Saturday, September 16, 2023

A strange conversation

I had a telehealth appointment with my gynaecologist urologist at 10.30 this morning. He called at 9.02. A two minute phone conversation and he had clearly looked at my latest test result, which may have taken one minute, $100 thanks, paid in advance. There will be a Medicare rebate for about half.  The good news is that post surgery my left kidney while not perfectly draining, it is draining adequately. I am happy and since surgery, no more UTIs. 

My seven day waterproof bandage kind of fell off last night. R took a look and said the wound looked fine. For the second day this morning I didn't shower as I like to, just using the hand held. I'll get R to take another look at the wound later tonight and I think tomorrow I will shower normally. 

Hey, you are not getting away with me moaning about medical matters so easily. This morning I woke up coughing and stuffed up. Yep, I caught R's cold. I am not dying, but quite close. But unlike someone else, I no complain. 

We drove to Bay Street, Port Melbourne in the morning purely to brunch at the bakery. Later, normally I would walk but I caught a tram one stop to have a look at what is happening in Albert Road in association with the building of the new underground Anzac Station. It is still far from complete but roads in both directions and protected bike lanes have opened. 

I was standing, looking around at what I could observe. A beggar asked me for money. I later saw him praying at a letter box with his filthy bare feet showing. Mental illness is among us and I wish the sufferers had better support. Was the next conversation a case of mental illness? I don't know.

A short and stout women stopped and exclaimed how wonderful the roads works were. I replied, yes but it has been a long time in the making. She went further about what a great project it was. While the end result may be good, lordy it has been a long and difficult time and it is far from over yet.

"We are from the United States and my husband has a contract here, but it is soon to end and I can't wait to get home".

"Err, you don't like it here?"

"Not that, I want to get home and get rid of that Biden bastard".

She turned on her heels and quickly walked away. I was dumbfounded. She was still within earshot when I did say loudly 'really'. 

I've thought about the encounter.

1. I didn't notice she had a US accent, but maybe that is just me. If she did, it was very neutral. 

2. By her dress, makeup and carriage, she did not look like a wife of a US person who would have an Australian contract.

3. Australians are generally up for a conversation with a stranger if the situation is right. Even if we are not, we will tell the person to fuck off in the most polite way. Some may take advantage of this. 

4. The way she approached me was strange.

5. Making such a profound statement about bastard Biden might be expected from a certain class of US citizens. I would not have thought the wife of a contractor employed in Australia would say such a thing. 

I think I conclude she was a person with a mental illness. What do you think? 


  1. I would need to assess her thoroughly to reach a diagnosis. $1,000 plus costs.

  2. Good news about no more UTIs. Excellent news.
    I wonder whether that woman couldn't talk about those issues in her normal circle and felt the need to unburden herself - and chose a stranger.

    1. EC, with her attitude, I can't imagine she would be too popular with most Australians. I'd really like to say all.

  3. Replies
    1. I'll raise a glass to my health, shall I Darla?

  4. The item number for your review has no time limit on it. 1 second would justify as long as the purpose of the review is fulfilled to the best practice standard. I guess the best practice standard is hard to define these days. With respect to this woman in mention, I agree with you that it is highly probable that she has a personality disorder of some sort doing what she does. Or just another Australian cooker or US version.


  5. I just wish some young people would step up in the US . Biden is a total mess with obvious dementia issues.. The other man whose name I refuse to say should be in prison .
    Their judges are too old and too political .
    It’s a strange thing though the US citizens I have met have been welcoming and really good people . I guess that some people would say the same thing about Australians

    1. Anon, fortunately government is not completely dependant on a President. I've found the same with people in the US via my blog. They don't fit any kind of strawberry blond buffoon voters. The are kind and decent people.

  6. I worked with an American back in 2016 who was leaving his job to go back to the States so he could vote for the Pumpkin. Not sure if he wanted the Pumpkin or didn't want Hilary.
    As Anon above said, I think it is time young, fresh blood was introduced but we know the chances of that happening.
    Mental illness is amongst us and is exacerbated with drug use. The decision to "treat" psych patients in the community was short sighted and so damaging.
    I am thrilled your kidney is doing at least part of what it is meant to do. I assume you still have another one just in case.

