Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Retired swimmer champ

Australian Olympic swimmer Mack Horton is retiring. In my best imitation of Dame Maggie Smith at her most haughtiest in The Importance of Being Ernest, he leaves swimming to work at an ADVERTISING AGENCY. Ah well, each to their own.

What I do like about Mack Horton is that he refused to stand on a dais when a later proven Chinese drug cheat winner Sun Yang was on the dais. Mack made a significant change to the world beyond

Good onya laddie, for both your prowess and moral stand. 


  1. I like that he retired because the passion wasn't there too. Good luck to him in his future life - where ever it takes him.
    And definitely yay for refusing to share a podium with a cheat.

    1. EC, interesting that Mack knew before test results were revealed. Instinct I think.

  2. Mack Horton has got a very prominent chin. It's like Mount Kosciuszko.

    1. YP, maybe that means he is physically prominent in other areas. What could his shoe size be?

    2. Top swimmers don't have feet, they have flippers.

  3. Good luck to him. His moral compass is working well.

    1. JB, as so many prominent athletes get into bed with an Arab country with a terrible human rights record.

  4. Good on him for taking a stand by not taking the stand!

  5. I hope that moral compass continues in his new field.

  6. There's probably hot competition in the advertising field, like in Olympic Sports, and cheaters too.

  7. I wonder if his truth in sport will carry over into truth in advertising?


A holiday note

Five days of solitude and my own company. I should be relaxed. I am not. Feed cats morning and evening. Learn to lock them out of the kitche...