Sunday, April 2, 2023

Strath 4 Finis

We had two options to travel back to Melbourne on the Friday, one being to be up early and get along early and arriving home before the Friday evening peak traffic. The other was my suggestion made the day before, why not check out at the usual check time of 10am and then set off, arriving home after the evening peak traffic. We won't have to be up so early, rush at all, and begin the drive quite relaxed. Apparently I was a very clever possum, so that's what we did. 

We stopped for brunch in Tailem Bend. Back in 1983 I took a couple of photographs of I assume the same train.

We again stopped in Coonalpyn where the silo art was when we travelled to Strath. This is kind of shop or a museum. Who knows. I note I was noted taking the photo.

Yes, toilet stop. We went this way.

But not this way. I really like this work of a well nourished and nicely turned out woman. 

For a late lunch we stopped in Kaniva. What a delightful place for a driving break. We immediately found a nice cafe with a nice sitting out area. 

I could hear an erratic sound of water falling into a pond. Little fishies warming themselves in the shallow part of the pond.

Water was coming out of this spout, erratically.


Which is because the wind was variable and at times the windmill stopped pumping water. 

Many of these small sculptures can be seen in Kaniva. 

Good toilet facilities.

I wonder if this Chevvy Ford 100 has been to the levee. That didn't work well, hey. 

No one would call these great murals, but they did amuse me.

Yeah, well, stop in Kaniva if you are on your way past. It's a good place.

The traffic as we hit Melbourne at 6.30pm was a little slow, but no real delay. What a grand short time away we had.


  1. The toilet murals are excellent. You were indeed a very clever possum. A pleasant and leisurely trip home is not to be sneezed at.

    1. It was a good idea EC. R gets panicky about things at times and I have to do the de-panicking.

  2. Toilet murals are well painted. Windmill looks kind of special which is quite large size in my view. Great trip away from Melbourne. I never allow myself to drive on the whole Friday at all for that sticky congested road traffic

    1. Roentare, it appeared to be a full sized water mill as seen on farms. It is a pity the breeze was so mild. Happy to back in Melbourne and hopping on and off trams.

  3. Replies
    1. It was really lovely Debby. I am sure you have many small towns as nice.

  4. I know I am a terrible traveller, but if "good toilet facilities" were more common it would go a long way to changing that 😄

    1. Jenny, I know. I am becoming to understand the saying for old people, 'never pass by a toilet without using it'. The standard of public toilets here has improved immensely over the past couple of decades.

  5. I like the street art.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  6. I love the artworks, I really should make an effort to get around more, although with you doing so and taking photos I really don't need to.

    1. River, there you go. You just sit in your armchair while I do the hard yakka.

  7. On long drives, I much prefer the time in the lunch eateries than the time in the car. And Kaniva looks like a perfect place for a driving break - outdoor tables, umbrellas, water falling into a pond and trees.

    1. It was just lovely Hels, a perfect place for a break and with welcoming rainbow stickers at the bakery. I think the owners may have 'thespians'.

  8. Bit different to the motorway service stations I frequent on my long journeys to and from the north.

    1. Marie, your motorway service stations are not to be underrated. They offer everything you need when travelling, even if it a bit depersonalised and a sameness. One we stopped at, I forget where, had a bit of an open range zoo behind it.

  9. No mistaking where to 'go' with those lovely paintings. A leisurely journey home is always to be welcomed - it makes the holiday last.

    1. Quite so Jabblog, unlike some places where the male/female distinction is not always clear.

  10. Those sheep paintings are disturbing! LOL

    That guy in Coonalpyn couldn't possibly fault you for taking a photo of such a brightly and expertly painted building.

    1. Steve, the sheep shaving did amuse me. As far as I saw through my eyes, the guy did not see me taking photos, but clearly he did.

  11. Chevy to the levee, doesn't work that well if a Ford. I like animal statues and art. I wonder if I'd be hauled away if a sat beside the dog, say, and began a conversation. Nice you timed your return to miss the evening rush. I began doing that with trips to the coast, to avoid the Portland madness hours of congestion. Whats the point of sitting in bumper to bumper two hours.

    1. Strayer, not hauled away at all. What could be more normal? Yes, avoiding peak traffic is the way to go.


Friday, kind of Funnies

What can I find on information super highway to amuse you. Sorry about the brief watermarks. I need to find a better downloader. I was looki...