Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The Larger Ladies

I am not really interested in fashion and this blog owner Matt normally posts luscious photos of cars, so this is a bit left of field for him. You may or may not be of a large size nevertheless some may find the photos of fashion for larger women interesting, in turn part of Melbourne Fashion Festival. While people watching, I like seeing well dressed larger women. Some larger women try to pretend they aren't larger, and that does not work. 

I am taking a chance that Matt won't mind me using one of his photos to publicise his post. He is an excellent photographer. 


  1. The recent trend to encourage women to 'embrace' their size, though laudable, is not really healthy. It sends the message that it's okay to be overweight, when it really isn't. Nonetheless, a well-dressed woman - or man - of any size is to be appreciated.

    1. I agree. As a middle-aged woman I've struggled to lose weight gained over the last decade or so. Alas, my physician announced that it's basically impossible. I miss my thirty-year-old slim body. We all miss our youth, though. ~sigh~ Be well, Andrew.

    2. JB, I am glad you added laudable. Some people can eat like so little and exercise, yet their genes make them big bulky people. That is just how they are. But overeating is certainly not to be applauded. The woman in the photo looks like a Pacific Islander. Most Islander men and women have similar builds.

    3. Darla, I miss my twenty five year old body, then 58/128, now 79/174. It is fairly unrealistic to think that you will maintain your youthful weight as you age, and those who do sometimes give lie to the statement, 'You can never be too slim'.

    4. I miss my 40-45 year old body, when I was working full time in the shoe factory from 7am to 4pm, I ate a lot of food but still weighed only 58kg. The weight didn't pile on until I retired and sat for hours by the computer and TV.

  2. Some nice looking lasses here! Well done Matt! Fat seems to be a feature of everyday life in the western world. There are those who kind of succumb to the fatness and those who fight fiercely against it - as if succumbing would be disastrous for them. Either way, there's a lot of pressure on people with regard to body image.

    1. YP, I think weight causes some people so much mental stress as they continually fight the battle. Sensible eating, some exercise and your body is what it is.

  3. I agree that dressing well, regardless of size, is preferable to just slobbing out in trackie bottoms and hoodie.

    1. JayCee, are you having a boring holiday that you have time to read my blog? Yes, slim young people can wear anything and look good. Those who don't fit that need to make an effort.

  4. Replies
    1. Tasker, I would guess there might need be a little taking in to fit you.

  5. That dress looks good on her.

    1. Kirk, and that is what it is all about, looking good as a larger person.

  6. Replies
    1. Yes Roentare, but as patients, you would need to advise about improving diet. Ha, I know doctors. You would send a very overweight person to a dietician.

  7. Replies
    1. Yes J P. She does look pretty. Thank you for your comment. You are most welcome.

  8. I really dislike seeing arger women who have crammed themselves into clothing obviously a few sizes too small, as if fitting into them makes them feel slimmer.

    1. River, essentially this is what it is all about. Don't have a mind set that you are slim yet large person. You are not going to look great in skinny jeans and generally tight clothing. Someone you and I care about from the past knew how to dress. She didn't disguise her size but looked good in flowing full length dresses.

    2. With all that full flowing hair too. She was gorgeous!

  9. He is an excellent photographer and his subjects have great style!

  10. It's good to dress for ones figure that suits....also good to have fashion.

    1. Margaret, I may be a sad old man, but my grooming and clothing suits me. Making the best of yourself, I think it is called.

  11. Fat shaming someone is horrible. But walking with a fat stomach hanging out is not pleasant either.

    1. Hels, so right. I see it more on men who should wear long tee shirts that keep their ample stomach flesh covered over.

  12. Size doesn't matter. Good health matters. Regarding dress, one has to be dressed to the occasion.

    1. Quite so Pradeep, on all counts. Do you think your children dress well, taking their ages into account?

  13. Large sized women were very much in fashion when Rubens painted them. At that time slim women were considered as skinny and were not considered as beautiful. It's all a question of fashion. Remember the skeleton models who nearly died ? Now there is a weight limit. I was very slim and could eat a lot, I never put on weight. Now I weight a little more but I am not XL ! So it's also a question of how you are "made".

    1. All quite correct Gattina. I remember those horrible skinny models. They were not role models. Yes, much of it is how you are made.

  14. I hope everyone becomes comfortable in their own skin.

    1. TP, it is keeping active and healthy rather than what your genes dictate.

  15. I like that dress, its so colorful. I

    1. Strayer, and also very summery, and that was when was being displayed.

  16. She looks good in the dress and it suits her. That is all that matters.

  17. As long as people take care of themselves to the best of their ability, I think they should be proud of their bodies and display them to optimal effect! So hooray for all-sizes fashions.

  18. Tienen derecho a ir a la moda. Ahora en tallas grandes, se encuentran trajes bien modernos.

    1. That's right, you can still be large and look good.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It was just a repeat of mine above, Andrew. Oops.

    2. Pat, annoyingly a couple of spam messages did get through while your legitimate one didn't. I wish I could something about it.

  20. I have met women who are on the larger size. I was getting to the point where I was a contender myself. I'm dieting and exercising like crazy. It does seem to be working as well, which is comforting. But all that aside, something I think that the world misses sometimes is that attractiveness is not measured by body size alone. I've been women who are large, but confident, or so very joyful, or so very loving, or so very intelligent...the list could go on and on...and I see them and they are beautiful people. Their souls make them that way, not their bodies.


I should have stayed home x 2

Yesterday, which was Sunday as I type on Monday, Kosov had a job interview in the suburb of Tullamarine. It would take about one and a half ...