Monday, March 4, 2024

Monday Mural

I'm joining in with Sami and others for Monday Mural. Now what do I have in the vault? How about emus.

Well, that's not an emu and I have no idea what bird it is.

This is an emu and I can't say it is a fabulous mural but I do like the baby emus at bird's feet, and yes they are striped when young.

I think this mural is great, with a reminder of our indigenous people. 


  1. I am assuming that emus only live in Australia. I wonder what non-Australians make of your mural.

    1. Hels, they could be in zoos elsewhere I suppose.
      Read below to see what others think.

  2. Very lovely murals. I've always been fascinated by emus and rheas and ostriches - such large flightless birds.

    1. JB, and check out our most dangerous non flying large bird, the cassowary.

  3. Very bright and colourful and I like the baby emus too.
    Have you ever eaten emu? We have eaten ostrich steaks a few times and enjoyed them. (Sorry).

    1. JayCee, we haven't but it is available. I tried kangaroo once and I didn't like it. I've not tried crocodile (tastes like chicken) and I don't see the need. We rode on ostriches in South Africa. I don't think I would want to eat them either.

  4. This is a lovely mural. The pink colour background is making it quite warm

    1. I didn't notice that Roentare, and you are quite right.

  5. I like this one. The babies are so cute.
    The dresses in that shop are pricey so I need to find an occasion before I could justify a splurge to myself.

    1. Pat, I've not seen emu chicks but I am sure they are very cute and I expect the parents are very protective. Read into that what you may.

  6. Replies
    1. Just as well Bob, as there are many of them.

  7. The close up is little on scary side.

    1. Dora, even more scary when you are that close in person.

  8. LOVE the emu with the painted beak :) And the one with the chicks. Did you know that both parents take turns looking after the chicks?

    1. River, I did know that about parents but I'd forgotten. So both parents would be fierce protectors of their chicks.

  9. Replies
    1. Margaret, you don't have emus. Now I wonder if Vitoria has emus. I think we do, perhaps up north.

  10. The baby emus look they were done by a different artist than who did the mother. I'm not saying for sure they were, the style looks different.

    1. Kirk, I took a good hard look and yes the style is different but then the chicks don't resemble the adult bird. I looked at the curvature of the beaks and I think it is the same artist.

  11. Lovely murals Andrew. I love the one with the head and the Aboriginal patterns on the beak and behind the head. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Andrew.

  12. The last picture is impressive, it almost scares you with that evil look and that in large size on a wall !

    1. Gattina, they are also close to human height, so they can be quite frightening to people but generally they are ok with humans. They will attack if their chicks are threatened and can be quite pushy to humans if the humans have food.

  13. Emus are known worldwide although they are indigenous to Australia. They are related to a few other species in the Southern Hemisphere like ostriches, emus, and some extinct New Zealand birds.
    Nice mural.

    1. Mae, I should think as they aren't a threatened species, they are probably in wildlife parks in many places around the world. Thanks.

  14. Where exactly is this bird mural located? Please give precise geo-coordinates so that if I ever visit Melbourne, I will be able to find it easily.

    1. YP, all my photos are now geotagged, so it is to know. However, I've never bothered to look and I see no reason to do so now.

  15. I'd like to see the baby emus in the billy buttons have a mural of their own! just gorgeous


The rest of the Sunday

Ex Sis in Law invited me to visit their new rented home she and her husband have just moved into. I drove the fifty minutes Sunday afternoon...