Saturday, January 6, 2024

The Queen still travels

The Queen Elizabeth was in port, Station Pier Outer West, a couple of weeks ago. She is a big ship but I think there are larger.

The was also a boutique ship, Regatta at the outer west mooring, which carries less than 700 passengers. Posh I suppose, and no children allowed.

This old fixed crane has been preserved.

The cruise ship season lasts from late October to early April.


  1. Replies
    1. Marie, our Mediterranean cruise was pretty good. Who would have thought Montenegro would be such a cool and interesting place. Our Danube River cruise was our best holiday almost ever.

  2. Those cruise ships are humungous and don't tempt me. At all.

    1. EC, I guess your Antarctic cruise ship wasn't very big.

    2. It was bigger than any ship I have ever been on (a Russian icebreaker) but dwarfed by some cruise ships we saw. And our icebreaker could go places the mammoth cruise ship could not.

  3. Not my thing either. I don't fancy being stuck on board with a thousand or more fellow passengers and not being able to get away from them.

    1. JayCee, maybe a few thousand people. As above, our Mediterranean cruise was pretty good. Our New Zealand cruise, not so much. I dislike days at sea and I miss decent internet, never mind them being petri dishes.

  4. It seems my comment about your great photos didn't stick. ~shrugs~ Anyway, I wanted to add that some friends almost convinced me to join them on a tropical cruise. But my husband said no because there had been a series of mishaps aboard ship around that time.

    1. Darla, I don't think you missed much. Your tropics would not be that interesting, unlike ancient Europe.

  5. The Queen Elizabeth was excellent.. great food, concerts, art gallery, hourly lectures and sports, especially designed to appeal to the 60+ generation. The tours of New Zealand cities were very pleasurable, but another day on land would have been better.

    1. Hels, onboard evening entertainment meant you had to be there an hour early to secure a seat. I loved what we saw in New Zealand but I really disliked the cruise.

  6. That ship looks impressive. A lot of steel there for sure. Not sure which country the red flag represents

    1. Roentare, I missed the flag. I think it may be the British Ensign, a naval flag.

  7. I have no desire at all to cruise but if I had to it would be in boat #2. Small and no children.

    1. Merlot, you have had enough of children over Christmas.

  8. I have the wildest desire to do a transatlantic cruise. Without icebergs.

    1. Debby, that might be quite good. I don't know of such cruises but I am sure they are available. Take a look. Good luck in convincing Tim.

    2. Oh, they are available. I just want the experience of being at sea for 3 days, of finally sighting land. If we fly to the UK, I know that I will hear Tim complain about the prospect of trip back the whole time we are there. We can cruise over and fly back.

  9. I like the look of the Queen Elizabeth, she isn't all blindingly white, so harsh on the eyes, she has a gentler look about her. I'm wary of cruise ship season now, all those tourists coming from who-knows-where carrying who-knows-what. The only thing to do is be as careful as I know how and mask up in crowded places. Or stay home.

    1. River, that's an interesting observation about the ship colour. Just for health reasons now, I would not cruise.

  10. Replies
    1. Dora, a blogmate took a New Orleans paddle steamer cruise a few years ago. That sounded good.

    2. Now THAT sounds like a fun cruise! I've been on one of the Murray River paddle steamers, but ages ago when I was 17.

  11. The Queen Elizabeth. Looks like a skyscraper turned sideways.

    1. Kirk, if you turned it on its side to make it look upright, all would be drowned.

  12. Looks good, kind of miss that pier.

    1. Chaotic as it was Margaret, when a cruise ship was there along with your ferry arriving.

  13. You know I enjoyed all the cruises we have taken. It’s a different way to travel and see the world. Waited on hand and foot with sea views😊

    I think those days are over now, Rona took away any desire I had to be onboard. Yes the risk is minimal (I could pick it up anywhere on land) but it’s still there and I’d rather be unwell at home than ‘who knows where’.
    Cunard is a very good line - so is Oceania who own Regatta. Pricy but then as with most things ‘you pay for what you get’

    1. Maybe it is that I have a low boredom threshold Cathy. Mediterranean Cruise was ok, Danube River cruise, fabulous, New Zealand cruise, boring aside from when on land. I know the fault lies with me.

      Yes, Rona. I hate the idea of buffets now but that is how it is on cruise ships. Interesting that you know about Oceania and Regatta.

  14. I didn't know there was a cruise season. Doesn't everyone go everywhere all the time now?

    1. JP, cruise ships ply the water of the northern hemisphere in your summer. At the change of seasons they may offer Asian cruises. Then in our summer, many are here.

  15. On my long term plan, is a repositioning cruise from the west coast of north America to Asia (Japan) maybe the fall of 2025. I like the idea of no children. My idea of hell is a Disney cruise, children and no cassino.

    1. TP, we've been on a cruise where there were children and we barely saw them. I don't think it is much of a problem. Most passengers would have grown up children.

  16. I've never done a cruise but the ads for those European river cruises always look interesting, Andrew.

    1. Ours was terrific Pat. Well worth the cost.



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