Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The revolving door at Number 10

By the time you read this Rishi Sunak may well be Prime Minister of England. What baggage does he come with? He is very rich but I am not sure how he made his riches. 

Photo from the Daily Mail.

He married his wife Akshata Murty 
in England in 2005 but as I understand it India will not allow her to have dual citizenship so while she must have the status of being a resident of Britain, she is Indian not British. Murty is the daughter of one of India's richest men. Wouldn't you think that the wife of England's Prime Minister would want to be British, especially as she has lived there for so long? 

PM Sunak with a foreign citizen wife! 

However, do not feel sorry for her for not being English. By having non domicile status, she has not had to pay £20,000,000 plus in English taxes on overseas income. This non domicile status is a shocking and flabbergasting rort. Apparently the London suburb of Knightsbridge is chockers with non domiciled overseas born residents who do the same. Think Russian oligarchs among others.

One of the first actions of PM Sunak should be to kill the rort. While his wealth is reported to be £200 million, his wife's worth is around £500 million.

I know greed knows no bounds, but PM Sunak already being very rich may act to benefit everyone in England and not just rich mates? Oh, I just saw an air born pig.


  1. How I hope that the pig (and others from his herd) DO take to the air. In the UK and here. First Hindu PM of Britain. Which I cannot see happening here.

    1. EC, certainly Anglo Indians and subsequently Indians have been in Australia for a long time. It will only take the right person. It seems in England for the Tory Party at least, it is more about class status than ethnicity, and Sunak certainly meets that criteria.

  2. I guess the law is only meant for the lowly lives.

    1. Roentare, that is how our betters see it, I think.

  3. They really are entering unknown territory here. I will watch with interest. I didn't know his wife was not a UK citizen. I have a feeling quite a few British feathers could be ruffling right about now.

    1. Caro, while he is the son of a Southampton? doctor and had a good start in life, he has been a very high achiever. He speaks pretty proper.

  4. Tonight on Jeopardy, one of the questions was 'when was Queen Elizabeth last seen in public?' No one knew. (Even though I was calling out the answer!) The host gave them the answer: the installation of the new Prime Minster. He finished it off with 'Liz Truss is the prime minister of England.' I wondered how much previous the episode had been filmed.

    1. Haha Debby. Only out of whack by a few days.

  5. Non domicile status might help with taxes but she cannot vote and could be asked to leave the country in times of crisis. What is wrong with dual nationality?

    1. Hels, India does not allow dual nationality. It benefits her financially to remain an Indian citizen.

  6. He looks nice enough and young too, plenty of time for him to learn the right ways to do the right thing. It's a wait and see game now as to how things turn out. Hopefully better.

    1. River, I have positive thoughts about him. He doesn't come with a chip on his shoulder and is not particularly beholden to anyone. We shall see.

  7. Good grief that's not good about her not paying taxes etc. Not fair to the people of England - don't know what the world is coming to Andrew.

    1. Margaret, yet what she and so many others do is quite legal. The system is broken.

  8. I don't know much about the Hindi religion, but those 1960s hippie fantasies about it being anti-wealth appear not to be true. Of course, rich Christians stopped worrying about camels fitting through the eye of a needle a long time ago.

    1. Kirk, of course they were untrue. The rich can employ someone to stretch open the needle holes to enter heaven.

  9. ...or as Joe Biden called him - Rashy Sonic. I have just been watching Truss speaking outside Number 10 before heading to Buckingham Palace to formally resign. I wish I had been her speech writer. I would have included these lines... "I just want to say a huge sorry to everybody who has been adversely affected by my errors. Upon reflection, I now realise that I wasn't up to the job and I leave in shame with my head bowed. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry."

    1. Rashy Sonic...luv it. At least in our minds YP, that is what Truss is doing. I wonder how well she sleeps when she should be full of self recrimination.

  10. That's funny, Andrew, the pig flying joke. I didn't know the non domiciles can not only live there but avoid taxes on their foreign income. That's nuts. But it is really nuts when its the wife of the new PM. How the rich get richer and lord over the peons. Maybe they can both get even richer with their overrule roles.

    1. Strayer, I suppose it has always been the way of the world and perhaps always will be.

  11. Airborne pig indeed! Your scenario is not likely to happen. I think people who back the status quo argue that all those wealthy foreign nationals bring in money in other ways -- real estate purchases, products and services, etc. Of course it's crap compared to supporting public institutions through taxes but that would be their argument.

    1. Steve, real estate spending seems to be part of the problem with driving up prices. Yes, the trickle down had never been shown to work.

  12. Not quite correct Andrew. Although she doesn't have to pay English tax on money earned from her Indian assets as she pays Indian taxes she has elected to pay both. This was decided either last year or earlier this year whilst Bojo was the PM. Sunak's background was not as priveledged as hers but his parents found the money to send him to a public school (Winchester) where he did well and became a banker which is where his money comes from. Her father is a billionnaire. I wonder if that is a rupee billionnaire which doesn't sound quite as good! Nevertheless a very wealthy couple. Bit of a downer having to live at no 10 I imagine. Personally I don't care about their wealth or background as long as he can sort out this financial mess we are in maybe by asking father in law for a donation!

    1. Thanks Marie. Clearly what I read was out of date or gave the wrong impression. I know more about Sunak now. "Indian billionaire bails out British budget". I am amused.



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