Sunday, February 18, 2024

Sunday Selections

I'm joining with River and others for Sunday Selections. These have sat in a folder for quite some time. 

This bent post with wires inside has sat like this for a couple of years. I have contacted the the telephone company I believe is responsible for the post to no avail. I must try harder. It's a disgrace that it is left like this. 

There was a person sitting on this vehicle but I think everything it did was pre programmed 

Late at night it moved around, like it was measuring distances, left, right, back and forth, turn around. Then suddenly it would lay down a painted line or a chevron.

It somewhat reminded me of a Robovac but it was much more precise. 

It was mesmerising to watch. 

We don't have the energy to venture far to see NYE fireworks, but our friend from Japan was staying the night, so we trooped down to the tram stop below to see the 9.30 fireworks. I am so ho-hum about fireworks, having seen so many since we moved here some 20 plus years ago, but it was a bit of fun. 

Back home we tuned into ABC's NYE coverage from Sydney. It was terrific. I don't think I saw midnight, having peaked too early. 

A stir fry was prepared for dinner. 

There is chicken, an egg, fresh spring onions, red capsicum, more spring onions for decoration, broccoli, carrots, celery and cocktail tomatoes. There is also a frozen vegetable mix. 

It would be a healthy meal but a boring meal as it is. What brings it all together is soy sauce, green curry paste, coconut cream and dried chilli flakes. All goes into the very hot wok with peanut oil, served with rice and Bob's your mother's brother.  


  1. What a very tidy food preparation area! I am so impressed.
    The line/chevron painting machine is magical - almost.

    1. JB, we are both very tidy cooks, not that I cook very often. I would get stressed if I wasn't fully prepared before I began cooking. You've just reminded me of my grandmother when she cooked scones. There'd be flour from one end of the kitchen to the other, and if there was a liquid involved, it would be dripping off cupboard doors.

  2. I am just trying to get my head around watching NYE fireworks wearing shorts and a T- shirt 😯

    1. JayCee, I guess NYE fireworks are not such a big thing for you, with weather getting close to its worst.

  3. That is a disgraceful sight on a city street. Maybe you should share the responsible party's contact information on your blog. ~evil grin~ I bet a barrage from around the world would get them on it.

    The machine mapping your streets would mesmerize me, too, way more than fireworks. ~nods~ I wish you'd taken video. lol

    I like your additions to the stir fry, which are basically what I added to my curried chicken. :D I just finished off the leftovers. Yum.

    Be well!

    1. If you remember Darla me mentioning the Snap, Send, Solve app, I used that. Now I will make a more personal approach. Left overs from such a meal are always better, with a little time to mature.

  4. Ther roads in Melbourne are in a mess lately. So many constructions going on without actual work being done. I help mum do stir-fry all the time. The preparations take the most amount of the time.

    1. Roentare, don't you start too. R never stops banging on about road and public works. Mind we have suffered here for over two years with works and road disruptions for the Metro Tunnel construction and then new drainage installation and now near the end, resurfacing and installation of bike lanes. Your surgical skills must be useful when cutting up vegetables for stirfrys.

  5. Do you remember Guy Fawkes Night celebrations? I loved the fireworks every single year, until they were banned on safety grounds.

    1. Hels, we called it that, along with Bonfire Night. It was only as adult that I realised how awful it was for animals and how many people were injured each year.

  6. The food sounds delish - too bad you are so far away. ;-)

    1. What makes you think you would be invited Pat? :-P OK, yes, just out of curiosity.

  7. You sound as if you created that meal. Are you stealing R's thunder or do you occasionally turn your hand to the culinary arts?

    1. It was R's effort, Merlot. I do cooked extra special fried rice about once a month. It is the pinch of love I add that makes it extra special. R likes it when I cook. One, he doesn't have to. Two, the knives get sharpened.

  8. The stirfry looks yummy, I haven't made one in years.
    The only NYE fireworks I saw were on the news the next day.

    1. River, we would have one stirfry a week and probably one curry a week. I enjoy them but the don't excite me like the thought of a roast, or a steak with a Greek salad.

  9. If you lived here, things would get done around town. Pleave move here soon. I liked your line "peaked too early". I think that is a very quotable line, one to remember and use.

    1. Strayer, maybe I've oversold my effectiveness, but really, if you don't complain, things won't change.

  10. Using phone to comment, the browers on laptop won't permit me to! Nice selection of photos.
    Machinery doing its thing is amazing.
    Fireworks are usually all the same unless they make something.

    1. Margaret, damn, I tried to block your comments but I didn't think of your phone. You win.
      The time has arrived for laser and drone lights I think. Blowing up coloured gunpowder seems a little old fashioned.

    2. Yes gunpowder is old fashioned Andrew.
      lol - there are only a few blogs I can comment on with my laptop or tower computer, but the phone works to comment.

  11. I have so disliked fireworks since they absolutely terrorized my dogs. I often think of the more hidden wildlife equally afraid. And birds. Your cooking area is beautiful and the recipe magnificent. I take everything out too as I am totally visual and I will forget if I don't.

    1. WWW, I find taking everything out the best way to cook. My mind gets distracted by other thoughts. I fully focus for the few minutes it takes to get everything together.

  12. I like fireworks but in my experience they rarely photograph well. (Not that I'm commenting on the quality of your photos! LOL)

    1. Steve, I've taken some quite good fireworks photos over the years, helped by one camera that had a fireworks setting.


Listen to the Stentophone

Stentophone is a new word to me, and apparently a new word to spellchecker.  How about you? I found this a great read, https://www.ianvisits...