Sunday, October 23, 2022

Spirit of Tasmania

Tasmania is an Australian island state to the south of the State of Victoria with Bass Strait in between. A ferry known as the Spirit of Tasmania transports people, cars and trucks in both directions in about eleven hours between Station Pier, Port Melbourne and the northern Tasmanian town Devonport. 

It is a sad day for many people as the last sailing from Station Pier happens at 7.30pm 22/10/22 and as I type it is 7.39 and I should be able to see it in the bay but of course it is late. It was late when we took our car on the ferry to Tasmanian in 2020. The ferry loading is chaotic in the very tight space, including car queueing on public streets and limited passenger handling space on the pier along with sharing the space with cruise ships. I understand the change to its Victorian port changing to Corio in Geelong, but that doesn't stop us being sad as we may never see the ferry again. 

It is nearly dark so I can't take photos and the ferry is late. Here are some photos I've taken over the years.

But wait, I did manage to catch her last voyage from Station Pier at about 7.50 and in spite of low light, the pic is not so bad. Bon voyage.


  1. Bon Voyage indeed. Blogger refuses to let me sign in this morning. This is EC commenting.

  2. Always sad to see a well-loved method of transport gone by the wayside. One of our ferries (we have loads of them too) was totally modernized and I have fond memories of backing down the ramp in my car as there was only one exit/entry.
    Good capture of the last voyage.

    1. It is sad M. Backing down a ramp? I think there would be a lot of drivers now who would lack such skills. A woman we met during out South African tour was in charge of all matters of passengers at one your ferry companies, the big one I think. Her stories were interesting.

  3. The Spirit of Tassie is a fun trip and having a car to drive off at the end of the trip is even better. But the Melbourne facilities have been inadequate for ages.

    Anyhow Geelong is a great city.

    1. Hels, certainly Station Pier was inadequate, especially when it had to handle ferry and cruise ship passengers simultaneously.

  4. I did not learn this fact until reading your blog. How sad that my memory goes with the departure of this ferry. Not sure why the depot has to go to Corio in Geelong though.

    1. Roentare, I run through my head where else the ferry's terminal could be but nowhere else comes to mind. I expect you have photographed the ferry.

  5. I know nothing about this, of course, but I imagine this is an inconvenience to a lot of people.

    1. Debby, yes, but maybe the extra travelling time will be cancelled by ease of boarding.

  6. I wonder if it will reduce the number of people using it? Unless more passengers come from that side of town. A bit like Avalon airport. Does anyone use it out of choice?
    I have to ask - what is the structure in front of your place with the green roof and the spire looking things?

    1. Caro, I am sure TT Line has studied that very carefully and it isn't a gamble. In the early 2000s we used Avalon a couple of times and it was so easy and relaxed and truly we preferred it to Melbourne Airport. The building with the green dome? It's Melbourne Synagogue. Twice during Open House we have toured the building and it's very nice inside with beautiful stained glass at the visible upper windows.

  7. Replies
    1. Strayer, I was just pleased it was half decent. I took it with my camera rather than my phone.

  8. Nice pics!, great for Geelong, will certainly be missed at Station Pier.

  9. 11 hours? That island must be way out in the water.

    1. About 450 km, 280 ml. The new port, is further still and added an hour. But the figures including mine are dodgy and there is much disagreement.

  10. She's a nice looking ferry and I can understand the need to move her to a place more easily accessed. I always forget just how far Tasmania is from the mainland. On a map it's just a running jump away.

    1. River, it is nearly an hour's flight. That is getting close to our distance from Sydney. There are two ferries and they will be replaced by new ferries in 2024.

  11. Lovely post Andrew - I'm sure many people will miss Melbourne, it served the Spirit well and the ferry ships before but has out grown the Melbourne port so I'm told. Lost count of the times we have been from Devonport to Melbourne on the ferry, probably about 18 times return..

    1. Thanks Margaret. Yes, you are veterans and you would have seen changes over the years. R's first trip was on the Abel Tasman. You should write a post about your ferry memories. Btw, every comment you make goes to the spam folder. There is nothing I can do about that except check often to tick not spam.

    2. I should do that Andrew in the very near future. Seems blogger isn't fond of me then :)

  12. Of all the places in the Australian sub-continent, the one I would most like to visit is Tasmania. However, I do not have enough pennies so I was wondering if you and "R" would donate a wad of cash to my travel fund? I would be most grateful.

    1. More than happy to YP, but the exchange rate is so bad for us at the moment, so I will wait until it is more favourable.

    2. I can probably chip in five cents.

    3. C'mon River. Give him a fiver.

  13. The end of an era! What a shame. I'm reading a book right now that takes place in Tasmania -- Jane Harper's "The Survivors." It makes me want to visit.

    1. I don't know the book Steve and it sounds up my street. Thanks.

  14. You have disappeared from my list of favourites! I wondered why you hadn't posted for a while. I have also become anonymous if I comment from my phone... Fun60. I will hopefully be able to put you back on the list once I get back on the computer.

  15. Much drama Marie, but there I am.

  16. So sad to see the end of an era. While growing up we had the Island Queen that took passengers from my hometown of Falmouth to Martha's Vineyards. SHe nearly went belly up, but a new company bought the company and brought in a new ship.

    1. Ah Maribeth, the infamous Martha's Vineyards. I quite like ferry rides for a few hours.


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