Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Just a day

I think it reached 37/98 degrees today. It might be our third day of a temperature over 35 this summer. That's unusually cool. I can't remember the last time we had 40 degrees. It has been a nice summer, with temperatures often between 22/71 and 26. 

I had a big afternoon lined up, so we just went across the road to a cafe for arancini balls and coffee. It wasn't too bad sitting outside under trees and an umbrella. 

At 3.00 I had a dental appointment in Footscray and intended to go by tram and train but R said I should take the car. I am not familiar when driving in the area, so I didn't take the car. I left plenty of time for things to go wrong but they didn't. I was most worried about waiting for my appointment in the heat, but of course I could have waited in the dentists' rooms. 

As it was, I didn't have too much time to kill. I was sitting for five or so minutes under the shade of a tree and the man in doughnut van called out hello to me. He fries your doughnuts while you wait. Very nice. 

I like Footscray and contrary to what some people think, I always feel safe among the dark African immigrants and many Asian people, fleshed out with a number of white people. 

My dentist is of Vietnamese heritage and speaks perfect Australian, as does another similarly aged dentist at the practice. He gave me my  final root canal treatment. He is so particular in getting the filling right. So he should be for what I've paid him. I can't say it was pleasant but you just have to grin and bear it, well not grin while the treatment is underway.

The dentist is not bad looking and at times sat on a stool with wheels as he worked away. Sometimes he stood and when he stood, being quite short, I could feel the heat from his body on the side of my face. Now if I turned my head to the right, my face would have been directly lined up with...you can guess. 

I was there for nearly an hour and when I left the surgery, the weather had cooled quite a bit. Gosh the public transport in Footscray is so well used; the tram that doesn't go to the city, the trains for three lines plus regional trains and multiple buses. All of our trains and buses have air conditioning but only about half our trams. I made sure I caught aircon trams. Some don't have the choice. 


  1. I can imagine Melbourne now having visited it in the month of February, yes it was hot, although we found some shopping areas with A/C a bit cool! We have 9C here today(45F) so warm coats weather. Fortunate you, not enough dentist here since covid and I have paid a fair amount to have a filling and some other treatment, but thankfully it didn't hurt, just my pocket!

    1. Chris, shopping centres seemed to have raised their cooling and lowered the heating levels in the last couple of years. There is a small shopping centre with just ok cooling where we brunched today.
      A lot of Asian immigrants and their children have gone into dentistry and I don't think we have a shortage.

  2. Urgh... root canal work, hot stuffy transport, 37C temps!!
    Did you enjoy having your doughnuts fried while you wait?

    1. JayCee, it was too hot for doughnuts. I just sat there to kill ten minutes.

  3. How can you eat doughnuts while waiting to see your dentist? I always have to present as 'perfect', which is daft, of course.

    1. JB, I didn't. I just sat near there. I have bought them before. My teeth were pristine before I left home. I don't think dentists want to see a chunk of pig stuck between your teeth, so I agree with you.

  4. Yeah Black Saturday type warning is in place for today. Banning anyone to enter forest or bush.

    1. Roentare, at 5.46, things don't seem too bad but a lot of houses have lost power.

  5. Freshly fried doughnuts. A bit like KFC - the smell always promises something that never quite makes it.
    Hopefully your dental adventures are now over and you can start feeding the piggy bank again. I still don't understand why dentists aren't covered under medicare.

    1. Merlot, I find the original recipe KFC hits the mark, as the fat dribbles down your chin.
      The Greens are pushing for dental to be included. Our Medicare levy is too low. There are some schemes for pensioners etc, but you basic person has to pay big time. I think the Dental Hospital and others will give basic treatment but you have to wait unless it is an emergency.

  6. Why not go to a dentist in your own suburb? I roll out of bed to go for my regular dental checks or treatments, without having to worry in advance about transport, crowds, things that might go wrong etc.

    1. Hels, the Footscray dentist is much cheaper than on our side of town. I find it less formal and friendlier too. Normally it is an easy experience to get there.

  7. In Australia now you have summer. For me, from Mallorca, is strange to see, this last Christmas, in the British satélite TV, in the British pubs, the people swiming in the australian beaches wearing like Kris Kringle. But different countries have different traditions.
    Enjoy a lot this summer. Tiene run and past fast. In Mallorca in a few month we Will have summer too. I Hope It fast.
    Greetings with love from Mallorca

    1. Thank J.S. I don't think you get snow at least in Mallorca. The older we get, the faster time passes.

  8. Well! I've heard of some strange things that people think about to distract themselves from unpleasant experiences, but, goodness me.

    1. Tasker, I'm awful. But I think you know that already.

  9. I'm glad you didn't need to wait long and things went well. Your story about the dentist made me grin. I like the fact being around different folks isn't intimidating; it's a good place to be, mentally and (of course) geographically here in Southwest Ohio, USA. ~nods~ Best wishes!

    1. Darla, it was just nice to have the tooth business all over.....until the next time. Wherever you actually live, it does sound like a nice place.

  10. Maybe it has been a cool summer so far, but I feel every degree when it gets over 30. I'm doing dentist appointments again soon.

    1. River, regarding dental, I don't want have all my teeth extracted and have to wear falsies. Are you under some king of subsidised scheme?

    2. Not that I know of, but I have insurance thanks to "no-one" and after many many years of fillings etc my teeth are no longer worth saving, so out they come! I used to care about saving them but not anymore, the cost is too steep and still having toothache at over 70 is just too hard.

  11. Thank you for your vivid description and showing me around this. Very interesting multicultural area! Aloha from HonoluluThank you for your vivid description and showing me around this. Very interesting multicultural area! Aloha from Honolulu

    1. Thanks Cloudia. Yes, Hawaii is very culturally diverse. We've never gotten around to visiting.

  12. "I could feel the heat from his body on the side of my face"

    Was this before he administered the Novocain?

    1. Afterwards Kirk. Perhaps the worst are the numbing needles.

  13. My, my Andrew, at least your mind is working well..lol
    Didn't Melbourne have many continuous days of 40 deg C/or over, then there were dreadful bushfires back several years ago?

    1. Margaret, yes my mind still works well for thinking about what I don't do.
      Yes, 2020 there were bad fires, just before you know what hit Australia.

  14. Temperature should soon be on its way down, is it not ? Glad the dental work went off well.

    1. Pradeep, we are in our hottest month and it can be hot into March. Yes, glad the dental is over. Thanks.

  15. This morning was just as bad ( not the dentist in my case) - not bad because I do like it warm, just not keen on the humidity. Large storm hit about an hour ago, temps now down to mid 20s.
    Cinnamon doughnuts freshly cooked then tossed in the ‘sugar mix’ - delicious, finger licking good. Same as the ones you get freshly cooked which have jam pumped into them. All that sugar is a dentist’s delight

    1. Cathy, the storm while brief here, was a pretty spectacular event. Yes, cinnamon is my preference too. I wish jam doughnuts actually contained jam and not some kind of sauce.

  16. It started snowing here about an hour ago. A couple of hours of discomfort, for a lifetime of comfort.

  17. You could send a bit of that heat this way. The weather, I'm talking about, not your dentist...

    1. Haha Debby. It's a much cooler 23 forecast for today. I'm keeping that one right here thanks.


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