have a problem" made me laugh and I love the giant teddy bear.

    1. River, I am fairly sure if the police saw the bear, there would be a fine issued...obstructing rear view or something like that. Never mind how it distracted other drivers.

  10. Cupboards, well a certain person in this house is always changing the pantry cupboard so every time I need something I have to ask unless it's seeable.
    That bear is big and must have been a funny sight to see when travelling along.
    The photos are good and nice to see. Thank you Andrew.

    1. Margaret, if you do most of the cooking you should have it how you want it. Vice versa. But if you share the cooking, that is more difficult.

  11. I see others remarking about how tidy your cupboard is…..might need you to teach me a thing or two. Ours are packed with ingredients- most are used some are past the UBD and really should go in the bin.

    I take it you were in town during Grand Prix week

    1. Cathy, when I take other photos, maybe they will look less tidy.
      No, we were in Sydney for the Grand Prix. I think it was for a car show.

  12. Blatant misuse of electricity - as on the top of that building should be a criminal offence. Same with offices when computers are left on over night. We should all be trying to save energy which in turn will reduce the squandering of fossil fuels.

    1. YP, in the case in my photo is indeed a blatant use of power with each tube using around 20w of electricity. Computers go into sleep mode and might consume less than 1kw. LED lighting uses a minimal amount of electricity, which is how most buildings are now lit. Times have moved on since we had 40 to 100kw incandescent bulbs lighting our homes. Mind our living/dining area lighting has four 100w bulbs to light it but we don't use the overhead lighting.

  13. I can't believe that teddy bear on the car is legal! Looks like a road hazard to me, if only because the driver can't see out their back window. Wonder if they drive around with it on there all the time?! LOL

    1. It would not be legal at all Steve. I think they were transporting it and it was too big to fit inside the car.

  14. A nice mix of pics , Thank you. The Hillman Imp a real blast from the past and a tacky little car imho. Your kitchen cupboard is certainly tidier than mine đŸ™‚ And the gin bottles photo appealed to me too, I suppose being an ardent gin enthusiast I consider them very photogenic!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Alison, the Imp seems quite unloved. I think in the UK, as here, gin has become so popular of late.

  15. I don't know that brand of gin either but I'm always willing to try.

    1. Fun60, as long as you don't have a family event to attend.

  16. The number of offices leaving lights on all night is horrible as is the number of migrating birds that run into them and die during the night. I think we are now all LED bulbs in our place.
    Love the assortment of pics. My cupboards would need a large post to describe all that is in there, Andrew.

    1. Pat, I've not heard about bird strikes at night. That is concerning. Thanks.

  17. Those last 3 night pics are gorgeous. If you have honey, tea and peanut butter in your cabinet, you are set:)

    1. Alas Sandra, while they are nice to have, I need better nourishment.

  18. Interesting set of photos. That picture of the moon is pretty. RSS feeds do fail once in a while.

    1. Pradeep, it is rare, but yes. It could have been down for maintenance, in the deep night of the US, but that's daytime here.

  19. That is a very large teddy bear.

    1. Strayer, it would cuddle you rather than you cuddling it.



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