Friday, March 15, 2024

Tech, Family and Humour

I haven't finished with matters tech. The Wednesday morning when I connected up the remaining lights, we were waiting for Hippie Niece and her twin daughters to arrive. The twins had appointments at the dental hospital so she parked here and we caught a tram to town for a bite to eat with them before their appointment. The old uncles paid, and R was profusely thanked for his generosity, as is normal. Of course I pay R half later, but R gets the credit and I am happy in my role of the stingy and grumpy uncle. The cafe latte coloured twins turn 7 in April and have turned out to be quite lovely, unlike their earlier selves. They are quite full on and their speech isn't perfect yet, but not bad. Their dad, his wife and their younger half sisters are taking them to see family in New Zealand at Christmas. It was judged in the past that it would be a risk that he wouldn't return and keep the girls in NZ, but he now has too much to lose if he did that. It will be good for them to meet their extended family and find out a bit about their heritage.

While waiting I looked at my phone and noticed it was using 4G and not the home wifi system. R, look at your phone. Do you have working wifi? He didn't. I looked at the router and there wasn't one light on. I offed and onded it but it was dead. The stick blender is plugged in next to it and it was dead too. R checked the fuse panel and the residual current (earth leakage?) switch had tripped. We turned it back on, and then all was once well again. Who knows why it tripped!

ABI Brother moves home tomorrow. I called him mid afternoon to check if all was good, and it wasn't. He had booked the removalist for 7.30 but settlement between his sale and his purchase was at 3pm. He can't move in before then and has to be out of his place on the day. I called him an hour ago and fortunately the removalist was good about it and shuffled moves around. I didn't even think of that and tell him about settlement times. 

It's time for a laugh, but not really a deep belly laugh. Yes, predictive text and auto correct has caught me out a couple of times. I found these on FB.


  1. Hope ABI's move went smoothly after the tension.
    Predictive text is funny, but annoying when it keeps insisting it's right!

    1. JB,I won't bother him with a call tonight, Friday, but I'll call him tomorrow and we will visit him Sunday. The worst of predictive text is when you accurately type a word and spell checker changes it and you don't notice.

  2. You sound like a wonderful uncle and brother, and it sounds like your family is close.

    1. Sandra, I do try but R is much better with the children. They respect me rather than rush to me for hugs. But I did get hugs from the twins. There was some tension between Sister and Nephew's wife and they will never be mates, but otherwise, Mum's family remains intact and in touch.

  3. The autocoorect meme is so funny.

    1. Roentare, I wonder what auto correct might do with the inventor's name?

  4. Siempre es bueno contar con la familia. Te mando un beso. Enamorada de las letras

    1. Thank you JPA. Family is so important, especially as you lose friends when you are older.

  5. Autocorrect can be quite funny!

    1. Bob, only when others are victims to it and not yourself.

  6. I have granddaughter who will be 8 this coming April.

    1. Dora, twins are 14th. Your granddaughter?

  7. I think tech issues are way easier than those involving family. lol I wish you and yours all the best.

    1. Darla, you are right up to a point. Family is more complicated, with emotions, opinions and feelings etc, but so rewarding when it works.

  8. I hope you didn't use your phone when it temporarily was off wi-fi. I have, and the difference is there in the billing.

    1. Kirk, I think my phone gives me 20gb per month. If I am not away I will use less than 1gb. The rest rolls over. Let me check. 861gb available. R will have more than that as he doesn't watch YouTube when we travel in Australia and hotspot our tablets to our phones.

  9. The very worst autocorrect 'fix' I had was when I was messaging someone about something that I'd done. I confessed and said, "Don't rat me out, sistah!" AC changed it to 'Don't eat me out, sistah.' I just about died. She did too. From laughter.

  10. Predictive texting is apparently a feature that makes it quicker and easier to send messages by suggesting and changing words as you type. I don't mind any suggestion, but I hate some moronic programme autocorrecting MY English. When the so-called autocorrect makes blatant spelling errors, it is even more frustrating.

    1. Hels, I use it all the time on my phone. I don't have opposable thumbs that can whip all over a phone screen at speed. Predictive does make phone writing faster. Yes, there are errors, especially for Australian words.

  11. Had to laugh at those signs. I'm glad ABI brother got his move sorted. What do you mean the girls speech isn't perfect yet? Surely you don't expect them to speak as if they've spent years at a posh school? They'll love NZ.

    1. River, they were very slow to speak but communicated between themselves in their own language. Their mother speaks at speed and garbled at times. They have had some speech therapy and they aren't so bad now, but still below standard. They have had a chaotic upbringing with their mother having extreme post natal depression, and then ongoing psychiatric issues to the point she was hospitalised, now with their third 'father'. Ex Sis in Law and her husband looked after them. I am pleased they have turned out as well as they have and are a happy pair of girls. I hope it will be good for them to be with their people of their background in NZ.

    2. Thanks for explaining. "My" twins babble to each other too but are learning real words quickly. They are learning to say their own names, with Gen saying "envieve" and Ana saying "stasia". I love hearing them say Nanny, because that's me.

  12. Those signs are so funny Andrew, well to me they are.
    Gosh it's hard when moving to get everything flowing.
    I'm sure the twin will enjoy New Zealand and return with much news, my how time flies.

    1. Margaret, I never want to move again, and I guess you don't either. Yes, I am sure they will have plenty to tell. I hope they can express their adventure well. It is funny what we hear from them about their dad, his new wife and their half sisters.

  13. Being faster with the cards, I almost always pay. We don't keep track of who paid for what, after 32 years, it is all ours, even if there are two accounts.

    1. TP, I wasn't so pleased at the time, many decades ago now, but I am that we kept our money separate, down to the dollar but with generosity too. This has also enable us to receive single old age pensions, somewhat more than a combined married couple's pension.

  14. I'm sure the kids know you are also treating them, even if you're not visibly paying!

    1. The niece might Steve, but the young kids, no.

  15. The autocorrect jokes are great. We had a friend's name corrected from Lesley to Elegy and since then she has remained Elegy.

    1. Pat, I like the name Elegy, as long as it is correctly pronounced and not as allergy.

  16. I have a friend, Kate, who was notoriously late most of the time. She's much improved. But autocorrect for her was always Late, not Kate. Obviously they knew something. The weirdest autocorrect I have these days is Circular Quay always coming up as Cucumber Quay.



I am tired of seeing Kevin McCloud documenting rich ***** ever so special home buildings.   When McCloud was in Australia, his management la...