Saturday, April 8, 2023

Saturd'y nonsense

R is in a grump as always happens after we see Mother. When R gets in a grump, I don't function so well. I become unfocused and make mistakes. Really for Mother visits, I should now just tell him to stay home and relax. But he and Mother have forty years plus of history and he remembers her when she was younger and accepted him into our family. No matter. All will be ok in the morning. We need to buy birthday cards for soon to be six great nieces' party next weekend. 

This is one of the coldest Easter Melbourne has ever experienced, but we don't have the heating on, yet. The thermal mass of the building hasn't cooled. It is just over two weeks until we will be in England, enjoying the late spring warmth and sunshine. Thankfully in late spring, we should not experience extreme English heat as we did four years ago, just delightful warm sunny days. 


  1. I too shall be over in England in two weeks visiting my sister and her family. Haven't seen them for almost 5 years. P will be staying here as he gets very grumpy around my family.

    1. JayCee, you are not that far away from family but you haven't seen them for five years! Yes, it is better to go on your own. Your family, you put up with them and like them.

    2. I was due to see them in early 2020 but then ... hey, ho...

  2. The ideal compromise is to live in Melbourne for 9 months of the year (Sept-May) and on the South Coast of the UK for 3 months of the year (June-August). That maximises the pleasure and minimises the pain weather-wise all year.

    1. Not bad thinking Hels, or maybe June to August on the Gold Coast. We loved our couple of midwinter weeks there last year.

  3. Ha ha, don't hold your breath. Bring a warm jacket and jersey. April/May can be notoriously cold in England. The long range forecast is only in the mid to high teens Centigrade which is mid 50s Fahrenheit. I jest not.

    1. Rachel, mid to high teens sounds good to me. I have forgotten Fahrenheit now, aside from 32 being freezing and 100 being too bloody hot.

  4. It's a beautiful day in England today, but who knows what it will be like in two weeks' time! Fingers crossed and pack some thermals.

    1. Well Jabblog, I will get to experience domestic central heating from radiators for the first time.

  5. Family dynamics are often hard to navigate. I've got a family wedding in the fall that I am dreading, but wouldn't miss for the world.

    1. Debby, don't you find as you get older, there are more things in life you might dread but end up enjoying.

  6. Mothers and mother's in law can have that effect, but usually a couple of days and it is forgotten. Rest and it will be better in the morning. And you have a grand adventure to look forward to.

    1. All good this following morning TP. Thanks.

  7. "April brings the sweet Spring showers
    On and on for hours and hours
    Farmers fear unkindly May
    Frost by night and hail by day"

    [etc: ]
    (Was at a party on Good Friday where the hostess put this song on, possibly for the benefit of another guest about to travel to England for a wedding.)

    1. MC, I hope that is an exaggeration about May weather. I'll watch the clip later.

    2. To continue:

      June just rains and never stops.
      Thirty days and spoils the crops.
      In July the sun is hot.
      Is it shining? No it's not.

  8. The weather here is starting to hit its springtime stride, so you have good timing!

    1. Steve, it could by anything really but the odds in May are better.

  9. I have heard, Melbourne can get really cold.

    1. Pradeep, it is rare for the daytime temperature to not rise to double digits, but mid winter there will be many days in the low to mid teens.

  10. We have had a chilly few days here too. Sadly while my mother was alive it was me that was grumpy after our visits to her. So grumpy that I often snarled at himself (at least in part because as far as mother was concerned he was Saint G of the pongless poo).
    Have a wonderful time in the UK. Both of you.

    1. EC, Mother's children seem to have developed some kind of armour to our mother. R has not. Of course she thinks R is wonderful, so much more caring than her own children. You take care of yourself.

  11. We are warmer than you here in SA, but I've had the heating on three times this week. not all day of course, but about an hour after the sun goes down, I turn on the heater (not the aircon) to warm the air enough to change into pyjamas. It heats a room far faster than the aircon does.
    I would love to visit England (may the lotto gods be kind) but it would have to be in their summer.

    1. River, today was nearly the first day we had heating on all day. We turned it off for a few hours when we were out. I've been using my bathroom heat lamps as I dry myself.

  12. I'm excited for your trip to England and the photos and stories it will generate. I wonder how many lives your mother has ruined. Or people's days. Probably notched quite a few from the sounds of it.

    1. Strayer, clearly I overstate Mother. She has never ruined anyone's life. She is friendly, outgoing and well liked and respected by family, but she can be a pain at times especially with her obsessive focus on her health. Yes, there will be lots of photos.

    2. This exchange made me grin. My mother was greatly loved but there were not-so-sweet times in the household. lol

    3. Darla, it can be complicated.


Sunday Selections

Along with River and others, my usual random Sunday Selections. Brother 1 has grown fine crops of tomatoes and has given away many many, ju...