Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sunday Selections

Random photos, mostly from mid 2024 for Sunday Selections, joining in with River and others. 

Our, my dishwasher is not flash but it works well enough. But wtf is Vario Speed? Of course I could check the owner's manual, but I've survived this long without knowing about Vario Speed. I wonder if I should see if I am missing out on something. 

The old dominated by the new. What fun it would be to see smoke coming out of the chimneys. 

Little Bourke Street, our Chinatown. It can be manic. 

I remember seeing these signs, in the middle of nowhere. The date was 30/04/24, five days after Ray died. I guess I felt the need to get out and distract myself. 

One of the many fire sites I've seen over the years. The latest was a ripper full on black and dark grey smoke, a factory in Cheltenham, as I recall. I can't remember this one, but it wasn't far away.

Aww, poor Kombi.

What to call it? A plaza at the end of Acland Street in St Kilda. It is not really a wonderfully designed place, but many the times Ray and I sat here as we ate a take away brunch and sipped our coffee. I still visit there at times. 

A bank up of trams. There was clearly a problem with the 58 service in Toorak Road.

Which of the greats created this work? I don't know, but it is a fun bit of work.

Was this once the entrance to a gay sauna/bath house, later an English school.

A bar has opened where the furniture shop of the late Franco Cozzo operated. I hope the sign has protection, along with the mural. 

I've never been an office worker and I had no idea how to handle multiple documents from different parties as I tried to sort Ray's affairs. Sister's wife, Bone Doctor, helped me for half an hour and the docs were sorted into a logical pile which looked like a plus sign.

I did do a big sort out of the filing cabinet, shredding so much paperwork. There is a bit more to do. If I kept every one of letters from Mother, the stack would stand about 1 metre tall, say 3.5 feet. They were very frank, with writing about family and I shredded all the older ones, but I still have her last few letters. I will proof read them for anything too frank, shred the offending ones but keep some. Ray would ask, did you receive a manuscript from you mother? I think her record was 11 pages in one letter. 


  1. Vario speed...Maybe it changes speeds automatically?

  2. What does vario speed mean? ( with Google's help)
    If you opt for the vario Speed option, the dishwashing programme you select will be faster by up to 50%. * Even though this is quicker than the normal dishwashing experience, the result is as good as the standard full length process. For sparkling clean and dry dishes.

    1. Anon, I am suspicious. If it works that well, why doesn't it just use that cycle automatically?

    2. The catch, more power and water.

  3. Eleven page letters? My goodness. There must have been some tasty gossip in amongst that?

    1. JayCee, at least half of such a letter would be about her medical woes, but yes, plenty of gossip too.

  4. It is always a great experience identifying the locations familiar to me

    1. Yes it is, Roentare, and at times with yours too.

  5. Whose shelves are they? The objects are either full of memories , collectors items or both.
    Where does the 58 tram run to and from. Happy sunday

    1. They are my shelves, and yes, the unit does hold a lot of memories. I did later get rid of some things I didn't like. The 58 tram runs from Toorak, via the city and the zoo, to West Coburg.

  6. Ahh remember Franco Cozzo in his famous ads? Life must have been a struggle in a new country, but he always looked smart and sounded proud of his furniture.

    1. Yes Hels, he was quite an achiever and well respected.

  7. I immediately had to go look for a Franco Cozzo ad.

    1. He was one of a kind Debby. Thanks for the reminder.

  8. Nice lot of photos there Andrew with some memories.

  9. You will have to read that manual because now I want to know what Verio speed is. I'm glad you got some help with sorting those documents. My sister used to write very long letters and her pen was always racing to keep up with her thoughts, so much of it was illegible to anyone but me, but the writing worsened as she got older and now she doesn't write at all. We go and visit once a year instead.

    1. River, the question was helpfully answered in the second comment.
      It is interesting about the writing. Mother wrote in cursive script, without flourishes, and I thought her writing was quite good, in fact I know it was ok. But still, younger members of the family struggled to read her writing. Her writing did deteriorate after the age of 80 but I think she kept writing until she was about 87, but her eyes went so bad from then on and she stopped until she died at 89.

  10. You were lucky to have some help with the papers ! I had to do it alone, because Dario is an artist and not for paper work at all. I don't know how I did it, I have a huge black out after Rick's death. Now I realize that a lot of things are missing, maybe they are with Dario, maybe they are thrown away. I take it easy, gone is gone !

    1. Gattina, it was only fifteen minutes help with organising papers that were in a mess. The rest I did on my own.

  11. The VW is freshly painted and headed back to it's wheels, those are nice. My father wanted one, my mother was afraid of the lack of front end. It would have been handy with four kids.

    1. TP, I don't know if sitting at the very front of the vehicle is less safe, but I would certainly feel less safe.

  12. 11 pages!!!! One letter. My gawd!

    1. Strayer, long letters weren't unusual, and they were reasonably closely written.

  13. 11 page letter! Wow, that would have taken a while to write! Before emails were a thing my Mom would write us letter, but I think 3 or 4 pages would have been the maximum. Of course she would also write sideways on the edges of the pages if she thought of something else... which would annoy Jose, as he though she should just write on another page :) We had a fire about a 7 min drive from my house last week, I saw all the black smoke when leaving the house and was quite worried I would return to a burned house!

    1. Sami, treasure at least a few of the letters from your mother, including the quirks.
      Yes, I can imagine your thoughts about your home on fire. Did you turn everything off?

  14. It is so hard to get rid of things. I have things from my parents stuffed all over the place. This summer I am going to start going through them again. I did a huge purge but some things came back here for decisions to be made later.

    1. Pat, you just have to be ruthless, but what I have learnt that is if you make space, it will fill again.


A quickie

I took Kosov for a job interview today. After months of job hunting, this week he has been offered two jobs by a respectable food chain comp...