Friday, March 31, 2023

Vale Lily

67 is a young age to suddenly die at home, but Paul O'Grady did and what a loss. Paul O'Grady was a high achiever if you read his Wiki entry,

Many of you won't know him by name but you may know his alter ego, Lily Savage. I had no intention of watching five minutes of Lily Savage, but I did, entranced by Paul's skills. I would have heard soon enough, but I first heard of Paul's death from John Gray of Wales

It seems Lily did visit Australia but I can't remember if we saw her live on stage. I think we did, but I am not really sure.

I am using the same video as John, as it is just unbeatable. I struggled at times with her accent and rapid fire delivery, but she was just brilliant.


  1. Vale Lily indeed. Those laughter wrinkles around the eyes say a lot...

  2. I watched him as himself on the dog rescue tv show he had. The man had so much tenderness with the dogs and people. I was shocked when I heard the news yesterday. And saddened.

    1. Pat, we didn't see the dog show here that I know of, so his other achievements beyond Lily came as a surprise to me.

  3. Quite a sad news for this wonderful person.

  4. He seemed like a very good soul.

  5. He has a good smile.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora, a good smile and he looks friendly and warm.

  6. Rest in peace, Paul. 67 is awfully young.

    1. Hels, he has entered the world of not getting old, and facing his slow decline.

  7. He's clever and she is funny, but I'd had enough after four minutes. 67 is too young to die.

    1. River, I understand. My attention span to such clips is usually less than four minutes.

  8. He did a superb radio show which he gave up last year and is where I knew him from. His family have a history of heart attacks and dying young. He was a heavy smoker for his entire adult life. Sad yes but no great surprise.

    1. Rachel, so it was a heart attack. We weren't actually told that here. He won't suffer the indignities of old age as some of us do, and that ain't gonna get any better.

  9. It was a shock to hear of his deatth this week as he was still appearing on stage a few days ago. Not as Lily Savage as she was wardrobed quite a long time ago and for a number of years now he has appeared on TV as himself as an actor and presenter. He was well loved in the UK especially after his dog rescue series of programmes.

    1. Maire, Lily was a shocker and deserved to be locked away. I wish I knew more about him when he was still alive. I wonder if any of Lily came across in Paul's presentations.

  10. He was an able ambassador for Battersea Dogs' and Cats' Home and a great animal lover.

    1. Jabblog, for those of us who love animals, he is automatically a good guy then.

  11. I did know he passed it was on Twitter, nice looking man.

    1. Margaret, I haven't searched but I expect when young he must have been very nice looking.

  12. He was held in great affection by ordinary people in Great Britain and had a sharp wit - like most Liverpudlians. We didn't get to know Paul O'Grady until years after we first met Lily Savage.

    1. YP, being a long way away, we knew Lily, but not Paul at all. It is our loss it seems.

  13. I am sorry we lost another kind soul. I'll have to check out the videos, so thank you for sharing this.


Friday, kind of Funnies

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