Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sunday Selections

I'm joining with Elephant's Child and River for Sunday Selections.

Our all over advertising trams generally look great but this is an 'art tram'. However with the windows covered over by advertising or art by Yarra Trams, it is a terrible experience for passengers. What is the point of tram windows if they are  covered over? 

Bad tram driving. I can't count how many times I have seen tram drivers block this intersection. Very poor training and driver monitoring by Yarra Trams. I complain a lot about our tram system not because it is terrible. I just want it to be better. 

"Beware the bees. The warning is apt. An angry bee will attack. If you are at all interested in bee keeping, and I wasn't, this clip and some others about bees from former English canal narrow boater YouTubers, who changed to being Scottish crofters of the modern kind, could interest you. There are more clips they have uploaded about bee keeping and I found the whole bee lifestyle quite fascinating. "

I can't imagine what these on the beach front could be used for other than seating but I like a backrest, necessary for my arthritic spine.  Maybe you can do your yoga or your pilates on them, or chanting like Hari Krishnas. 

I've only seen one of this style of a live tram indicator. You can also push the button for audio information. 

I think this yellow cable is an anti theft device. I wasn't game to give it a tug to find out in case a siren sounded.

The beautiful camellia is how I see myself. In the foreground, the truth about me is more evident.

How sexist. Where are designs for men? Isn't it interesting that the writer thought to add Designs for Women? 

We kind of knew we would be living on a busy street when we moved here, but it has become so much busier.

Cranes having a pash. When I was growing up the word pash was used to replace the phrase passionate kissing. I don't think my pashing skills were that great but if you get the right person, wow! Thanks Barry, sadly dying at a youngish age from HIV. Come on you old people. Remember what young passion was like.  I've learnt a lot about pashing now but I no longer care to exchange saliva with strangers. 

Victory cranes. 


  1. I have certainly seen some men (sadly topless) for whom a bra is desirable.
    Smiling at your takes on the cranes. I may look at our multitudes of them differently now.
    And a big yes on the reluctance to exchange saliva with strangers.

    1. Wot you sayin' 'bout EC? ☺
      I was a little surprised that the cranes made good photos.
      Memories live on.

  2. Oh, I definitely remember some good youthful "pash"! (Or "pashing"? Is it a noun or a verb?)

    Was your picture of the camellia taken in the UK? It looks like London!

    1. Pash is both Steve, abbreviation of pashing.

      No, the camellia was behind shops in our bagel belt suburb.

  3. I was just thinking of girlhood boyfriends for some reason; feeling kind of bad for dumping some the way I did after several very enjoyable dates. ;) These are great photos but it breaks my heart about Barry's too-young death. Be well, Andrew, and be sure to give R a nice kiss. I'll do the same after the old man wakes from his nap. lol

    1. Find them online Darla and make a light apology. I never knew Barry's age. He seemed ageless to me. We kiss rarely now, usually for special occasions.

    2. I'd rather not open that can of worms. lol However, I've been in touch sporadically with my first love. He considered suicide after our breakup (!), and I'm incredibly thankful he didn't.

  4. You have such romantic cranes down under. Ours are so boring.

    1. JayCee, you just need big high rise towers to be built on your island. They will blend in. I'm a property developer. I know this.

  5. They are creating arts with the cranes there. Quite cool. I heard on news that South Yarra council has instated a new speed limit of 40 for all roads in the area.

    1. Roentare, that is possibly true about speed limits but City of Stonnington has long had 40 km/h limits in some streets, especially through shopping and late night bar areas, and that is a good thing.

  6. I haven't heard the word pash for decades. I loved the concept at 18 but at that age I just assumed that older people don't kiss any longer.

  7. We have similar seating here in Rundle Mall and probably a few other places around the city. I think they are designed so people do not linger long. Your street certainly is busy.

    1. River, without a backrest, I would not be tempted to linger. Where we live is strange in so many ways. I like that we committed fellow residents in the area recognise each other amid office workers and kiddies out for fun or to work.

  8. The cranes look kind of cute like that Andrew.
    Remember the word pash, yes!
    Why are trams permitted to block the path of other cars?
    Cars have to leave the intersection free so others can go infront when light change, can't understand those trams.

    1. I bet you had a pash or five when you were young Margaret.
      Trams generally have to follow the road rules with some exceptions. Tram drivers like motorists block intersections. Cars blocking the intersection as I've shown is much more common.

  9. Nothing like two cranes in love. I don't think you could be much like a junk strewn trashed out yard? The beach flat seating, to me, looks like a nap spot. I'm always seeing things as their potential for a lazy nap.

    1. Strayer, I dunno. I look in the mirror when I have to and I don't like what I see. To nap on the seating would have been nice today. A warm sun with a light cooling breeze.

  10. Passengers inside the tram will have to do with people watching. Carry on pashing!

    1. ME, people watching inside a tram is good, but sometimes it is good to people watch outside the tram.

    2. I'm curious about those windows though. Over here, there are window coverings like that, but they are black on the inside and perforated with thousands of tiny pinholes. You can see through to the outside. Do you suppose those art trams are like that? I mean, I cannot imagine how DARK it would be inside the tram with all the windows covered. Lots of pash going on, probably, like the back row of a cheap theater.

    3. Debby, they are as you describe but not black inside. You can still just see out, but if it is dark and or wet, almost impossible. Nice idea about what might go in a dark tram, but trams and trains always have internal lighting on.

  11. In my youth it would have been cranes necking.

    1. Kirk, I know the word necking, but I can't recall if it was used here. I will guess not and it may have been understood from American films.

  12. Those tram drivers need retraining, I think. The painted ones are very striking but not a lot of fun to ride in if an outside view is required.

    1. JB, for balance I really need to take a photo of cars blocking trams at the same intersection. But car drivers are not supposedly professional drivers. Remember though, one tram blocking cars might delay a few people. One car blocking trams full of many people is terrible.

  13. The word 'pash' was common over here but I can't remember what decade. I like the artful cranes. Soon ours will be decorated for Xmas, the only time they don't look boring. Speed limit in most London boroughs is 20 mph/32kph. It takes a while to get used to driving that slow.

    1. I think pash was in the 70s, Marie. There is no doubt in my mind that 30 km/h is safer but your car doesn't even get close to top gear. There is also no doubt in my mind that 5km/h is safer. Where should the line be drawn? 40 km/h is quite slow already.

  14. 8 frame hives, I remember when my father moved his bees out of those into 10 frame- of the 2,000 colonies only about 20 were in the 8 frame design.


A visit to northside

Melbourne is divided by the river Yarra. People who live on the north side of the river, the hipster types, the young artistic types, and th...