Saturday, December 24, 2022

Pleasing Photo

It doesn't happen too often but sometimes I am really pleased with a photo I have taken and this is one. The ravens are still flocking around, pausing on the cranes at 411 St Kilda Road, but thankfully not roosting too near us. Embiggen the photo to see it properly. 



  1. Must be nice perching there for them, a metal tree, a gift.

  2. I have lunch outside the local coffee shops each day. I always save some bread pieces to throw to the birds (not ravens) out on the nature strip, but some people prefer we _never_ feed them. This seems cruel to me.

  3. In the absence of trees, man-made objects of great height seem to suit birds just fine. Great picture.

  4. You get a very different perspective on life from those of us that live on the ground.


The Grammys

Oh yes. You heard right. I am nothing if not a diverse blogger. Actually, I have no interest in the Grammys. I don't know how to describ...