Tuesday, October 1, 2024

No post today

It was lovely to catch up with Hair Dresser Friend and Dyke Friend from Tasmania mid afternoon. Coffee, then dips with flat bread. Whoa, Dyke Friend remarked. We need wine with dips, so we bought a bottle of wine, cheap as it was happy hour. We ran out of bread for the dips, so more was ordered. It was still happy hour, so another bottle of wine was ordered. By then, two and half hours later, it was after 5pm. I made it home, as I instinctively know how trams operate in spite of me being somewhat disorderly. Having recently received some money from Ray, I told my friends that Ray was paying, and he did, via me. 

Hence, no post this morning.  

Well, I could just post this. Last night I told Phyllis I like the kitchen cleared of pots and pans and anything else. Surfaces sweetie, surfaces. Today he left a frypan on the stove hob. I wiped it down, still oiled and put it away.  I also mentioned to Phyllis that Bounty bars had disappeared from supermarket shelves. He found me one and brought it home tonight. It was the last one on the shelf in Upper Combuctor West, somewhere on the outskirts of Melbourne. He can be such a sweetie and it is hard to be cross with him. I can be mollified by a Bounty. 


  1. I am glad that you had such a lovely afternoon. And hooray for auto pilot.
    A Bounty Bar? I will remember that.

  2. I must remember that about Bounty bars. I wonder if it works for everyone?


No post today

It was lovely to catch up with Hair Dresser Friend and Dyke Friend from Tasmania mid afternoon. Coffee, then dips with flat bread. Whoa, Dyk...