Sunday, July 9, 2023

Sunday Selections Bloomin' Good

I feel a bit guilty for not participating with River and Elephant's Child for Sunday Selections for ages. This is not a normal Sunday Selections for me, but never mind.

Shortly after we returned from England we visited a plant nursery to buy some winter potted colour for our balcony and what flowering plant likes Melbourne's cold winter more than a cyclamen. 

You can buy your garden plants at the big green shed business but I've never been impressed by the quality. At Acorn nursery in a a very middle class area of greater Melbourne we bought this cyclamen. Around seven weeks later, this week finally two blooms failed and I cut them off at their stalks. There have been numerous new blooms popping up. It is watered about once a fortnight and looking at it each day along with looking after it gives me great pleasure. 

I don't know what or how Acorn Nursery has such high quality stock, but long may it continue. 

It is hard to believe the price of an old tin bucket. A friend bought one at a Hahndorf market for a cheap price and brought it back to Victoria for his brother's friend to sell, and it did for three times the price. 

The nursery also has a popular cafe. R had samosas and I had a salmon fish cake.  

Not really audible bubbling but visually very nice. 

The cyclamen on our balcony is healthier than I am but hopefully not you. 


  1. Garden centres and nurseries are big business here. I can't believe the prices for some plants, but I do love pretty things for the garden.
    Your cyclamen is a lovely colour.

    1. We went to a English garden centre a couple of visits ago in England, JayCee. It was impressive but out in the countryside.

  2. Your cyclamen is spectacular - and I hope you soon rival it on the health stakes.
    I know what you mean about the Big Green Shed's plants. Sadly most of our nurseries have folded.

    1. EC, we had a number of medium sized nurseries just twenty minutes away. As land became more valuable, they sold up to property developers.

  3. Dining at a nursery cafe is always my favorite browsing pot plants and enjoying good food at the same time. The Sunday selection seems fun, but I am stuck with Sunday Best.

    1. Ronetare, the same for us. We've had some really nice lunches at nurseries. Stick with what you know.

  4. How many potted plants can you fit comfortably on your balcony?

    1. Hels, the question is really how many can we have on our balcony and have a practical way to water them without balcony water runoff. We have one permanent plant is a self watering pot and normally a seasonal annual in bloom, which is a bother to water.

  5. Oh, best wishes on the health of you and your beautiful plant!

  6. I really like that fountain! I want it. Not so much the old buckets. Old barn wood around here is selling for unbelievable amounts. Imagine, if you had an old falling down barn, how much you could make off that. And if there were rusty old buckets laying around, you pull them out of the weeds and you're in the big money!

    1. Strayer, who really wants an old heavy bucket for practical reasons. I am not surprised about your barn wood. It will be very well seasoned.

  7. thecontemplativecat here. My mother had the most beautiful cyclamen. I had one, which I killed for one reason or another. The succulents love growing here in S. California.

    1. We just treat them as annuals, although I know they can in a garden bed live on and bloom for a few years. In your southern area the weather would be quite dry I think.

  8. The cyclamen is gorgeous as are you, Andrew. Why is your health not up to par?

    1. Caro, recovery from surgery has not been as I would have liked. There are issues but stent is to be removed on Tuesday.

  9. Cyclamens ugh… plants aged care homes.

  10. They are beautiful cyclamens. There are pots of them blooming here in the flats now in various shades. I'd love a tin bucket! I guess I'll have to make a trip to Hahndorf. Haven't been there in years.

  11. Thanks for the link to the nursery, will take a peek.
    That cyclamen is just beautiful, do love that colour.
    Buckets were popular for people to do folk art on once.

    1. Margaret, well you know all about nurseries and plants. I can remember flowers being painted on metal buckets. Yuk.

  12. Your cyclamen looks very healthy and is such a beautiful colour.

    1. JB, red is such a good feature colour. Cyclamen have so many colours. I should try a different one next winter, but I am always dragged by red.



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