Sunday, October 1, 2023

A Saturday

It's a strange time to publish for me, I know. I blame the change to daylight saving time overnight.

I tuned in and out of Saturday's tv broadcast of the Aussie Rules football grand final match. It was quite exciting I suppose as the scores remained close to the end, with Collingwood triumphant over Brisbane Lions by a small margin. 

The pre match entertainment was the pop group Kiss, who performed very well but don't tell me they weren't lip syncing. Never mind. It was really good entertainment, enhanced by an army of prepubescent dancers. It was good to see real men performing on stage and not the heavily made up and styled nancy boys we see now. 

I noted during the performance that the lead singer shaves under his arms. Yes, I expect I am the only person in the world to notice such trivia. As long as not prickly cut, nicer to lick. 

I don't know anything about Kate Miller-Heidke but she is a well respected musician and singer, who sang our national anthem before the match began in the presence of both football teams. The camera panned along the line up of players as the anthem was sung with players looking solemn during the performance, except for one who chomped away on his chewing gum faster and with more vigour than a masticating cow. It was just so ugly and disrespectful. I won't name the boof head. 

Nor will I name the the bloke who may come out as the first gay AFL player. As soon as I saw him my gaydar dinged. The more I looked, the more I found to support my thought. We shall see.

In a shop on Thursday the checkout chap was chatty about the forthcoming grand final match. Like I care. R told him I was a Collingwood supporter. Did I hear that right? R, what did you say? I fervently denied being a Collingwood supporter. If I am asked, I say I support St Kilda but really I don't have much interest. I wonder why R said that.

"There you go again, correcting what I say in public", said R as we left the shop. No, it is a serious matter to accuse someone being a Collingwood supporter, when I thought you would know I am not. I don't qualify as a Collingwood supporter. I don't have missing front teeth. I am not a kiddie fiddler. I tend to pronounce the ing ending of words as such and not just in. My shirts always meet the waist band of my pants and don't expose my fat stomach. I don't walk around with a packet of Winfield smokes tucked in my tee shirt sleeve. I am not balding at the front and have long thin straggly home bleach dyed blond hair at the back. I don't have a baby to tell 'shut the fuck up' when they are crying. 

Mind, when I was younger I did tend to correct R on detail as he was speaking. I stopped doing that quite some years ago. He is chatty and gets things wrong, but mostly it doesn't matter. I only correct him now if it is important and being accused of being a Collingwood supporter was. 

A blogger or two have recently mentioned how their partners are not talkative when they themselves are. I am not the talkative one about important things, partly because the more I say, the more trouble I get into. I also like to think about things before responding. I would like to chat easily but I've learnt that it is unwise. 

We were sitting in Prahran Square this morning, enjoying the sharing of a roast pork sandwich with crackling and nice coffee with lovely warm weather. Toddlers were running through the fountain getting soaking wet.  I checked tram app to go home. 9 minutes, we still had a shop to visit, 21 minutes, perfect for us.

We finished shopping, tram in 1 minute. We could not make that. 10 minutes for the next one. I realised something was wrong as we walked to the tram stop. The tram was still 10 minutes away. It remained so. The app indicated there was a problem but no detail. I swapped between the app and Twitter to find out what was happening. There was a stationary tram in the opposite direction nearby. A tree had fallen over the tram overhead electric wires. No trams anytime soon. In fact the line is still closed at 9.00 pm. We caught a bus to the Alfred Hospital and walked to St Kilda Road and caught a tram from there. It was 27 degrees and R became quite distressed and vowed to never catch a a tram again. 


  1. My partner is definitely not talkative. I suspect he makes an exception while he is overseas. He is quite shy here (as I am I though I conceal it better).
    Football? Not for either of us.
    I wonder just how many AFL players have chosen to/had to conceal their sexuality over the years? A lot I strongly suspect. About time that changed.

    1. EC, we are at one. We conceal ourselves. We can perform in public, but it is not our nature.

  2. Original Kiss members Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons are now both in their 70s. Apparently, they're still in very good shape if they're wearing outfits that show off their armpits.

