Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Unexpectedly good

I didn't know what to expect at this exhibition and it took a while for the theme to sink into my ageing brain. It was an exhibition by Reko Rennie, an artist I'd not heard of. Let the art tell the story and the longer I looked, the clearer the theme of Aboriginal rights, invasion of their lands and mistreatment became obvious.

I thought it was very well done and afterwards, HH, who volunteers at the Melbourne Visitor Information Centre, also saw it and thought it was very good, and  helpful to recommend to visitors.

I can't remember the connection between a Rolls Royce in camouflage and 'the cause'. 

Lots of neon was used.

Nice one.

Very clever.

I am heading east tomorrow in the motor car for a few days of a 'well earned break'. While there are Aboriginal inhabitants who I may come across, I am more afraid of the white people who I will meet there. I'll return soon.  


  1. I am glad that you went to this exhibition and shared it with us. And hope you enjoy your break - and don't run into any scary people. Of any colour.

  2. Sumptuous colours. Love it.
    I Googled that Rolls Royce exhibit ... interesting..

    Enjoy your break.

  3. Sorry I've been absent. Life, right? This looks like an amazing exhibit, though its subject matter is heartbreaking. Be well!

  4. It's a vibrant exhibition.Enjoy your time away.

  5. A unique way to get the point across, amazing. Enjoy your sojourn and be safe.

  6. It sad how lot of the original native people were treated.

  7. Love the bright colours even though it is remembering dark times.

  8. Congrats to Rekko on this exhibit.
    Safe journey. We'll leave the light on for you.

  9. That's an interesting art show, with a powerful message. With all the distasteful rhetoric here, I believe the most dangerous people in my country are young white men.

  10. It's very colourful, I like it, except for that one with the policemen holding someone down.

  11. Have a safe journey and a nice time, Andrew.
    The exhibition looks rather nice and it's different.

  12. have a safe journey..

    I'm an art person. but I prefer the mainstream level. I'm not into vibrant color combinations, they make me dizzy

  13. Bright colorful art - have a great few days away.

  14. Have a really good time away x
    Alison in Wales x

  15. An interesting way to modernize a long-running theme. It's kind of Warholian. Have fun on your break.

  16. Enjoy your break, Andrew.
    At first I was enjoying the images with no message in mind and then it hit me. A good show.

  17. I have been tied with work and a bit of work-related travel. Trying to catch up with posts that I have missed.
    This looks like an engaging exhibition. I am not so much of an art enthusiast. The collections looks interesting.
    Hope you have good break! Enjoy!

  18. "WE WERE ALWAYS HERE"...I like that but lots of white Australians never really noticed them. You could be a roving reporter for "From The High Rise", interviewing indigenous Australians with thoughtful questions and transcribing their responses in this blog. A tape recorder might help.



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