Thursday, March 9, 2023

Farmer Brown goes troppo

Sadly blogger Cro hates me now. After 19 years of blogging, I am used to being dropped. No matter. I still read his blog, something I don't normally do after being dumped. Cro led me to this entertaining story.

This is the story from ITV. The farmer was not convicted of a crime and nor should he have been. The 'victims' claims they had two flat tyres and that is why they parked across his driveway and refused to move their car.

The ITV story is here and there is also a longer and more entertaining clip on YouTube clip here.

I think this is the right clip.

I am reminded of a resident of The Highrise who threw a urine filled condom down towards skater boys who were noisily damaging private property with their skateboard jumping. I don't know if it hit them, and the resident wasn't game to look over to check, but there was sudden silence below and they have not returned.

When authorities don't care to enforce laws and rules, citizens may well take the law into into their own hands. 


  1. Now, that's just taking the p!ss

    1. Nice work JayCee. I hope the skaters took the piss.

  2. And the moral of this story is don't mess with Farmer Brown.
    I can't imagine anyone hating you, Andrew.

    1. Sandra, maybe it is my communist tendencies he dislikes.

  3. Some of our authorities don't care about forcing some rules here either.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora, although outside of large cities I think you road laws are quite heavily enforced? I don't really know.

  4. I know condoms are for receiving certain bodily fluids but I don't think you've quite got the hang of it, Andrew.

    1. The hang of it? 😀

    2. Caro, you are right about fluids and condoms, but I am not sure what I have to do with it.

    3. Hels, you are blub blub years old. Don't be so naughty.

  5. Replies
    1. Marie, such reactions are something I think about doing at times.

  6. At first, watching that clip, I thought perhaps the farmer could have just moved the car without flipping and dragging it, but then I read about the punching and the influx of youths causing mayhem.

    1. River, yes. I thought the same as you. He could have moved it without destroying it but there was a back story.

  7. I can't imagine Cro hating anybody. We have had our ups and downs but ultimately we remain friends. Sometimes we have a break from each other I suppose, unspoken. If farmers ran Britain it would be a better place, I have been saying it for years. This one could teach our police how to get rid of the Extinction Rebellion people when they block roads.

    1. Rachel, when my old blog was killed, I made comments on Cro's blog and he responded but did not visit my new blog. Isn't Extinction Rebellion about improving our environment? Our environment sorely needs some attention. So called keyboard warriors like me may make small changes, but to really change society, it seems most good change has come by people breaking things. We have weekly protests here on Saturdays that disrupt our tram system and ensure we will not go to town on Saturdays. We don't like it but the causes are usually valid protests.

  8. I first thought it was a video joke, and had to laugh ! I can't say anything to this, I think here the farmer would use his bull to turn the car over. Don't worry about long lasting bloggers who suddenly disappear from your blog but are still there. Happened to me too ! Oh well now there are so many bloggers that I regret the good old times when nobody (besides us) knew what a Blog was !

    1. Thanks Gattina. I have learnt to not stress about what happens in the world of blog. But still, at times you wonder.

  9. Watching the entire video, and hearing the reasoning, what he did made sense.

    1. TP, crudely I'll just say he gave some scum what they deserved.

  10. Just out of curiosity...have we ever met this person who dropped a urine filled condom off his balcony?

  11. I watched the video and read an article about the case in the Guardian:

    It sounds like the driver parked there with some car trouble and the farmer -- no doubt frustrated by other people parking in the area -- came out and made demands, and the whole thing just escalated. (Alcohol didn't help.)

    It's a shame the farmer didn't say, "Oh, gee, you've got a flat tire. Can I do anything to help? Can I call someone?" And a shame that the guys in the car got belligerent and started punching.

    In other words, the whole situation needed some kindness and some de-escalation. It sounds like everybody involved was being an asshole.

    1. Ultimately I agree with you Steve, but it did make good viewing. Two flat tyres I read somewhere. Strange.

  12. Well, the farmer and the flat tired car. All humans behaving badly over it. Instead of just taking a break all at once and maybe having a cold one before anybody did anything.

    1. Strayer, a cold shower or a cold beer. Either may have worked.

    2. I agree. Strayer always has the funniest comments. :D

    3. Darla, she does give good comment.



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