    1. Kirk, it was Paul Stanley who exposed his flesh a bit. He is one hairy dude though. Without makeup, Paul's face looks very tight with the give away surprised look.

  3. The day light saving ruined my biological clock too. Your description of Collingwood stereotype is funny. I offended a few colleagues in my career saying similar things too

    1. Roentare, we really should not make such fun of Collingwood supporters, but it is fun.

  4. First gay AFL player? Isn't there already one who has come out? Or more? I saw a bit of the KISS crowd on the news last night, all the little kiddies dressed up and the bigger people too, it was quite an enjoyable spectacle. I remember liking a couple of KISS songs, but not everything.
    I'm not happy with what you said about Collingwood supporters. I'm sure there are some like that, and other teams would have there share, but surely not all of supporters are like that.
    Perhaps I should start practising my speech before I go out in public and talk to people, I'm a lazy speaker, almost always leaving the 'g' off my somethings and making other "liddle" mistakes.

    1. No River, it is your local Adelaide soccer player Josh Cavello who came out. The ribbing of Collingwood supporters has been around for years. I am just perpetuating it.
      Never mind your speech, you write well. Writing is all what bloggers are about.

  5. You had me laughing regarding your description of Collingwood. I recall reading somewhere that that club was regarded as a Roman Catholic one because of the Irish Settlers way back but of course it would have changed these days.
    No openly gay male has come forward as yet in the AFL, I read that too..
    Just missed KISS, what a shame, no not really never a fan but I did enjoy Kate's rendition of our National Anthem, lovely voice, well in my book.
    Not a fan of football but did watch the final and enjoyed it.

    1. That is strange Margaret and I don't know about religious affiliations aside beyond Richmond being Catholic connected. I did actually sit down in a lounge chair and watched the last ten minutes.

  6. It's all rugby here. We have watched Australian Rules football on the odd occasion but I couldn't get over the officials with their very precise hand signals.

    1. That's an interesting observation about the hand signals JB. I think I know what you mean. Rugby Union here is dying. Rugby League goes on. Beyond that, I know nothing. I think yours must be Union Rugby.

  7. I have too many teeth to support Collingwood but was glad to see a Victorian win. I am also a by default St Kilda supporter but for the life of me I can't explain why unless it's because of where we lived when we first came here. (Beaumaris, closest to St Kilda)

  8. Kiss is still performing? I saw them in Jacksonville Florida in 1976. Our rail line has been single tracking since Friday morning, a train hit a brake disk on the tracks and detailed. The train that dropped the brake disk was taken out of service.

    1. Indeed they are TP. Single tracking is a very difficult thing to manage if you mean trains are running in both directions on one line. Your system has been a little problematic.

  9. Public transportation is wonderful except when it's not!

    I have no idea about Collingwood vs St Kilda but given your descriptions I'm guessing Collingwood there is like Millwall here. (Although Millwall is football.) I don't follow any team and don't give a fig about any of it.

    Kiss was HUGE when I was in middle school. The only song of theirs I could ever tolerate was "Beth."

    1. Oh, you're talking football too! For some reason I was thinking rugby.

    2. Steve and the same goes for driving really. It is great, until it isn't. Yes, Australian Rules football which is nothing like what you call football and we call soccer.

  10. You left me laughing through this entire post. Thank you for brightening an already lovely day.

  11. I'll leave the Collingwood bit alone, we have similar takes on Irish team supporters. Not that I condone. My mouth gets me in heaps of trouble as I can never play the game of polite conversation. I see momentary fear in the eyes of those who know me sometimes, as in WTF is on her mind now?

    1. Lol at your self description WWW. I am sure you aren't that fearsome...are you?

  12. I saw in ABC News about AFL. It's a sport, I am not quite familiar with.
    That incident with the tram was unfortunate. When we are late, something else happens to delay us further! :-)

    1. Pradeep, very few outside our country do know about our football and that's ok.



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