Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ray's Memorial

The two hour plus gathering of around thirty people went well, the music the food, the venue. I am $1,000 poorer.  My voice quavered at times as I read the speech and afterwards, a good nose blow was needed. Tradie Brother spoke about the connection between Ray and Mother with tears running down his face. Ex Sis in Law read a poem, and she too became quite emotional. Ray's ex workmate spoke with cheerful memories of Ray and her connection...for rather a long time, but that was fine. She is lovely.

Children had created art work with their memories of (great) Uncle Ray. I may show them later. 

Tradie Brother presented every attendee with a china mug. I knew there was something special about the mugs, but I didn't know what it was. I saw a black mug and a white mug. I ended up with seven to bring home. Three will be sent to Ray's sisters. I heard something about needing to make your tea or coffee in the mug for all to be revealed. 

Once home, I checked the seven boxes and they were all black mugs, no white. Ah well, the others took the white mugs, and I am left over with just black mugs. 

I no longer drink coffee or tea at home, but what if I just boil the kettle and pretend I am partaking?

I did, and the photos tell the result. 

The mug changed from black to white.

And look what was revealed on the mug once it had boiling water poured into it. How cool is that. Not quite perfect as Ray looks like his arm is deformed but what a brilliant thing for my brother to do. Oldest Niece packed up a box for me with the mugs and the children's artworks remembering Uncle Ray. Tradie Brother asked me for a photo of Ray a couple of weeks ago. I sent him some and then this one where I cropped out the rubbish bin in this photo, taken in Singapore. Today, Monday as I write this, I found the receipt in the bottom of the box. Mug @ $10 x 30.


  1. It sounds like it went well and what a lovely thing for Tradie Brother to do. Is he your brother, or Rays?

  2. It sounds like a lovely memorial. I'm glad you got through it okay.

  3. I suspect my voice would have done more than quaver. Well done you - and what a lovely gesture from Tradie Bro.

  4. I am glad it all went well. It seems that your Ray was well loved by many people. Those mugs are a clever idea. I hadn't seen anything like that before.
    Hope all is well with you today?

  5. Great that you were not alone in remembering the life of your favourite pom. Sounds like Ray was very much embraced by your family and fondly remembered by others. The chameleon mugs provided a special touch.

  6. It seems a beautiful day to remember Ray. The mug is a good idea for remembering him. You won't forget him but it will get easier.

  7. It sounds like a lovely memorial, and those mugs are a sweet gift.

  8. I'm getting misty eyed just reading this. What lovely mugs. Hugs, my dear.

  9. That mug is amazing! I wonder what the technology is behind it. Anyway, great gift from your brother. Sounds like your family really liked Ray.

  10. Different and maybe a little confronting the first time it happens but I’m sure there’ll be many a cup of coffee made in some homes just to say hello to Ray
    Will you let his family in on the surprise?
    Snuggle down and keep warm this week - it’s only money and think of the joy that came from remembering ‘your man’ xx

  11. It sounds like a very intimate event and Ray was well honoured. Perfect!
    I like the mugs, that was very unique

  12. What a marvellous thing to do Andrew, I would have been a basket case. I am so glad it went well and the tributes were like big hugs. My thoughts are with you. You did him proud.

  13. It is so difficult to express your love and memories without your sense of loss being deepened. So having other people speak as well was an excellent idea.

  14. Those mugs are so wonderful! It sounds like his memorial was beautifully done. Hugs to you.

  15. What a lovely remembrance for Ray. He was very handsome. You often mention. how much you are having to pay out but it must have been comforting for this celebration to occur

  16. And now I am crying again! What a beautiful thing to do! I recommend a cup of tea for you every night.

  17. Ha Ha, just had a thought, Ray's mug(shot) on a mug.

  18. My first comment has vanished....

  19. What a thoughtful thing for Tradie Brother to do. And a bit different.
    Another step you have made on this awful road you are forced to travel but you are still putting one foot in front of the other.
    You are often in my thoughts and I am sure those of all your blogging mates.

  20. It sounds like the perfect send-off. Everyone put a lot of thought into it. The mugs are quite amazing - I've never seen anything like them.

  21. That was a sweet getting together for a sad moment in time. I wonder if the photo on the mug fades with time, a clever use of technology and a good gesture on the part of your brother.

  22. A clever, thoughtful and generous present from Tradie brother. Sounds a wonderful memorial to a truly lovely man.

  23. That must have been a wonderful memorial, and these mugs ! what a loving attention !! It seems that your Ray was a very nice person, that's why he got so much love in return now on his last trip !

  24. Sound like a beautiful memorial for and to Ray. It's a hard day to get through Andrew.
    Love the mug and what a wonderful idea.

  25. Remembering our loved ones in this way feels important and I'm so glad Ray's Memorial went well . I always cry a lot on these occasions but it is part of the healing isn't it? x
    Alison in Wales x

  26. Sounds like a meaningful gathering and I'm glad it went well. I love the mugs! What a nice remembrance.

  27. I am glad that it all went off well. The mug idea is a good one. Nice tribute.

  28. What a lovely memorial for Ray. And those mugs, oh my gosh, what a grand idea.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  29. It sounds like everything went well, Andrew. Those mugs are magic!

  30. One of the most unusual of memorials and a really cool idea.

  31. The mugs were a wonderful tribute and a great idea. I'm sure Ray was smiling from over the rainbow!

  32. OMG Andrew, I am so sorry I didn't know that Ray had died. Only blog now and then. The memorial sounded just perfect. The mugs are an amazing idea. Glad that you have a supportive family. Sending best wishes and hugs to get through this difficult time.

    1. https://fromthehighrise.blogspot.com/2024/04/anzac-night-life-changing.html


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