Thursday, May 2, 2024

A lighter note

Fire Fighting Nephew, his wife and their four year old daughter and nearly two year old twin boys visited yesterday. It was a big effort for them, with around three hours of driving here and back. We had fish and chips, well rather much more, for lunch sitting outside on a lovely sunny but cool day in Port Melbourne. 

We went to the beach where there is a 'sand playground', a good sandy park with plenty of play equipment on the edge of the beach. The boys only suffered minor injuries. 

Unfortunately our building's spa heating has failed but the pool is warm, so they all swam. Only one boy nearly drowned, the one that hates water at the beach, plunged himself into the lap pool without a shallow area from the pool edge without warning, and sank straight to the bottom. Daddy quickly rescued him. 

It was tiring but so nice, and it is hard to feel sad when children are around.  

Every child who has ever visited here wants carry the soft sand filled lizard around. 

And roll about on the exercise ball. We've only kept it for that reason. 

"I don't think we've forgotten anything?"

Well, yeah, you did actually.


  1. I like those sand filled lizards too. I'd probably break an exercise ball, if I sat on it. Good thing daddy fished his baby from the bottom of the pool fast. The left behind stuffie is a bit cute, head is slightly overlarge maybe for body but, well, it is a stuffie.

    1. Strayer, the ball is very old now and very tough and has never lost air. It is supposed to be good to use as a computer chair. I don't think so.

  2. I would want to fondle that sand stuffed lizard too. Glad that disasters were averted and only minor injuries incurred. Will the absence of the stuffed toy cause grief to the twins?

    1. EC, turned out it wasn't theirs. I don't know who left it here.

  3. I thought the same thing.. seeing young children having fun eases the sadness.
    So glad there were only minor injuries and just the one near drowning.

    1. JayCee, certainly no time to think. I try to keep busy to stop thinking.

  4. I'm glad the visit passed off with only minor injuries! And that having kids around was helpful.

    1. Boud, they are so entertaining. I like just watching them.

  5. When my grandaughter left from a visit, Leo and Lovey were left behind. This was a great tragedy since she's always slept with them as long as she can remember. It was a crisis that I sent them priority mail.

    You are right. It is hard to be sad when children are around.

    1. Debby, a lost toy like that can be such a tragedy.

  6. When Iris left on her first visit to grandma's house, she 'for-left' Leo and Lovey, two stuffed animals she'd slept with for always. It was such an emotional discovery that I sent them out priority mail.

    You are right. It is hard to be sad when there are 'littles' about.

  7. I imagine it helped having family around for a play date of sorts!

    1. Yes Bob, it does help but it is exhausting, which won't kill me.

  8. Love the patch on the little stuffed bear's head. Kids sure will take your mind off any of life's problems. Glad that you got out, Andrew.

    1. Pat, I thought the patch was strange, kind of cute though.

  9. So good to hear you had a bit of company to pass the day with and as you said in a comment - sunshine does lift the spirits, so I’m glad you and family had such a great day at the beach yesterday. A much better day than today where it’s cloudy and misty out our way.

    Have you been out yet to pick up a yellow overnight express bag yet - I’m sure there’s one large enough to put a favourite toy in

    1. Cathy, it turned out it wasn't theirs. I don't know who left it behind.

  10. Kids remind us that the world goes on even after we are no longer in it and that is comforting. Maybe that's why we try to save them from themselves!
    That lizard is rather lovely.

    1. Merlot, renewal of our species. I appreciate the logic but when it's a personal loss, it seems unfair. He was relatively healthy and active.

  11. Good to have that distraction from your sorrow.

  12. I'm so glad your family provided diversion from your loss. ~hugs~ Best wishes to you and yours.

    1. Thanks Darla. Of course in a week or so, he will begin to slip in people's memories and all the attention I've received will fade away. Hopefully I will function well enough but life sure won't be the same.

  13. Oh that poor little bear left behind and missing all his usual cuddles. You'll have to do the cuddling until he is collected.

  14. Glad to see that a disaster was averted. Such family time are always refreshing.

  15. I think dinners out, especially overlooking the beach, does go some way to reduce pain, at least in the short term. Especially with children who want to live a happy life.
    Have a photo or two of your loved mate with you all the time, and for 5 minutes pull them out and share a great memory.

    1. Hels, that's a nice idea about the photo. I will also have a photo of him framed to keep in the living area.

  16. Good to have some distracting company for a short time. Only one near drowning! Fire fighting nephew must have aged a couple of years during the day.

    1. Fun60, it was about a second the boy was underwater. I think he is used to such things.

  17. There's no time to think with little ones around. That's good, it gives the grief a time to rest.

    1. JB, yes, keep the mind busy and don't dwell. It's easy to say and I am mostly doing so.

  18. Since I became an old lady at least on my password, small children get on my nerves, I like them from 6 years old when you can talk together ! Rick loved babies and toddlers so we completed each other ! That's amazing that you remembered the name of our mower robot, lol !

    1. Gattina, a small dose of children is ok. I was glad when they all left. I was exhausted. I thought Oscar was interesting to watch.

  19. Isn't that lovely that they came to visit. It seems they had a good time and oh gosh that little one could have drowned but dad was on the ball.
    Children can certainly brighten up ones day at time Andrew.

    1. Margaret, children certainly do brighten the day.

  20. You have a nice loving family visiting you. Family support when it is good counts the most out of life. May you rest well and chill. Great people in your life should be treasured even more.

    1. Roentare, it would certainly much harder to be completely alone.

  21. Maybe they left that creature behind to cheer you up. I'm glad you got visitors but scary about the pool-plunge!

    1. Steve, it was such a quick plunge. We were all hyper aware.

  22. Kids are enormously healing as are pets even the stuffed kind. I am glad they all came and travelling with kids for such a distance shows how much they love you. Love is a balm to the spirit.

  23. Andrew,
    Vistors are always a great help. I have visitors coming this week. Jack and Judy D. who were our witnesses at our wedding in 2013. We were married on our 49th anniversary, the first day in Delaware that same sex couples could be married. Now to get through their three day stay without choking up when we talk about Bill. I doubt it.
    Ron of Retired In Delaware

    1. Ron, I struggle to socially interact for extended periods. It just exhausts me, but the visitors have all been considerate. I probably won't see anyone for some time now. I am sure you know you don't have to hold back your emotions. That's what friends are for; to be there for you.


It should have been a non posting day

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