Sunday, October 8, 2023

Sunday Selections

I'm joining with Elephant's Child, River and others for Sunday Selections. 

The train is travelling at 60 km/h in one direction and the wind is blowing at 60 km/h in the other direction, which way is....forget it. 

It is a great photo. I love clean and green public transport. 

Remember my synagogue photo of the exterior lighting? I came across this photo of what it was like before. So ugly. 

Don't mix up the two.

A well worn beaten path in Kingsway at Sturt Street.

I heard a crunching of metal as a car drove over the island. While I am often unsympathetic to stupid drivers, if so many are damaging their cars by driving over this island, the road design is wrong. 

I can't remember what these birds were on our balcony. The white on the left of the less dominant bird makes me think they are Pied Currawongs. The photos are a bit creepy really.

I tried using my phone to listen to ABC Melbourne but it is not an instantly on thing like pressing the button on a radio. The volume down button on my old digital radio failed. I would battle it to raise the volume but it fought back well , taking the volume back down to zero. For some time I did win the battle but I didn't win the war and it eventually failed completely.  R severely lectured me, you are not poor. Just buy a new radio. Well it was well over ten years old, so I did for about $130. The radio has barely been changed apart from some cosmetics and instead of needing its own power plug, it can be now charged like a phone, except it is the old plug, not the latest. Its reception is no better, its operating system the same but its battery life is better. 

You can pick my wonky writing on our shopping list board. I wrote tissues and as soon as I stepped away from the shopping list board, I thought why did I wrongly spell cereal wrongly. I knew without checking I had spelt it wrongly. 

I'd been looking at becoming a more modern person with a rechargeable electric shaver rather than a plug in model. This was on sale at Aldi for $30 and on a whim I bought it. It came with a stand, which was hopeless. The blades don't spin fast enough and are inclined to pull the occasional hair rather than cut through it. It takes longer to shave and I have reverted to my old plug in shaver. However, it is not a total waste. I estimate its battery charge will last me two weeks at least and so it is great for short holidays, no need to take a the charger and it is also very light. 

I've seen this countdown clock before and I wondered what it was about. I discovered it was part of an art project that has ended but there was no reason to remove the active display. It is counting down days to 2030 where some important environmental target needs to be met. So important, I have forgotten what it was, and it won't be met anyway.

Hello cocky.

It is a bit chilly at the moment. Snuggle down and fluff up. 

Close to defining me but no guernsey. I don't like parties and I hate the waste of time caused by wafflers who go off on tangents during meetings. I don't wear pyjamas and remain dressed until I go to bed. I prefer small talk to deep discussions. 

We are away for a week or so. See y'all soon. 


This is my new jacket. With it being half French linen, it will never look perfectly pressed, and that is fine. It is for daily wear when I need a jacket and it not freezing cold. 

This is my older cashmere jacket that only comes out for weddings and funerals. I normally wear black but dark blue is ok. 

As you can see, there is little exciting about them. 


  1. I think your jackets both look sharp. :) Of course, my husband and I are fashion failures. lol Thank you for the great photos, especially the birds. That island in the road should be better marked. ~nods~ Those around here meant to direct traffic have much more visibility. Be well, fellow introvert!

  2. Both jackets are admirably stylish. Just the thing for a well dressed introvert.
    I do love almond biscotti with my coffee. I shall take note of your warning.
    Have a good trip.

    1. JayCee, a well dressed introvert, haha. Thank you.

  3. Have fun while away. I like both your jackets and you are obviously much smarter than himself or I can manage (not difficult).
    Mistaking the dog treats and the biscotti would only happen once - though as a child I apparently often gnawed on our dog's biscuits.
    Nice to see that someone else has scratchy handwriting.
    And yes, that definition of an introvert is close - but no cigar.

    1. EC, I am sure you are underrating yourself clothing wise.
      Bah, I am so old there weren't dog biscuits to eat, only tins of Tucker Box.
      Scratchy handwriting is an understatement. Why can't all medical facilities have keyboards to use to fill in forms, as the doctor's surgery in Perth had in 2016.

  4. That train emits the smoke in the direction it is travelling. So less resistance. The road hazard would have been taken to court by now looking like that in your photo. The cookie jars are set up for fail there. I have 8 jackets sitting in my cabinet.

    1. Roentare, I expect you may have driven past that intersection more than once. I agree. If it is hit so many times, something should be done. Rain jacket, cold weather jacket and smart casual jacket. Reduce your jacket stockpile to three.

  5. What the hell is the point of that raised chunk of pavement at the corner of Kingsway and Sturt Street? It is just a pointless hazard for pedestrians, cyclists and motor vehicle drivers. I hope you have a good time where ever you are going.

    1. YP, I thing it is to make a demarcation between pedestrians and cars. It is pointless and I am surprised it has addressed in one way or t'other.