    1. Caro, yes we shouldn't forget the buffoon would not be in office if not for Hilary. There is some fresh blood there... De Santis anyone?
      Generally I agree with you about deinstitutionalisation of the mentally unwell, certainly without adequate support. R worked with many disabled who came from institutions in the 1980s. Generally it worked better for them because they really were well supported.
      Yes, I still have the fully functioning model. One of 16 month old twin boys seems to only have one kidney but it is not confirmed.

  7. She certainly is delusional. If I had my druthers, I would druther deal with the barefooted man praying to the mailbox.

    1. Yes, all he wanted was a bit of money.
      I expect you are correct about #45 and Biden.

  8. PS: it IS time for young blood, and I'm here to tell you, if tRUMP wasn't running, I think that Biden would have been ready to move on.

  9. She's in cult, Andrew. There are millions glugging the Koolaid every day. And some do surprise even me the unsurprisable one. The Orange Moron repeats things three times like most cult leaders and they swallow it. He appeals to the their dark sides.
    Glad to hear your health is improving.

    1. WWW, it is like a cult, isn't it. A very large cult who absolutely defy logical thinking. Thanks.

  10. If for some reason I get to your countries. I will keep my mouth shut about my politics.
    I find it interest about your Medicare. They take $115 out of hubby retirement for Medicare, and he pays the first $250 and after that the gov't pays 80% and we pay 20%
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

    1. Dora, here Trump supporters would be on the fringe. Generally it is not a good idea to talk about politics. The deeper you dig, the worse it gets.

  11. I doubt she has a mental illness and is just probably extremely proud to be a republican Biden hater. I thought Medicare rebates were higher, about two thirds?

  12. River, I was surprised at the viciousness with how she spat out Biden bastard. There are politicians I despise but I would never say that about them.
    The rebate was $40.65, which I think is now the standard doctor consultation rebate.

  13. Good news on the health front. Keep it up, as they say...

  14. I would answer that road works last longer in my country and that Biden is not my problem. We have enough crazy politicians here. Maybe she only wanted to say that she came from best and nicest country in the world !

    1. This has been a shocker Gattina. It feels like, and perhaps been going on for years. Yes, she came from God's Own Country.

  15. Well, there are some strange folks around. Shame about your cold (man flu?) but encouraging about your poorly kidney.

    1. Close to man flu JB. I love the word poorly. A perfect description.

  16. Well, you were there, so you're a better judge than we are. It's certainly possible if not likely! Then again, I'm sometimes surprised at how casually some people will express incredibly strong political opinions.

    1. Steve, I find taxi drivers in England to be very free with the political opinions and social commentaries. As for shopkeepers, they can lose business by stating their political opinions as one place I used to go to where I now won't.

  17. I would have walked away shaking my head. There are so many odd people around these days.

    1. Pat, I think that was her point of quickly turning away and leaving, so that I had no time to react.

  18. Yup, I think you got it right--mentally ill. No reason to approach you to rave about a street project if she's not even Australian unless her husband was involved as a contractor in that project. And to want to get home to vote out Biden? That's crazy too.

    1. Seems pretty crazy to me Strayer. There are some strange people in this world.

  19. Sorry to read you have R's cold, now in full swing I guess as I'm writing this a few days further into your cold. So hope you are doing ok, and good news on the UTI front.
    The lady, well that does happen sometimes where a complete stranger starts talking, finishes then walks off - just someone different to tell.

    1. I am over the worst of it now Margaret. I guess the stranger didn't care about creating a good impression.

    2. Pleased you over the worst of your cold.
      Today we went grocery shopping and a women getting out of her car (a stranger) started chatting away - she was normal :)

  20. A lot to do and it's so good to know so many people care. Cooking, you will get there eventually Andrew. Take care.

    1. Margaret, I may cook something at times but it will be rare. Aside from my fried rice, I haven't cooked normal meals since the mid 1980s.



I am tired of seeing Kevin McCloud documenting rich ***** ever so special home buildings.   When McCloud was in Australia, his management la...