Saturday, February 22, 2025


I am tired of seeing Kevin McCloud documenting rich ***** ever so special home buildings.


When McCloud was in Australia, his management laid down the law to then Melbourne ABC morning broadcaster. Jon Faine was not a broadcaster who avoided asking hard questions, so when Faine asked McCloud about where he lived, McCloud was very pissed orf, and replied that it was not an appropriate question for interview.. McCloud could have joked the question away but chose to go hard back at Faine for asking the question. That was the beginning of my dislike of McCluod. Should describe him as a pompous git? I am not sure, but I am moving on.

Moving on to another wankery tv show about gorgeous Spanish gardens. Sorry Monty Don,  but you bore me and while the gardens are lovely, how many lovely gardens do you expect Boomers to admire.

How about a tv show about renovating a two up and two down? Maybe a show about greening England and some environmentalists?

I am in a foul mood after my procedure this morning, being up at 4am. I just need a good night's sleep. I am ignoring official advice to not write or sign anything for twenty four hours. 


  1. I hope your mood improves, and the procedure went well.
    McLeod is a bore but I think Monty is quite sweet.

  2. I can't bear that smirking Monty Don, or mountebank.

  3. I must say, you made me laugh. Best wishes on your mental and physical health, my dear.

  4. I hope all is well and you get some sleep tonight. I've heard of Monty Don, don't know the other one at all but I believe you.

  5. I normally would not pay too much attention to the presenter in the show. They are often lacking talents in anything.

  6. So often your keen observations of people make me smile - thanks for more of that today. I hope you get your sleep righted and your procedure went well. I hate losing sleep due to getting up early and also hate "procedures" of any kind. High anxiety!

  7. Oh dear, you do have your grumpy pants on. I hope the procedure was routine (did we miss something) and after a decent night's sleep your good humour has returned.

  8. I love watching the gardens that Monte covers on his travels, but I find him so pretentious

  9. You are indeed in a foul mood! Kevin and Monty are nice Englishmen - just like me and Ray. You are not allowed to knock us you young Aussie scallywag! What was the "procedure" anyway? Have you had a butt lift?

  10. Was it the procedure that has you in a foul mood or the being up at 4am?
    Did you have another little skin cancer removed?
    I remember watching Grand Designs for a while but got sick of it pretty quickly. I no longer watch gardening shows either, none are relevant to our hot dry hard-packed clay SA soil anyway.

  11. Sorry to read you are grumpy, you didn't bite anyone's heard off did you!
    Sick of the man, did watch his show for awhile but not anymore.

  12. Unfamiliar with them, but these don't sound like show I'd like.

  13. I hope you have already signed a cheque and put it in the post to me.



I am tired of seeing Kevin McCloud documenting rich ***** ever so special home buildings.   When McCloud was in Australia, his management la...