  6. Your new jacket is very swish.
    Why does an introvert need to spend time in pyjamas? Whoever wrote that only thinks they know what introverts are like. Meetings and parties? shudder

    1. Sparkling, I agree. It seems like an educated guess about introverts.

  7. Good to read about your radio. At home, I have a couple of digital radios, but mostly I'm using Google home speakers. (I have them in the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and lounge room).The thing I like is that I've set up a morning "routine" where it tells me the weather, what's in my calendar for the day, and then goes between a few different stations at different points.

    1. Ah, you young'uns James with all your tech knowledge. Google speakers! I don't have a clue. I do have a device that can stick to my shower glass and play from my phone. I really hope you device does not tune into 2GB.

  8. Oh gawd, Andrew, that island picture threw me back to the ONLY time I ever had all four of my brothers in my car and you never heard the like of the back seat driving, it was appalling. And to teach them all a lesson I threw the car onto an island, they were thrown into shocked silence and I drove slowly off the island to the blissful peace that followed. I'm laughing so hard now remembering that.

    1. WWW, you were a bad arse sister but such fun. I wonder if they remember 'the sister driving incident'.

  9. And PS that introvert summary has me to an absolute T.

  10. An interesting collection of photos. I like the cashmere Jacket
    Great shot of the cockatoo. Have a fun week away.

    1. Thanks Diane. We will be in Sin City. I love the birds that land on our balcony, except for the the Indian Mynahs.

  11. Those fast-food restaurants in front of the synagogue, I wonder if they serve kosher.

    1. They don't Kirk. There are plenty of places that serve Kosher and Halal. I believe the HSP is delicious, Halal Snack Pack.

  12. The colour of the new jacket is very nice. I definitely express myself better in writing than in conversation.
    Good for R making you buy a new radio. my own small non-digital (Sony) radio/cassette player is about 31 years old and the cassette part still plays but not well, the tapes "slip", so I don't use it, but the radio part is still excellent. I have no need of a digital one. I had it on my worktable in the shoe factory for years.

    1. River, we take from modern technology what we will. What works for us is fine. That's a nice memory from you shoe factory.

  13. That was a nice post, full of bits and pieces and lots of conversation starters.
    I hope the weather and surroundings are kind to you on your holiday. Enjoy!

    1. JB, the weather is looking good for our break away. Just a bit too warm one day. Thank you.

  14. The jackets look very similar in the photos but no doubt completely different when you see them in real life. I don't think I would like a clock counting down to 2030. Anyway, as my 5 yr old grandson keeps telling me, 'You'll be dead by then!' Enjoy your forthcoming trip.

    1. 'But Grandma, you'll be dead by then'. From the mouths of babes. Thank you.

  15. The new jacket looks rather nice, colour is good nice to have a change. The cocky has made itself at home there..

    1. Margaret, yes the cocky looked very comfortable, until I got too close with my phone.

  16. I love both jackets - linen is such a fine, everlasting and always looking good, but not overdressed, fabric.

    1. Britta, I don't think linen ever looks smooth? Thank you.

  17. I find that writing on a white board or chalk board is so different to pen and paper that I'm susceptible to funny little mistakes like your cereal. I'm going to say it's because muscle memory is so important and a vertical writing surface is a big change.
    Enjoy your time away!

    1. You've got it in one Kylie. But I don't even do pen or paper either. All are a disaster for me writing. I just don't want to write by hand anymore. Thanks for your good wishes.

  18. That island seems oddly shaped and oddly placed.

    1. It is Bob. I think it probably had a keep left sign on it or near it. I can't translate keep left for you.

  19. Interesting information titbits. I'm not quite sure about the introvert definition. I'm a mix of both.

    1. Graham, switch between either as your mood takes you.

  20. The dogs will find the biscotti hard to chew.

    1. I've never had it TP, so I'll take your word for that.

  21. I got mixed up on dog biscuits once and thought they were give away human treats, and had a couple before the clerk cracked up laughing and pointed out they were dog treats, but I just thought them delicious and asked for another. I thought my car radio volume knob was hopelessly broken but youtube people told me to clean it, or just dislodge dirt by turning it back and forth a lot and now my volume knob works again! I hope your new radio works well.

    1. Strayer, did you immediately be able to speak dog? Ruff, ruff.
      Yes, that works with a dirty knob for a while. Sadly not for push buttons.

  22. That yellow island looks a bit weird on the road, hardly visible I would think. You get a lot of birds visiting you up there. I like the linen jacket, I have a few linen pieces, but they never look ironed, although they are cool for our hot summers. Enjoy your time away Andrew

    1. It's clearly a hazard Sami. Yes, I love the bird visitors, except for indian mynahs. Linen seems to never look pressed once off a hanger.

  23. Have a good time on your trip! That traffic island is very strange. As you said, bad design!

  24. I love that you have cockatiels on your balcony railing. Enjoy your week away.


Sunday Selections

Along with River and others, my usual random Sunday Selections. Brother 1 has grown fine crops of tomatoes and has given away many many, ju...