Sunday, April 21, 2024

Sunday Evening

The sky is clear and the moon is almost full.

Only three stars are visible in the light polluted sky.

How good are humans at polluting!

Night time will be 6 with a shiver. Daytime a glorious 23. Where's my hat to stop the harmful rays.

Autumn is here with her glorious tree colours. But she is a harbinger of the cold and winds of winter. 

Still on roads and pavements below on a Sunday night, cars and people move on as everyone has a place to be, to get to.

Where are they all going? Maybe like us who drove to an Indian restaurant for some decent English food. 

Such safe and dependable food. Indian by name but English by taste, one of Australia's best imports. 

I missed a little tv sound, Vera, because of a very noisy motor bike, the sound of which penetrates. Can citizens buy road spikes to throw in front of noisy vehicles? 

Trams are rumbling past, so the world is still functioning. I imagine in Ukraine, the nearly forgotten war, how reassuring it must be for citizens to hear trams rumbling past. 



  1. I always forget your Autumn is our Spring. Everything here is blooming and blossoming.

    1. Bob, I am perplexed. I know it is your spring and your blooms are lovely.

  2. Lucky you Andrew - tonight it’s going down to 4° here in the outer east and that’s forecast for tomorrow night as well! And yes, we’ve a couple of good days to look forward to
    Didn’t get round to your last post - I have to say that bed doesn’t exactly look very comfortable. Good for a bad back if you’re a short skinny person, not sure about anyone else though. Will look forward to your review when you get back. Later in the year.

    1. Cathy, don't be mean with your heating and put on your flannies to be enveloped in your flanny sheets.

      It is only one night on the train and if we find it ok, maybe overnight Sydney train, The Ghan or Indian Pacific.

  3. Thanks for a nice quiet reflection on a noisy world.

    1. TP, don't we live in such noisy worlds. It is rarely silent.

  4. Yes, I'm sure sounds of normalcy are much appreciated in Ukraine. Here too, for that matter.

    1. Steve, we are not forgetting at all, are we, even if media seems to have.

  5. Replies
    1. Strayer, it started that way but derailed somewhat.

  6. It's been a while but not for occasional lack of trying, google just won't let me comment anywhere any more. Finally worked out I can use my tablet and not sign in.

    Quite a poetic post for the day Tay Tay released her tortured poets thing.

    I've not blogged in a long time mainly because how does one talk about everything being completely different in the space of a year? But today I did the worst job in the world which I guess to some seems like not that bad a job at all just sorting through papers. But they were mums important papers, in preparation for her last tax return and finalising the estate. Two minutes in and I had Dads plane ticket for south Africa and tears everywhere. It got better but now sleepless in a house neither of them ever saw, in the bed they slept in for so many years. Dad did always say it was the most comfortable and he was right.

    This job having taken way less time than expected I have a day off tomorrow, will commit to a blog post.

    My R is finding the loss of my mum quite hard too. Sending you much love. My blog reader broke again, can only read by arriving here now. - snoskred

    1. Thanks Snoskred. That's much appreciated and I often wonder how you are going, and dealing with the loss of both parents.

  7. This post almost reads like a poem to me. Ah, to hear normal sounds in the midst of chaos.

  8. In philosophical mood today, Andrew. The only good thing to be said about a power cut is the absolute peace it brings (unless you're in a war zone, of course,)

    1. JB, philosophical is much better than almost poetic. Thanks.

  9. As others have commented, this is poetic, beautiful and sad.

  10. I read that Ukraine is really the plain gateway to enter into Poland and other countries in Scandinavia for Russia. World is full of wars

    1. Roentare, I think most European countries feel this and that's why it is important for the invasion to fail.

  11. I believe as roentare does. You know, I was watching a video about a night bombing in Ukraine. The explosions stopped and in very short order, there was the sound of crickets. For some reason, I found that very moving.

    1. I get that on both counts Debby. I remember stamping on the ground at night to briefly stop cricket noise.

  12. I wonder is there any normalcy in Ukraine yet? I doubt it, though the news reports have slackened off markedly, even Gaza isn't reported on as much.

    1. River, for some I think things will feel normal, especially if people are in rural areas or far from the Russian border. At best we can expect some kind of detent between Israel and Hamas, or at least Palestinians.

  13. You seem to be in "autumn" mood, that's a season I hate and you are right to escape winter for a couple of weeks ! Here of course it's the opposite, we are supposed to go towards spring. Although most of the trees have leaves now and the nature looks green, we still can't walk in our park or sit on a bench unless you use your umbrella and wear a thick winter coat ! Crazy ! The trees in front of my window are far away and as they are standing there since 200 years at least, I hope they will fall when I am gone !

    1. Autumn can be such a nice time of the year here, with cool nights and nice sunny days, but not too hot. It's good that the trees in leaf won't bother your views. 200 year old trees is impressive.



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