Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Let there be light

 A week or so we took Hippie Niece and her twin daughters to see the light show Imaginator, formerly Imaginaria at Docklands. The trio stayed the night before and they enjoyed the fun at Imaginator. Half an hour was enough, although the booking was for an hour. No one would stay longer than an hour, so that didn't need to be policed.

A few photos. Children never seen, never heard. You wouldn't know they were here. This ball sits discreetly in the lounge room but anyone under sixteen is liable to use it to roll around. Sometimes even older really.

Almost wouldn't know they were here. They were quite good and tidied their things up a couple of times.

I rarely thank god for anything but thank you lord for John Logie Baird. 

On with the show.

I lay down on this rotating cushion, I thought next to Hippie Niece and started chatting to her. It was not her. Such embarrassment. Getting up right from the cushion could not be described as elegant either. 


  1. Oooh... those pictures.... I think there was something wrong with my mushrooms for dinner ....

  2. I think we all must have talked to someone who wasn't who we thought they were. It's so embarrassing I seem to be able to remember every time I've done it. But, really, on a cushion!

  3. IF I could get down to that cushion my getting up again would be a long, long way from elegant.
    I really like the last shots which look like light on water, with reflections from highrises...

  4. I would love watching the show too. Hope it is still on.

  5. Some school use big ball instead of chair and desk. I understand it keeps them more force. Mostly kids with Attention Deficit issues.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  6. Mr Baird should be sainted. He has saved thousands their sanity.
    The light show looks pretty amazing. As long as you weren't sharing any deep dark family secrets you will be brushed off as another ageing weirdo. Join the club. It happens to me all the time.

  7. Amazing light show. And those wee ones are so well behaved!

  8. These light shows are getting very popular. Yep getting up from cushion is not easy and oh how embarrassing talking to the wrong woman. Hee Hee

  9. So what did the woman you didn't know say back?

  10. The light show looks pretty good. We have Illuminate happening in Adelaide right now, but I'm not going out alone after dark and coming home alone even later. Nice to know the twins clean up after themselves sometimes.

  11. The show of lights looks amazing. How good are the twins, wonder are they that tidy at their own home Andrew!

  12. How fortunate to have thoughtful young guests. It looks a fabulous light show.

  13. The Stalker
    Back from hols . Hope you are well Andrew and your Mr R as well.Such well behaved kid relies you have
    We have Illuminate in Adelaide at the moment ..there are even a few activities for the young ones in VIC Square….good for kids and parents during school hols. Did your light show make you feel giddy?

    We are going to see Oppenheimer later this week…are you going to see it…3 hours long!

  14. I have this vision of you trying to stand up quickly from nearly on the floor.

  15. Ha! Well, I hope whoever you were talking to appreciated your conversation. :)

  16. The woman probably thought that you were a friendly chap. I hope you gave her a big smile.



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