Thursday, May 30, 2024

Ban the Musk Rat creature

Elon Musk is a rather ugly character. I can't bear him...however.

A few weeks ago an Australian priest was stabbed as he was hectoring mid a sermon. He was also not a very pleasant man, but didn't deserve to be stabbed. The service was being live streamed and a number of people saw the crime happen live and saved the video. The clip of his stabbing spread world wide. 

I can't be bothered with the stupid X. I'll just call it Twitter and Twitter was the clip's main distribution channel. At the request of the Australian government, the footage was geoblocked to Australians. You can get around geoblocking if you want, but it is a faff. Now the Australian government is trying to force Twitter to remove the content entirely from Twitter and I find myself out of step with with our government. 

It is not up to the Australian government to tell Twitter, a US based world wide company, what people can see or can't see world wide. It's arguably ok to geoblock it to Australia, but the Australian government don't and shouldn't have a say on what is published world wide. If Twitter behaves badly, it should be dealt with in the country where it is headquartered. 

There is now a war of words and court action by both parties and the matter has become somewhat personal.  Later edit: Australia lost the case against Musk. 

A Musk Rat is a creature isn't it? Oh, I see Musk Rat has found male hair dye.


  1. I never did "get" Twitter and I have no interest in X either. I shall remain self-blocked... and probably ignorant.

    1. JayCee, I find it interesting to stay informed about certain matters. I don't really post there. Blog is enough.

  2. Total agreement here. Not least about the ugliness of Twitter's current owner.

    1. As usual EC, we agree. One day we will differ in our opinions.

  3. I am on Xwitter every so often, but I would never ever want to see an actual murder on videotape. No sir.

    1. Xwitter! Love it Bob. Who does? But there is clearly a curiosity about it, and I am sure some will use the clip for propaganda like purposes.

  4. Agreed. It's certainly not something that I would want to see, but I don't think that the government should be making that decision for Australians or anyone else.

    1. Sandra, as I said, it is arguable about blocking it in Australia, but otherwise, really why? Blocking can be gotten around or the product can go underground.

  5. Every time I get to see Tesla on the road, I think of this prick causing me nausea

    1. Roentare, so funny. I think exactly the same. I hate the cars only because of the company's owner.

  6. I agree, Andrew. Otherwise, why not geoblock the Zapruder film?

    1. Indeed Kirk. What a good point. Maybe it is considered historical.

  7. Is that hair dye? Looks more like a toupee to me. I have ignored Twitter since the day it was hatched.

    1. River, it could be, or a growing out fade cut, I am not sure. But it certainly not his natural colour.

  8. He is not an attractive man, inside or out.

  9. Agree with what you have written. Once I always looked for news on Twitter, now I hardly even use it because I can't stand Musk even though I've never met him.

    1. I doubt I would like him in person either Margaret.

  10. He's a strange creature but his upbringing was odd.

    1. JB, I don't know about his upbringing but why can't he be decent person. He already has great wealth. Just be decent, and don't call cave rescuers paedophiles without evidence.

  11. Give the man a break. He doesn't seem to know how to handle himself in the wider world. As for the rich dictating what should or should not be aired that is more dangerous.

    1. No break for super rich, Thelma. I agree with your last sentence.

  12. I think, much like Peter Thiel, he was scarred by his youth. Not that that's an excuse for either of them.

    As for the banning, it's an exercise in futility. Once something is out there, it's out there forever.

    1. Steve, that explicit pic you sent to someone a few years ago ended up in my alternate Twitter feed. Very impressive.

  13. He is brilliant, but crazy. Can we send Rupert Murdoch back home?

    1. TP, no please don't send Murdoch home. He does enough damage to Australia already, without returning.

  14. It's funny because I usually log into Xwitter, by typing the letter T and up pops X!! I look quickly to see what's trending, nothing. Then I scan and see the usual crap conservative bull from either DuFo (Doug Ford a$$hole premier - don't get me started!) or PeePee (Polievre federal conservative opposition). Every morning I ask myself why I look at the crap site?!?
    Conservative in Canada means right wing.

    1. Jackie, I don't look at news on Twitter. I just follow a small number people who are usually experts or they just amuse me, along with some information services.

  15. He looks so adorable because he was diagnosed "Asperger syndrome" like little Greta who saves the world. I don't know why people watch a video where somebody is stabbed, you see this all the time on TV or in movies. There is only a little difference "life" it's real blood, but on TV or cinema it's ketchup or a red color, but you won't see the difference ! There are more important things to handle for the governments !

    1. Gattina, tv and film stabbings can look more realistic than the real thing.

    2. I once happened to be present at an arrest where the police threw the criminal to the ground and then handcuffed him. I've seen a scene like this on the screen a thousand times, but when you're there it's completely different!

  16. E Safety Commissioner only lost the first round, to continue the interim injunction. Hard to see how she can succeed in obtaining a final order for a global takedown but she could still succeed in exacting enormous fines which would probably have the effect of driving X put of business in Oz or at least any commercial presence in Australia. Final hearing in late July.

    1. Thanks for the extra information. I can't see the Commissioner will have any success now. Fines? Possible I suppose but fining is one thing. Getting the money, another.


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