Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Dog kicker fined

Little distresses me more than cruelty to animals. The dog kicker at an anti lock down protest, Stipo Cicak or Stephen Cicak kicked a dog for no apparent reason beyond because he was an angry man. He has gotten off lightly with a $2000 fine without a conviction. There should be a conviction recorded.

"Great Grand Pa, I saw on the internet that you once kicked a dog. Why would you do such a horrible thing?"

Cicak, is forever damned as a nasty dog kicker. 


  1. I'm not familiar with this case but I agree -- cruelty to animals is the lowest of the low.

  2. I might kick a nasty dog if it ran up to me barking and slavering. Would that make me a nasty dog kicker too?

  3. Brutes harm creatures that cannot defend themselves - they kick dogs, root little children and abuse women. But they never attack men who are bigger and stronger than them!

  4. Not heard of this case, but glad he was fined. Should have gone to jail too!

  5. Animal abusers are the worst. Along with child abusers, spouse abusers and elder abusers and scammers. They're all just gutter dwellers.

  6. Total agreement. And I do wonder what else he does when he is out of the public eye.

  7. Once again the law not delivering the proper punishment.

  8. I'm glad he got fined, but will it stop him?


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