Sunday, July 9, 2023

Sunday Arvo

I was pleased to hear River's twin granddaughters are nearly walking, as are our own twin great nephews of a similar age. 

This Sunday morning we joined with Sister and Jo at Mother's bedside and Jo had made cupcakes iced with mint chocolate crumbles for her nan to join in to celebrate Jo's 16th birthday on Tuesday. We quietly sang happy birthday to Jo. Mother's drugs have been changed and she was very bright.

Sister was then to drop off Jo in Camberwell for a performance rehearsal and went home. Someone would bring Jo back home to The Bellarine after the rehearsal. 

The family just grows and grows. After our Mother visit, it was on to a one year's old first birthday party. The child is the daughter of Ex Sis in Law's husband's daughter. Of course a first birthday is nothing to do with the one year old, but all to do with gathering with family and friends of a similar age who also may or not have babies. 

There must have been sixty people there, around twenty of them very young and quite young. All of our eight greats were there. There was small jumping castle type thing, a huge gated area to contain the adventurous ones. An urn for tea and coffee. Lots of seating in various tented outdoor areas and the large garage. The food was slow to come out, aside what was out for kids, but once it flowed, it was plentiful, if not exactly healthy. But that's fine for a party. The only underestimation in consumption I noticed was small cartons of juice for kids ran out early. I'm afraid I contributed to that. 

One of twin great nephews is walking and the other pulling himself up. It was a great couple of hours in the company of some family and lots and lots of children. 

The hot young daddy attendance score was low at about three. 


  1. What a crowd. But sounds enjoyable.

    1. JayCee, who could not love watching kids run around, playing and interacting.

  2. When it comes to an end, family matters the most. Not money. Not fame. Not career.

    1. Roentare, as I have learnt over the last couple of decades. I never thought about that when I was young.

  3. How lovely. It is great to hear that your mama is improving. Though a gathering of 60 I would find overwhelming.

    1. EC, 70% we did not know and the rest were all family who we did know. It wasn't too hard.

  4. I am starting to wonder if my family has forgotten how to reproduce.

    1. TP, one side of our family is very good at that.

  5. Toddlers are delighted, once they can walk. Even though it may look like a wobble to us, walking is their first sign of independence. No wonder they smile with delight.

    1. Hels, it really is the first sign of independence. They smile until they fall down and unlike us, they are quickly up again and no damage done.

  6. "Hot young daddies" -- LOL! You're terrible, Muriel.

    1. And it is clear that they are fertile, Steve. I am worse than Muriel.

  7. You are blessed really to have such a big family and that they get together and communicate. I'm lucky if I get a two sentence response by text from anyone, other than one brother, in my family. I have three neices, none of them married and one nephew, who married a Brazilian, and neither he nor his wife communicate, except with their Brazilian side relatives. I'm jealous, let's just say.

    1. Strayer, I hear what you are saying and our lives would be quite different, perhaps empty, without them.

  8. What a lovely gathering, Andrew. Little people are endlessly entertaining and exhausting - it's great when you can hand them back ;-)

    1. Thanks JB. Don't we know how exhausting they are and it is great when they go home.

  9. What a huge turnout! I'm so glad you got to enjoy yourself. And you made me giggle at contributing to the juice running out and your scoring the hot young daddy comment. I don't blame you, and keep eyeing the hot young couple across the street. ;) Some neighbors complained they saw them having sex. What?! I'd pay for that if I could. lol

    1. Darla, so are the couple across the road poor and susceptible to some financial help?

  10. Sounds like a great day for everyone. Glad to hear mother is brighter. and Jo is 16 now! Wow.

    1. Well River, I remember some bloggers who were with me in 2007 when Jo was born. Mother is brighter but terribly weak.

  11. Nearly missed this post Andrew.
    Good to hear you mother's medication has been changed and she is managing on it. Lovely to visit her and some of the children on their birthday's - Jo, gosh recall when she was very young, wow how time sure does fly.
    Happy Birthday to all the children who had a birthday and so nice to gather together and watch them play..

    1. Margaret, thanks. For us it has been such a privilege to see Jo grow up, even though now we are rather old and boring to her. The day full of children is one I will remember.



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