Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Sydney Day 4

As I mentioned, we had a taxi driver tip telling us where to visit, in this case The Grounds in Alexandria on what I guess is an old industrial site. It was just fabulous, and I am told it is Mexican themed. It was so full of colour with some of it simply being commercial shops.

Hey goats, turn around for your photo shoot.

This is the first time I have ever chosen such a brunch. It has a crunchy supposedly healthy granola cereal at its base, topped with yoghurt and then fruit with a mint garnish. It was lovely, and satisfyingly filling. The large main cafe was very busy on a normal weekday (working from home?) I saw a dozen front of house staff moving  briskly around and the service and food was excellent. Attractive waiters was a bonus. 

This is an International branded American pick up, as they are called there. My, what a serious windscreen sun shade. Somewhat minimalist. Perhaps Strayer would like one. She is a mistress of gear sticks and clutches. 

That's better. Goat faces. The cab driver the day before had mentioned a pig there and being walked around by staff, but I overheard someone saying the pig had been stolen. Nevertheless, I was glad I didn't have bacon for brunch. 

To get there we took a train from Museum to Green Park Station and then the 448 bus to just outside the cafe. I will be simple to reverse the journey to get back to our digs. The bus appeared punctually and then I screwed up badly, with serious repercussions. I missed our approach to Green Park Station and didn't press the next stop button to alert the driver. We were so unlucky that no one wanted to get on or off the bus at what you would think was a well used train station stop. If it was a Melbourne tram, oh well, going back to the station stop won't be too far. The next stop for the bus was a long way away. It was quite warm and R said he wasn't walking back. I got busy with apps and the next bus back was in 18 minutes. We waited. The bus did not turn up. The following one did punctually but with a thirty minute service, we had waited 48 minutes. 

What will happen with decent public transport is that if there isn't a driver or bus available, a bus will will be taken off a very frequent route to fill in the gap on a very infrequent route, or a driver will be bribed by management to run the service, even though they may have finished their shift or be on a break. Of course I complained and I received apologies from both the private bus company and Transport for New South Wales. If the bus companies were still government operated, then there would be cooperation between depots to ensure services were run. Disgrace!

We eventually got back to our hotel and that evening we dined at the gay Oxford Hotel. The meal was nice enough. I didn't notice at the time of what was on the bottom of this artwork. I hope you can work out what the bottom word was originally. Who's first off the mark? EC or JayCee?


  1. It looks like a fabulous start to your day. Bright and colourful. I like the goats too.
    Slut at the bottom of the art work is a bit sad. In my eyes at least it adds nothing.
    Sadly we are resigned to those sort of bus delays.

    1. EC, remember we are at a gay pub and the spacing in the word is very uneven.

  2. What a fabulous place. Such a riot of flamboyance and colour.
    It was nice of the artist Mr S Lut to sign his work.

    1. Oh JayCee, I thought the missing letters would be so obvious. It seems not, Mr S Lut is clever.

  3. It is as if you enter a world of colours and exotic decorations. I love the vintage car interior looking very nice

    1. Roentare, it is an amazing place and I highly recommend a visit if someone is visiting Sydney.

  4. The Grounds looks like a fabulous place to wander through, and your breakfast is what i have two or three times a week and is always good!

    1. Bob, that's interesting that you have such a breakfast regularly. It's certainly a healthy start to the day and surprisingly filling.

  5. Wow! The Grounds are so beautifiul. I love all the colours!
    In 48 minutes you could have walked back to the proper stop, even at a slow pace. An excellent reason for governments to take back control of public transport in my opinion.

    1. River, it was a terrific place. We so enjoyed it. It was quite warm and the wait should have been 18 minutes. We didn't know in advance that the next bus wouldn't show. We thought, maybe it was a few minutes late. So it was kind of 25 minutes. I would have walked but if R says no, I know he would struggle.

  6. It was meant to be "salut" ... the a fell off!

    1. Close Merlot, but no guernsey. Gay pub, explains why there are letters missing but what is the word meant to be?

  7. Government run services always seem better to me. The contract for buses in my local area was taken from a family business who had done a great job for decades and it's now in the control of an overseas company. I believe the service is terrible now.
    The Grounds is lovely and they run a lot of themed displays, queues for the Christmas decorations go round the block. i thought the pig died. Maybe I got that wrong

    1. To me too Kylie. There is not the vested interest to make a profit. It should be viewed as a public service. The news about the pig was just an overheard conversation, so quite unreliable.

  8. My vases at home are small and made of clear glass. But the top vases you photographed are huge and full of colour. Happily Mexicans seem to have more vigorous taste than we have.

    1. Hels, yes I don't really think Mexico is a country of restraint, in so many ways. Not that it is a bad thing.

  9. Very colourful and entertaining.
    I thought the word was Salut.

    1. You are ever so close JB, but again no guernsey. Remember it is a pub. Someone will get it...eventually.

  10. It reminds a little of parts of Old Town in San Diego.
    A fun day spoiled a little bit by bureaucracy

    1. Cathy, it was a good day, and I didn't let the bus frustrations spoil it. R was abnormally patient.

  11. Agreed, the Grounds is fantastic

    1. James, why didn't you tell me about about the Grounds.

  12. Bright an pretty place. International Harvester made trucks, pickups, some early SUV style trucks, and heavy over the road trucks, we had a very large IH truck on the farm. They also made farm machinery.

    1. TP, International Harvester machinery was exported to here, but not in huge numbers. Clearly the international market was large enough to create right hand drive models.

  13. A very colorful place! I feel bad for the stolen pig. Wonder what the story is there?

    1. Steve, as someone suggested above, she heard he pig died, so I don't know.

  14. Oh what fun. So much color. It makes me happy just looking at the pictures. Thanks for sharing. Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Sandra, dazzling colour almost everywhere we looked.

  15. Thank you yes, I'll take that old truck and the back end, maybe turn it into a white trash like camper, or a cat hauler, either one, I'd be the talk of the freeway I'm sure.

    1. Strayer, you could set it up as a Beverley Hills replica truck.

  16. I love the look of that place. It looks like you could spend days wandering around there, Andrew.

    1. Certainly a few hours Pat, and the cafe was really good too.

  17. We inherited a yogurt maker after my mother-in-law passed away. It's from the 1970's and sees lots of use these days. Yum.

    And your colorful photos are so enticing! Thank you for sharing.

    1. A yoghurt maker? Now how would they work...

  18. What a wonderful Mexican place that was. Your brunch would have been my choice.

    1. The brunch was a first for me Jackie. I will have one again soon. It was nice.


Friday, kind of Funnies

What can I find on information super highway to amuse you. Sorry about the brief watermarks. I need to find a better downloader. I was looki...