Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Controlling Nature

You won't believe me if I tell you I don't have a controlling nature. Maybe I do a bit. I can control nature, up to a point.

I did the same last year with a pot of petunias but I can't remember if it was successful.

The plant start to look 'leggy'. I can fix this. While I can't remember how successful it was I do remember new shoots appeared within a week and at two weeks it was beginning to fill out. Did it bloom well again and will it this time? We shall see and as I write this a week later, new shoots have appeared.

I tidied it up a bit more after its prune and soaked it the sink full of with a liquid fertiliser. I usually measure the amount of liquid fertiliser but over time I have learnt what size 'glug' is equivalent to 30 ml in my estimation of 10 litres of water.

When R noticed what I had done, he was as horrified as he was last year. "Trust me", I replied, with my fingers secretly crossed.


  1. Good luck on that. I'm terrible with plants, except, for some odd reason, catnip! It grows all over my yard now.

  2. You mean you have a nurturing nature.

  3. The Stalker
    Every year I have a hissy fit and get cross with the Makrut lime tree and it gets a full hair cut . Visitors are horrified, shocked frightened and think have gone mad again… many times can you go mad I ask!
    The tree then blooms a again and smells delicious and people want the leaves for their curry cooking
    Andrew, you definitely are The Controller of Petunias and should receive an honorary degree in Petunia Control just like I should get an award for Lime Leaf Provider to the relies

  4. I am always horrified when the Boss decimates our garden shrubs each year but mostly they survive... not always though.

  5. My last plant lasted seven years, which for me was amazing. I forgotten what kind of plant it was. Maybe petunias.

  6. Another "Noddy and Big Ears" tale from Enid Blyton - "Noddy and His Liquid Fertiliser".

  7. So did it work again with more flowers appearing? It should, petunias are pretty hardy. R will learn in time that you know what you are doing.

  8. I just ripped mine out. I am having a complete love hate relationship with my garden at the moment. Focus on the hate today.

  9. Often giving petunias a haircut when they get leggy and feeding them as you have they come back to bloom and give a beautiful show - you did well Andrew.

  10. Well done, i'm hopeless with pot plants.

  11. I wont tell you how many pot plants I have killed by cutting them back. I'm sure the petunias will spring back and look gorgeous. You must show us

  12. I have no problem with flowers and plants, they are all fake, and so beautiful that nobody realizes it !!

  13. I think I am banned from owning plants - something about cactus dying from neglect.

  14. Oh, I did something like that to a plant my daughter had which was "dripping" all over the kitchen counter. She was so mad! Now she says that it has little growth but no flowers. I tell her that at least she can see the counter now! And, have a spot to prepare some food!


Sunday Selections

I'm joining with River and others for Sunday Selections. I will guess this is the horse water trough near Lonsdale and Russel Street, s...