Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Year twelve exams

All these young people churned out by our secondary schools who are so illiterate and poorly educated. Dunno about any of this at all. I hated algebra, pure maths and trigonometry. Is that relevant or is this below about clear thinking?  They'd be a better man than me Gunga Din. I feel so old. 

As John Gray of Wales used to say, your answers on a post card. The print is a bit small, sorry. 


  1. I quite liked algebra but physics did my head in. Trigonometry too. Fortunately my family liked/loved physics and did my homework in it for me.
    I doubt that I use any of them now, and seem to survive.

  2. I used to be in Maths Olympiad. But it was so long ago. I cannot answer the question at all

  3. The Stalker…
    Too easy ….if you know how to do it ..

  4. Year 12 studying, exams, application for tertiary places and finally results always presented 12 months of horrible pressure. But now with years of Covid, floods, school closures etc, I feel so sorry for the students. My experiences seemed like a picnic, compared to #2 grandchild.

  5. My eyes glazed over and I felt sick to my stomach. Maths was NOT a favourite subject.

  6. What? What?? This is way above the level I stopped going to school at. Totally irrelevant to me. All I need to know is enough to keep me within my budget with a bit left over.

  7. And the answers are?? Come on Andrew - let us in on the secret….please😊

  8. Don't recall doing those at school, too old I think, and thank goodness for that!

  9. Sure that's not some kind of Mensa test?

  10. My answer, this is what we employ accountants and engineers for.

  11. Yikes, I don't remembe math. I took algebra, calculus and trig but that was so long long ago.

  12. I was thinking 'Yikes!' as well. In perhaps sixth grade (age eleven or so) I was in an advanced math class. After that it was all downhill.


    By the way, a click on each image makes them perfectly legible, so no worries on that count. Best wishes!

  13. There's no way I will even attempt to solve those problems. Just looking at them makes my brain hurt and reminds me of 700 horrible Maths "lessons" when I was an adolescent. So much wasted time.

  14. My sight is so bad I can't read it, sorry.

  15. I avoid math in any form. Bad on me.

  16. The Stalker (and retired teacher of English)
    Not all young people are illiterate or innumerate, most are wonderful students living in an era that is completely different to what we needed to participate in society and in the workforce.
    All parents should engage in their children’s education particularly with reading, listening and behaviour ….that should never change
    Good wishes…

  17. Hated math in school and went on to be a financial analyst, a whiz with spreadsheets and programming. Go figure.


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